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Sales Customer Service

Bengaluru, KA, India
September 26, 2014

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Talented, versatile, well qualified professional with 11 years of experience majorly from Business/Management

Consulting - Analytics, Business Intelligence, Market Intelligence, Social Media, Strategic/Business Consulting,

P roject & Transition Management across domains. As a quick learner with excellent communication skills still

w illing to explore various domains to utilize my a nalytical and leadership qualities i n consulting, this would

expand my knowledge to limitless boundaries benefiting the organization alongside.

P rofessional Experience

B usiness Owner – Business/Strategic/Statistical/Analytics Consultant Ma rch 2013-

T ill Date

F reelancing t he below for a broad clients O NLY on E LANCE and oDesk (World’s largest online


F eedback ratings in E LANCE – 5/5 and oDesk – 5/5

Business Consulting

Strategic Consulting

Business Analytics

Marketing Strategies

Statistical Analysis

Research and Analytics

Social Media

Project Management

Business Plans

Financial Analysis and

Other Business Services – Design & Re-design Business Portfolios

Book Writing – Helped in writing a Financial book for a US client

Website Content and Blogging

Handle end-to-end projects with CEOs in international locations. Working on project basis to add value

w ith the expertise I have gained in various domains and also want to venture and gain new learning’s

a t the same t ime.

N ote: Cu r rently have US, UK, Singapore clients as customers and getting paid in US

dollars w ill move on to Australia and other M iddle East count ries as well.

W NS Global Services, Bangalore, India March 2011–

February 2013

Deputy Manager-Research and Analytics February 2012 –

February 2013

Assistant Manager – Research and Analytics M arch 2011 – February 2012

Travelled to UK and successfully transitioned the process.

Was in Partner level with the client and an operations manager making decisions ranging

f rom hi ring, client meeting interactions to financial profits decisions for the offshore

department handled from my end.

Managed a team f rom sr. analysts and analysts (experience ranging from 2-7yrs) who provided insights,

analysis combined with Business Intelligence on the business and financial information to the


Strong l eadership skills w hich include the ability to develop influence and motivate the team to

maximize results.

Excellent verbal and written communication skills . Able to document and present the results of

analysis clearly and concisely, using effective written reports and diagrams also translate client/business

requirements into business solutions and successfully position with clients.

Used P redictive Analytics to improve the business – Logistic Regression, Clustering models delivered to

t he client along with business intelligence decisions to be made. (3 predictive modeling completed

a nd want to venture to do more)

Have the ability to lead, collaborate and make decisions in a fast paced, changing and tough


Project governance, including day-to-day management and resolution of r isks, issues and


Self-starter, able to manage responsibilities and contribute successfully to team deliveries on complex

p rojects.

Created B usiness Proposals/Plans/agreement document w ith the end customers to maintain the

business delivers.

Ensured efficiency improvements, saving circa 380+ hours helping us attain additional work from

clients and accommodate time for adhoc requests, addressed circa 300+ adhocs.

Followed a new stride in the t ransition helping me and the team to attain the maximum knowledge and

expertise to attain additional work with very minimal help from the clients in a very short time.

Business Analytics and Intelligence (BAI) Course – I ndian I nstitute of Management, Bangalore, 2012 – A

G rade

Course contents (Business Statistics, Predictive Analytics – Regression, Optimization Analytics, Stochastic

Models, and Advanced Analytics)

Courses done on SAS, Advanced Analytics and German Language from Jun’10-Dec’10

Hewlett Packa rd e-Global Business, Bangalore, India June 2006 to

M arch 2010

Financial Analyst – Manager Level

( Individual Contributor) – Global Reporting Services April 2009 to

M arch 2010

I ndividually handled the end-to-end discussions and domain level meetings w ith specific

c lients/customers of HP assigned specifically for this role across the domains of analytics projects


Worked with the business and technical teams (need based) to define business needs and implement

i nnovative solutions that meet business objectives or create new business opportunities from a tactical

perspective. Design new work as per the requirements.

Partner with client on defining project requirements and business functionalities.

