David Rowlands, Ph.D., P.G.
Cell: 832-***-****
E-mail: *************.***@*****.***
. Demonstrated leadership experience as a project manager, technical
manager, deputy program manager, program manager, and vice president
. Ph.D. in geology, Registered Professional Geologist, TX and FL
(Louisiana pending)
. Over 30 years of experience as a geologist, project and program
. Wide range of consulting experience in both the nuclear power and
environmental industries
. Experience mentoring junior geoscientists and environmental scientists
. Business development and proposal experience with industrial,
commercial, and federal clients
. Experience negotiating remedies with state agencies (TCEQ, NMED, ODEQ)
and EPA
. Proven Problem Solver
. Profit and loss responsibility
. Management of programs exceeding $200MM in revenue
. Experience managing multiple concurrent projects
. Experience with contracts and contract negotiations
. Through knowledge of federal and state environmental regulations,
especially TX, OK, LA, AR, NM, and FL
. Experience, including litigation support, with petroleum hydrocarbons,
chlorinated solvents, pesticides and herbicides, PCBs, and metals
Professional Qualifications
I am currently a project manager and senior scientist conducting site
investigations for industrial and commercial facility along the Gulf Coast
and other areas of Texas. I also assist clients in negotiations with the
I have been in the environmental consulting industry since 1988. I have
conducted and overseen Phase I, Phase II, and other site investigations,
designed and executed remediation projects and provided project management
and technical consulting for a wide range of soil and groundwater projects
under federal and state regulations. CERCLA projects have been for
industrial and federal clients, and have included remedial investigations,
feasibility studies, remedial design, remedial action, and remedial action
oversight. RCRA projects included RCRA permitting, RCRA facility
investigations, corrective measures studies, and corrective actions.
I have technical and management experience with remediation ranging from
gasoline stations, to chemical plants and refineries, to superfund sites. I
have performed soil and groundwater investigations; the design,
construction, and oversight of groundwater recovery and treatment systems;
chemical oxidation of groundwater plumes; design and construction of soil
vapor extraction systems; in situ bioremediation for groundwater and soil;
phytoremediation; stream restoration; soil removal; slurry walls and cutoff
walls; asbestos and lead based paint removal; removal of munitions of
explosive concern (MEC/UXO); landfill cap design and construction; and the
development of a method to predict SVE system performance to evaluate when,
and if, the technology will attain the remedial objective.
My business experience includes; strategic planning, business development,
client relations, general management, technical and operational staffing,
training, oversight of project managers and program management. My profit
and loss experience includes project and program management and general
management of an engineering office. I have performed monthly financial
reviews of projects (cost reimbursable, cost plus fixed fee, and lump sum
projects), including cost-to-complete. I have experience with contract
negotiation, subcontracting, and regulatory negotiations.
Ph.D., Geology, University of South Carolina;
M.S., Geology, West Virginia University;
B.S., Geology, Juniata College;
Professional Geologist, Florida, 1989, Registration No. 1188
Professional Geologist, Texas, 2003, Registration No. 1417
. Geological Society of America
. Association of Environmental and Engineering Geologists
. Seismological Society of America
. Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
. Houston Geological Society
. Society of American Military Engineers
. American Association of Petroleum Geologists
Additional Education and Training
Project Management Training, MACTEC, 2010
Project Management Training, Shaw E & I, 2004-2008
Proposal Process and Proposal Writing, Shaw E&I, 2006
Frontline Leadership Training, Shaw E & I, 2004
Computerized Seismic Interpretation (Seismic Microtechnology), June, 1998
Project Management Training, IT Corporation, April, 1991
Leadership Training, IT Corporation, June, 1990
Proposal Writing and Strategies, IT Corporation, April, 1990
40-Hour OSHA Training in Compliance with 29 CFR 1910.120, June, 1988
Technical Mgmt., Strategies and Communication, Carnegie Mellon Univ., 1981
Accounting, Finance, and Law, Carnegie Mellon University, 1981
Computer Skills
I have a wide variety of computer skills and am experienced with Microsoft
Office, Access, and Microsoft Project. In addition, I have experience with
specialized programs used in geology, hydrogeology, and geophysics,
including Grapher, Surfer, ModelCAD, and MODFLOW.
Honors and Awards
. American Nuclear Society (ANS): I served on the ANS working group to
prepare the industry standard guideline for the "Identification and
Assessment of Capable Faults for Nuclear Facilities." This guidance
document is used for site selection of nuclear facilities throughout the
. Senior Technical Leader, Shaw E&I: I was named senior technical leader
within the Shaw Group of Companies. Shaw employed approximately 24,000
people worldwide, of which 150 were senior technical leaders.
