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Java Engineer

70$ corp to corp
September 24, 2014

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Senior Java/J*EE Specialist

• Having around * plus years of IT experience in all phases of Software

Development Life Cycle (SDLC ) including Analysis, design, implementation,

i ntegration, testing and maintenance of applications using J ava/ J2EE technologies.

• Experience with Object Oriented Analysis, Design & Programming.

• Expertise in developing Multi-t ier enterprise level web applications using

various J ava 1.4/1.5, J 2EE t echnologies JSP, Servlets, JSF, J DBC, J ND I and X ML .

• Good knowledge and experience in implementing open source frameworks

H ibernate, Spring, Struts, and integrating among them.

• Good Knowledge of Web Services using SOAP, Restful.

• Expertise in web development using H T M L, D H T M L, X HT M L, CSS,

J avaScript,

J Query and AJAX Technologies.

• Strong experience in deployment and configuration of application servers I B M

Web sphere, B EA Web Logic, Apache Tomcat.

• Been working on diverse Database Servers like O racle 9i/8i, MS SQL Server

• Good experience in Apache A NT .

• Working on Eclipse IDE for JAVA/J2EE Application development.

• Strong hands-on experience on Application Servers viz., I B M WebSphere and

Weblogic i ncluding configuration, administration and documentation.

• Strong acquaintance with Web Servers like Apache T O MCAT .

• Experience with major databases such as O racle, D B2, M YSQL, M S Access

a nd MS SQL Server .

• Good Experience in developing test cases with J Unit and logging with L og4j .

• Experience in using Ant for build automation.

• Hands on experience in building projects using IDEs Eclipse, M y Eclipse,

R AD, NetBeans.

• Experienced in working with different operating systems W indows, UN IX &


• Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills with a strong technical


• Quick Learner, Self-motivator and ability to work in challenging & versatile

environments with an excellent writ ten/verbal communication.

• Good in client interaction and offshore co-ordination.

• Strong team player and display good people skill when interacting with

B usiness users, Functional and Technical team to meet the project deadlines.

• Good communication skills, leadership skills, interpersonal skills, self-

motivated, quick learner, team player, pro-active learner.

• Strong Logical and Analytical Reasoning Skills, Excellent Management skills,

E xcellent Communication with good Listening, Presentation Skills.

• Strong knowledge in US Insurance domain with LOMA 280,290,301,307 and



Bachelor in Engineering

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University

2002 to 2006


Technical Skills:

• Languages: JAVA1.4/1.5, Java/J2ee, HTM L, Java Script

• J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JSP, AJAX, JMS, JDBC, Web Services

• F rameworks: Struts1.x/2.0, Hibernate2.0/3.0, Spring 2.x, MVC, JSF

• J2EE Design Patterns

A pplication/Web Servers: BEA Web logic, IBM Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat Web

Server XML Technologies: XML, XSD, DTD, XSLT, XHTM L, SAX, DOM, SOAP,

WSDL Databases: MySQL, Oracle11g/10g/9i/8i, SQL Server 2008/2010

• IDEs: NetBeans, Eclipse3.6

• Tools: CVS, SVN, Apache Ant, SQL Developer, Find Bugs

• Operating Systems: WINDOWS 9x/NT/2000/XP/2003, UN IX, Linux


Onsite Technology Analyst – Java/J2EE

I nfosys - Lincoln - April 2014 to Present

Description : P MACS® (Producer Management and Compensation System)

The PMACS® application helps insurance companies manage the sales force

effectively and process commissions quickly. The system automates the following key

p rocesses:

P roducer Maintenance: The PMACS® application is designed to support all producer-

related activity with the f lexibility to match the business practices. The system can

support the real world case of multiple active relationships for an agent with separate

contracts, compensation structures and processing rules as needed. And, all

i nformation can be consolidated at the agent level to provide a more holistic view of a

p roducer across product lines or distr ibution channels, when appropriate.

L icensing: The PMACS® application supports insurance licensing, appointments,

renewals and securities registration.

Compensation: The PMACS® application offers f lexible compensation paying

capability and interfaces with Carr ier’s policy administration systems to automate

commissions resulting from sales. A scheduler is available to t r igger periodic or

i r regular commissions.

Reporting: Insurance Car rier can schedule reports or create ad-hoc reports by

ter r i tory, wholesaler, and dist ribution channel. The system generates producer

i nformation and places i t in a central repository, which is available to the Insurance


System Administration: Wizard methodology helps system users to easily add and

u pdate agents and other producers. Users can enter notes to clarify the reasons for

entering various types of information.