Tr anslate business requirements into technical requirements combined with Business Intelligence

used for driving technical improvements, enhancements, or creation of new applications. Worked on

Dashboards, Financial and business reports - A nalytical, Adhocs, M IS Reports using Business Object,

Work force Management, MS Excel, MS Access and PPT tools.

Tr ack business trends and keeps current with all available technical options, development procedures

and innovative solutions for key business initiatives.

Worked on Retail, Order Management– H P Products, F inancial process, H R, B usiness

I ntelligence, Sales & Marketing a nd Audit Compliance processes for U K and US internal

C ustomers of HP.

Process Lead – Learning and Development: H ewlett Packa rd J une 2006 to

M arch 2009

H andled 2 different domain expertise teams of processors (experiences ranging from 1-5years)

Responsible for managing training projects within required specified timelines and requirements.

P lanning, Organizing, Executing, Monitoring and Controlling . Certified PMP w ith reputed trainers to

enhance skills to manage the training programs.

Handled calls with portfolio delivery managers, Instructors regarding training requirements and

schedules for EMEA and AMS Regions.

Generated Region wise Reports (Excel, MS Access, and Power Point, Business Object) on regular

and weekly basis (Metrics and Sigma). Adhoc work were done based on clients or process requests.

Team Meetings, huddles, one-on-ones conducted on regular basis to discuss issues, process updates and


Strong leadership skills w hich include the ability to develop influence and motivate the team to maximize


Work allocation and Production Planning done on daily and weekly Basis to manage the staffing of

t he team and allocation of requests.

Worked on few internal projects.

Aegis BPO Services, Bangalore, India November 2005 to

J une 2006

Sr. Quality Auditor – Telecom Process

Verify sales and achieve weekly monitoring targets for EMEA Region. Team size 12-15 agents.

Feedbacks and updates given on regular basis.

Reports, Analysis, Presentation done on weekly basis to improve quality of the service provided.

Trained on basics of Six Sigma.

Formatted Quality Monitoring forms, Flowcharts (process map, call flow) for the specified process.

T ransworks - Aditya Birla G roup, Bangalore, India January 2003 to

April 2005

J r. Quality Executive (Banking) A pril 2004 to

A pril 2005

Associate (Banking) J anuary 2003 to

A pril 2004

Responsible for leading & motivating 2 teams (15-20 in each team) with accountability on all Service

Delivery parameters and Quality parameters.

Responsible to achieve the targets of the respective teams.

Identify, facilitate and implement process improvement ideas to improve efficiency.

Analyse training needs for the teams & provide support by training in those areas.

Call monitoring (Remote as well as Side-Side), Feedback Sections, client monitoring, briefings,

Calibrations, Reports, Presentation .

Conduct briefings and provide Quality feedback to maintain the standard of the campaign.

Floor walk to assist the agents with their concerns on calls and handle escalations.

Prepare presentations, reports and analysis on quality front.

P hoenix Global Solutions - J U NE 2002 - JAN 2003 - as Customer Service Representative


Business Analytics and Intelligence ( BAI) Course – I ndian Institute of Management, Bangalore,

2012 – A G rade

B.A. I ndustrial Relations-Industrial Relations, Economics and Sociology (IR.E.S), Bangalore University

– 70%

I I nd P.U.C Commerce–Statistics, Economics, Commerce and Accountancy (SECA), Bangalore University -



Project Management Professional (PMP) – T rained and Certified by SABCOM – From HP

Certified on PMP essentials by Project Management Research I nstitute – F rom HP

Certified I nternal ISO Auditor 9001:2008 –Trained and Certified by Bureau Veritas- From HP

Tr a ined and Certified on Base SAS by Analytics Training Institute, Bangalore

Tr a ined on German Language (A1, A2,B1) from Excel Academy, Bangalore, India

Tr a ined and Certified on Advanced Analytics by Analytics Training Institute, Bangalore, India

MS Office (Excel, PPT, Word, Access)

SPSS, SAS - SAS/Base, SAS/SQL, SAS Graphs, SQL, R, Business Object

Advanced Analytics ( Hypothesis Testing, Z-Test, T-Test, Chi-Square test, ANOVA, Parametric & Non-

Parametric tests, Correlation, L inear-Non L inear Regression, Cluster Analysis, Factor Analysis,

P robability, Data M ining Techniques for Marketing, Sales and Customer Relationship Management)

Domain E xperience – B usiness Consulting, Business I ntelligence, Strategic Consulting,

Descriptive and Predictive Analytics - Statistical Modeling, Data Mining, Data Analytics,

M arket Intelligence, Marketing Strategies, Management Consulting, Project Management,

Social Media, CRM, Sales & Marketing, Customer/Client Relationship Management, Team

M anagement, Retail, Order Management, I nsurance, Audit, Telecom, HR, Banking, Finance,

T ransition Management, Business Plans /Proposals, Quality, Writing.