. Outstanding Project Manager, Smith Technology: I was named the
Outstanding Project Manager for Smith Technologies in 1997. Smith was
listed as one of the 10 largest environmental companies in Engineering
News Record. Smith typically executed 2500 to 3000 projects per year.
. Outstanding Technical Achievement, Smith Technology: I was recognized for
outstanding technical achievement for the technical assessment, and
allocation of environmental liabilities associated with adjoining
chemical plants at a Superfund site in Pocatello, Idaho.
. Project Management Associate, IT Corporation: I was selected as one of
the first 50 project management associates for IT Corporation in 1991. At
the time, IT Corporation was ranked as the largest environmental services
firm in the United States.
Employment History
2012 to Present: Senior Geologist/Program Manager
World Environmental, Houston, TX
I work on a variety of environmental projects including Phase I and Phase
II investigations, and larger projects involving soil and groundwater
contamination in Texas and Louisiana.
2009-2011 Principal Geologist/Senior Geologist
AMEC Environmental and Infrastructure, Houston, TX
MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Houston, TX
I worked on environmental and engineering projects throughout the United
States. These projects included geological and seismological studies for
the proposed addition of two reactors to the South Texas Nuclear Project,
and for a proposed addition of nuclear reactors for a power plant in New
Jersey, geologic hazard analysis for portions of the Ruby pipeline between
Wyoming and central Oregon, and the preparation of an RI/FS for a superfund
site in Texas. I supervised and coordinated the work of 23 technical staff
conducting NRDA related work for BP in Louisiana during the Deepwater
Horizon oil spill. I was the geological and geotechnical lead for a
project related to the failure of a natural gas storage cavern in a Gulf
Coast Salt Dome.
1998-2008 Deputy Program Manager-Technical Manager, Shaw Environmental &
Infrastructure, Houston, TX
I was the technical manager and deputy program manager for the Tulsa TERC
program ($215 million contract value), Tulsa CEC program ($200 million) and
Tulsa A-E Contract ($3 million) and had responsibility for 18 technical
staff working on task orders at 13 military facilities and 10 Superfund
sites located throughout EPA Region VI. As deputy program manager my
responsibilities included review of project and program financial results
and projections, assignment of project managers, and interaction with the
client and representatives of various military installations. I prepared
and lead the monthly program review of all projects.
As technical manager I was responsible for the day-to-day activities for
the program. I was responsible for all technical work done on the
programs, including, staffing, assignment of staff, assisting in the
development of technical approaches for projects, and technical peer review
and approval of all documents including proposals, cost estimates, work
plans, health and safety plans, QA/QC Plans, technical reports, contracts,
designs and specifications, and subcontracting documents.
1997-1998 Vice President, Locus Technologies, Newark, California
I provided technical management and technical oversight for projects in
northern California. Projects included a groundwater remediation project
in Mountain View, and groundwater projects in Richmond and Newark that
utilized monitored natural attenuation. Other duties included project
management, business development, and marketing.
1995-1997 Senior Project Manager/Senior Geologist, Smith Technology
Corporation (formerly Canonie Environmental Services Corporation),
Pleasanton, California
My primary responsibilities included project management, business
development, technical and financial oversight of other project managers,
and manager of geology. I was responsible for the management of a Master
Service Agreement with Northrop-Grumman Corporation and management of a $5
million pesticide/herbicide remediation project for FMC Corporation. My
accomplishments included renegotiation of a Record of Decision for a site
in Fresno that significantly reduced the soil and groundwater remediation
costs for the client.
1993-1995 Project Director, Roy F. Weston, Houston, TX
The project director role included business development, proposal
evaluation and preparation, client relations, and oversight and training of
project managers. I provided program management for a $5 million IDO
contract with the USACE - Tulsa District for projects within EPA Region VI,
and program management of an IDO contract with Houston METRO.
1989-1993 Project Manager and Senior Project Manager, IT Corporation,
Houston, TX
I was responsible for execution of RCRA and CERCLA projects for government
and private sector clients. I was also responsible for business
development, go-no go decisions, proposal preparation, project reviews, and
contract and subcontract management. I was the program manager for two
USACE $5 million IDO contracts with the Huntsville District, program
manager for Chevron UST projects in TX, LA, AL, MS, and AR, and UST
projects for Southland Corporation (7-Eleven) in Texas and Arkansas.
1983-1989 Assistant Professor, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL
I was an Assistant Professor of Structural Geology and Geophysics and
taught courses in structural geology, regional tectonics, earthquake
seismology, introductory geophysics, seismic interpretation, physical and
historical geology.