A thene int roduces new Annuity product into market every 3 to 4 months. Some of the

p roducts introduced include MaxBenifit, MYGA, SPIA, and Apple.


• Designed and developed various modules of the application with J2EE design

a rchitecture, frameworks Like Spring MVC architecture and Spring Bean Factory

using IOC concepts.

• Followed Agile software development with Scrum methodology.

• Implemented JAVA/J2EE design patterns such as Factory, DAO, Session

Façade, and Singleton.

• Used Hibernate in persistence layer and developed POJO's, Data Access

Object (DAO) to handle all database operations.

• Worked on SQL Server as the backend database.

• Implemented features like logging.

• Developed server-side services using Spring Web Services (SOAP, WSDL)

• Server side validations using Struts Validator and H ibernate Validator

f ramework.

• Wrote application front end with HTM L, JSP, Ajax/JQuery, Spring Web Flow,


• Wrote custom JSP tags for role-based sorting and fil tering.

• Used JQuery for U I centric Ajax behavior.

• Used Log4j to assign, t rack, report and audit the issues in the application.

• Worked on project build-script by using ant and deployed on Tomcat.

• Develop and execute Unit Test plans using JUnit, ensuring that results are

documented and reviewed with Quality Assurance teams responsible for integrated


• Provided extensive pre-delivery support using Bug Fixing and Code Reviews.

• Co-coordinating with Offshore development and QA teams to get the work

done, review and deliver the code to client.

E nvironment : Java, J2EE, JSP, Servlets 2.5/3, H ibernate 3.5, Spring 2.5.6, Web

Services, SOAP, WSDL, UM L, HTM L, XHTML, DHTML, JavaScript, JQuery, Struts

2.0, CSS, Spring Web Flow, XML, Apache Tomcat, Log4j, Oracle10g, JUnit 4, Eclipse

3.5, EJB.

Technology Analyst – Java/J2EE

I nfosys –TIAA-CREF - J une 2012 to April


Description : Commission Engine is being used by PMACS® clients to calculate

agent commissions and further to generate Statements and Disbursements. MaxCap

Commission and Residual Commission were to be required by TIAA-CREF to cap the

commissions being paid to agents and pay them in the future based on the business



• Developed multi-tiered web - application using J2EE standards.

• Used Spring for bean management across layers and for loading database

configuration and hibernate mapping files, created data source instance for

i nstantiating H ibernate Dao Support's session factory object.

• Implemented the project using the Spring Framework (used Spring IOC and

Dependency Injection, Spring MVC)

• Used annotation based configuration in spring.

• Used Hibernate for object Relational Mapping and used JPA for annotations.

• Used Cri teria API and HQL for data extraction.

• Involved in implementing the r ich user interface using JSP Standard Tag

L ibraries and worked with custom tags.

• Performed client side validations using java script functions to implement

various functionality. Handled the server side validations by using the validator

f ramework.

• Designed and developed use cases, class, package, sequence, and component

d iagrams.

• Designed and developed Web Services to store and ret rieve user profile

i nformation from database. Used Apache Axis to develop web services and SOAP

p rotocol for web services communication.

• Used CVS as the version control system and Ant build script for building the


• Implemented the web services and web service clients using Axis.

• Worked with JUnit for unit testing and familiar with development using Agile


• Used scrum methodology for i terative development of the project.

E nvironment : Struts, Spring (IOC), H ibernate, JSP, Ajax, JavaScript, JQuery, Java

1.5, Web Services, Apache Axis, SOAP, WSDL, BEA Web Logic, RAD 7.0, Oracle 10g,

J Unit, Log4j, Ant, Subversion, Agile methodology, SVN, Eclipse 3.5.

Senior Systems Engineer - Java/J2EE

I nfosys – Ha r tford - October 2010 to May


Description : Har tford is using the Code Find functionality which is custom to i t.

T hey required few new Web Services namely EngagementRuleLookup, SalesTerri tory

and XLOB to handle the custom Code Lookup functionalities being used by them.

New functionality from online named Default Engagement Rule is added as part of

t hese enhancements.


• Implemented SOA architecture using Enterprise Service Bus (ESB)

• Configured business applications in XML bean definition files using SPRING.

• Worked on Hibernate ORM. Created H ibernate XML files and Java class files

to map the object relation mappings. Used Hibernate query language.

• Provided data persistence by object/relational mapping solution via Hibernate

for application save, update, delete operations.