Other Details:

Name: Keerthi E K

Cell No: +91-897*******

C urrent Location: B angalore

Passport No: H 1922553

E mail: *******@*****.***

Achievements Snapshot

I n WNS Global Service, I ndia

• Travelled to UK a nd t ransitioned circa 100+ reports a long with the business knowledge helping us

to a utomate and save circa 380+ hrs a nd a dvancing the business by getting 300+ adhoc request

f rom customers

• Kaizen/Process Improvements :

o KP I Packs Re-build saved 12 hrs per annum

o KP I Packs Re-build saved 120 hrs per annum

Note: K PI packs need to be changed every year due to re-structuring

o Agency mapping a dhoc request saved 10hrs

o Broker reports saving 60hrs per annum (removed redundant queries in Access for 10

b roker reports)

o IB Deal report a utomated saving 60hrs per annum (automation team helped in automating

Access running from 6hrs to 5 hrs)

o Aquarius Reports a utomated saving a 120hrs per annum ( 10 Access reports moved to SQL

server table avoiding the complete runtime of Access)

• Studied at I I MB on Business Analytics and I ntelligence course a nd handled 3 l ive Analytics

p rojects for my client using SPSS.

o L ogistic regression (Lapse Model) for former and current customers and

o Clustering model for brokers

• Created Business Plans /Proposals to set business target.

• Was highly appreciated for handling the whole process solely for UK and I ndia team d uring the

absence of my client for a month in March 2012. Was complete in control where I handled the clients

requirement including mine which was well recognized after my client after his returned from vacation

as he noticed an error free management and co-ordination

• Handled a h igh profiled team w hich worked on complex Business Intelligence reports i n (Access,

V BA, SQL, SAS, Excel, PPT, BO) that provide client performance and the areas to improve the business

• Set specific timelines for the 300+ adhocs received in a year as they have to be in alignment with the

regular deliverables sent to the customers - Created a SLA document to meet the customer requirements


• Gained knowledge on I nsurance and finance domain

I n Hewlett Packard, I ndia:

• Process Improvements:

o Automated an al ready automated Audit Compliance Organisation Dashboard saving

a dditional 13hrs (Monthly) apart from 160 hrs(Monthly) that was already saved in GRS

Team. Yearly saved 156hrs

o Automated a n AMS weekly report which was produced to the client saving circa 1day’s work

(9+hrs) every week. Yearly saved circa 108hrs. Nominated as best process improvement idea

for the department at the centre level

• Handled various types of Business intelligence reports relating to – HP Products (Sales), HR, Audit

Compliance (for an entire organization / department), Finance in GRS Team

• Played a dual role as SME lead for 2 teams and Reporting lead for entire AMS region

• Certified Internal ISO Auditor 9001:2008 – by Bureau Veritas

• Project Management Professional (PMP) – T rained & Certified by SABCOM

• Trained and Certified on PMP essentials by Project Management Research I nstitute

• Gained knowledge on H R, Retail, Order Management, Sales & Marketing, Quality and Finance


I n Aegis BPO Services, I ndia

• Handled a team of 50 people f rom the Quality front which was newly acquired by Aegis

• Trained Yellow belt

• Used P areto Analysis to deduct the common errors and provide weekly presentations to the team and

m anagement to improve on providing Quality service

• Gained knowledge on Telecom domain

I n T ransworks – Aditya Birla Group, I ndia

• Promoted to Quality in a span of 1+ year based on my qualitative yet quality performance

• Was the back up for the lead for the reports that needed to be generated for the team

• Always in the top performers for generating sales and achieving targets

• Gained Knowledge on B anking domain

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