1973-1982 Senior Staff Consultant, D'Appolonia Consulting Engineers,
Pittsburgh, PA
I specialized in structural geology and seismology investigations for
nuclear power plants, nuclear processing facilities, and other critical
facilities. I worked on projects throughout the United States, Europe, the
Middle East, and Far East and served as technical manager, or lead
scientist for site investigations, preparation of Preliminary Safety
Analysis Reports, and other nuclear licensing documents. International
nuclear projects were located in Italy, Spain, Switzerland, the former
Yugoslavia, Israel, Iran, Pakistan, and South Korea.
Representative Environmental Project Experience:
Principal Geologist/Senior Consultant: I performed an investigation of
heavy metal contamination at an approximately 1,500 acre industrial
facility in east Texas. An Affected Property Assessment Report (APAR) was
prepared by another consultant indicating that the facility had extensive
heavy metal contamination (lead, cobalt, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury) in
both the soil and groundwater. After an extensive geological and
geochemical study of existing data I was able to demonstrate to the
satisfaction of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality that the
metal concentrations in the soil and groundwater were the result of natural
geochemical processes and not a result of contamination. The report was
accepted without comment. This saved the client more than $2 million in
additional investigation and monitoring costs and more that $5 million in
potential remediation costs.
Technical Manager: I was the technical manager for the USACE Tulsa, Total
Environmental Restoration Contract. We executed 142 Task Orders ranging
from site investigations through remedial design and construction.
Remediation included soil removal, slurry wall construction, landfill cap
construction, groundwater recovery (wells and cutoff trenches) in-situ
bioremediation, in-situ oxidation of chlorinated solvents, and munitions
removal. Task orders were at 9 Army installations, 5 Air Force bases, and 7
superfund sites throughout TX, OK, AR, and LA.
Senior Project Manager: I was the senior project manager for remediation at
a former pesticide formulation facility for FMC Corporation, Fresno,
California. My responsibilities included all aspects of financial and
technical management of the project. My technical responsibilities
included the following: operation and maintenance of a 150-gpm groundwater
treatment system, quarterly groundwater monitoring and reporting,
installation of monitoring wells, Phase I SVE design and pilot testing,
design of a full-scale SVE system, preparation of a Feasibility Study for
off-site groundwater, preparation of a Remedial Action Plan for on-site
soils, design of a closure cover system, 3-D contaminant fate and transport
modeling of groundwater and the design of a treatment system for off-site
groundwater. Successfully negotiated a change in the ROD that
significantly reduced remediation costs. Other activities include weekly
client interaction with local and corporate environmental staff, assistance
in formulating strategies, and negotiation with state regulatory agencies
. Project Manager, Fort Bliss, Texas: My role as project manager began with
preparation of cost proposals and cost negotiations with the Corp of
Engineers. Individual projects included: modification of a RCRA Part B
Permit for an ordnance disposal area, investigation of an uncontrolled
medical waste landfill, negotiation of a compliance agreement to address
unregistered USTs and ASTs in Texas and New Mexico, establishing a new
hazardous waste storage facility, operation of the existing hazardous
waste storage facility, modification of the RCRA Permit for the existing
storage facility to include the new facility, and performing
environmental compliance audits for current operating facilities.
Project Manager, Indefinite Delivery Order contract, Metropolitan Transit
Authority (METRO), Houston, Texas: I was the proposal manager and made the
formal presentation to the selection committee, negotiated the contract
rates and terms, and managed the projects. Work performed included a Phase
I site assessment, a regulatory compliance review of an operating facility,
and a major site investigation of soil and groundwater contamination at an
operating facility. This site investigation included drilling, sampling,
report preparation, presentations to METRO executives, and negotiation of
remediation goals with the TNRCC using the Texas Risk Reduction Rules.
Project Manager, Groundwater Remedial Design Project, Geneva Superfund
Site, Houston, for the Texas Water Commission. My responsibilities
included cost estimates, contract negotiations, and technical and financial
management. The project included design and placement of recovery wells,
design of the groundwater recovery system, groundwater modeling, design of
the groundwater treatment system, preparation of technical specifications
and bid packages, and meetings with the lead agencies, the Texas Water
Commission (currently the TCEQ) and EPA Region VI. I also provided
management of the oversight portion of the groundwater Remedial Action for
this project.
Project Director, UST Projects, Chevron. I was responsible for program
quality, business development, client interface, establishing policies
consistent with client requirements, report and proposal review. The work
included investigations, and soil and groundwater remediation. The program
included coordination of work in six company offices and covered a seven
state (TX, LA, Al, MS, FL, AR, and OK) market area for the client.