• Worked on JPA for persisting the objects into the system.

• Created services for various modules like Account (CD/Checking/Savings)

C reation and Maintenance using SPRING.

• Experienced in finding the Memory Leaks and adjusting the JVM Heap Sizes

and GC Parameters using JProfile 5.1.

• Worked on Axis implementation and used SOAPUI to test the SOAP.

• Worked on XML, XSD and XSLT to parse the request and create the new one

based on the specification.

• Developed generic Java packages to produce and consume JMS messages

t hrough topics and queues in asynchronous message processing with guaranteed


• Used IB M MQSeries as the JMS provider.

• Ut ilized Core J2EE design patterns such as Singleton and Data Access Object

(DAO) in the implementation of the services.

• Responsible for wri ting SQL Queries and Procedures using DB2.

• Responsible for wri ting JUnit test cases and Peer level testing.

• Improved database performance by recognizing and rewri ting slow queries.

• Build & Deployment in Websphere Application Server.

• Solid deployment experience on the UN IX platform.

• Created UM L diagrams such as Class Diagrams and Sequence Diagrams

using IBM Rational Rose.

E nvironment : Java 5, SOA, JMS, JMX, IBM MQ Series 5.3, Web Services, Axis,

SOAPUI, Hibernate, JNDI, XML, XSD, JAXB, JAXP, Spring, Junit, JProfile 5.1,

A nt, JPA, JTA, JDBC 2.0, Maven, PL/SQL Developer, DB2, Unix, Log4J, U M L and


Software Engineer - Java/J2EE Developer

Soft Sol - A pril 2009 to October 2010

Project Name : Application Designing for Power Builder to Java Conversion

Description : This is the PowerBuilder to Java conversion application which

converts the PowerBuilder application to Java application. Tool reads the

PowerBuilder objects like Application, Window, Data Window, user Objects, Menu,

F unctions and Structures and converts into XML files. Those XML files contain

Object property tags and att r ibutes. After creating the XML files, tools reads XML

f iles and load the data into classes and generate java files using Apache Velocity

template. Conversion tool also handles SQL statements, cursor and procedures. I t

a lso generates same GUI in JSF which is similar to PowerBuilder objects with

control events.


• Involved in Analysis, Design, Development, and Testing phases of the project

• Used design patterns like Service locator, Data Access objects, and MVC

• Developed business logic using JSF

• Designed and developed the user interface using JSF, Velocity Templates,

JavaScript, HTM L and CSS

• I nvolved in designing, developing and configuring server side J2EE components

l ike JavaBeans, JSP, Servlets, JNDI, and XML using IDE- Eclipse and deployments

i n WebSphere

• Used H ibernate for mapping objects to the relational database

• Responsible for configuring the WebSphere Application Server to access the

Database by setting up Data source and Connection Pool

• U t il ized Log4j for request / response / error logging

• Designed Java Wrapper functions for the Power Builder functions in Java

• Handled major component Data Window.

• Handled the generation of managed beans.

• Designed and Developed P2J M igrator includes Analyzer and Converter.

Environment : JDK 1.4, JSF, JSP, Servlets, JNDI, JUnit, XML, IB M Rational

A pplication Developer (RAD), WebSphere 5.0, SQL Server 2003, Log4j, Windows XP,


Software Engineer - Java Developer

Soft Sol - Superior Court Of California - Feb 2006 to Ma rch


Description : DOMAIN is an integrated case-management and decision-support

system for the Superior Court of California, County of Alameda. All civil cases types

a re processed in DOMAIN -- General Civil, Small Claims, Family Law, Probate,

A doptions and Mental Health. The system is designed to follow the legal process; to

support and standardize court procedure; to automate and streamline workflow; to

maintain an electronic case record; and to collect and report statistics that the court

needs for management and that the Administrative Office of the Courts requires for

i ts state-wide overview.


• Designed the Object Model and Architecture for the application using Visio, wri ting

Technical Specification document preparing the schedule for the entire SDLC

• Converting Functional requirements into Use case diagram, Class Diagrams,

Sequence Diagram using UM L.

• I nvolved in development of User In terface using Swings.

• I nvolved in designing and developing business and utili ty classes of the system.

• Developed backend procedures using PL/SQL.

• Source code maintenance using CVS.

• Par ticipated in Unit testing and functionality testing for t racking errors and

debugging the code.

E nvironment : Core Java, Swings, HTM L, Oracle 9i, J Unit, XML, UM L, CVS,

V isio, WSAD 5.x, Windows, UN IX.

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