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Manager Management

San Jose, CA
September 24, 2014

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V ijayarajan Sreenivasan

A senior testing consultant with more than 11 years of experience in Software testing, Quality

assurance and project management in the BFSI (Banking Financial securities and Insurance) sector.

Have skills and competency of managing projects in various domains corporate banking, BACS, FAS91,

cash management, anti-money laundering and investment banking / t reasury. Good experience in

deriving test plans, budgeting, formulating test strategy, managing new hires and vendor

management. I have managed projects for some Fortune 500 clients such as Silicon valley Bank,

Deutsche Bank, GE Money, SBI Bank to name a few. Good experience in managing various types of

testing projects like system testing, system interface testing (SIT) and user acceptance testing (UAT). I

have also been instrumental in converting some of the RFPs into successful projects and test solutions

for the client. I have also published a white paper on AML implementation called “ Three easy steps

t o AM L implementation”. Good experience in Defect management and t racking using various defect

management tools such as HPQC, Spira Test. Good knowledge in managing Regulatory Reporting and

G L consolidation for European banks.

P roject handled – at Thinksoft Global Services Ltd

Silicon Valley Bank, California


SFAS 91- (Statement of Financial Accounting Standards-91)

D omain

DART, EVOLV 3.2, PeopleSoft, BOXI Reports


User Acceptance Testing (FAS91-Phase2- UBS Data Integration)

P roject Type

J une 2013 to Till date

Du ration

As per financial accounting standards all the non-refundable Fees & cost

P roject

associated with origination or acquiring should be amortized over the life of the

D escription:

loan. The bank’s financial statement should reflect the accounted income. This

was implemented in a SAS based working model involving multiple vendor

teams. The data t ransformation and loading will be handled by FAS91 vendor.

I n order to accommodate accurate data to the vendor, the bank had to install

new procedures/processes and way of storing data.

Test Manager


• Finalizing business requirements


• Define a strategy to effectively test project objectives

• Advice QA & UAT division/split

• Surrogate Users for testing and Issue escalations

• Communicate with different Vendor Teams for resolution of


Silicon Valley Bank, California

C lient


D omain

Senior Functional Analyst Page 1

V ijayarajan Sreenivasan

People soft V 8.52, DART,Reg Reporter


User Acceptance Testing

P roject Type

M ar 2013 to June 2013

Du ration

P roject In accordance with G ramm–Leach–Bliley act (or) f inancial services

D escription: modernization act, the bank needed to upgrade its ERP functions and

a rchive historical data; this required a major tools upgrade that will impact

more than 20 different surrounding systems (both upstream/downstream) and

d ifferent business processes across the bank. This is a two phase project

i nvolving a tools upgrade in phase 1 and overall application upgrade in Phase

2. The objective of the project was to ensure that the tools upgrade did not

i mpact both internal process & external data delivery; they continue to operate

as per the ASIS process. On the archival front requirement was to ensure that

t he data was archived and retrievable

Test Manager


• Finalizing business requirements


• Defining the test scope and deriving test requirements

• Defect management and clarification to test team

• Assists development teams with interface data mapping


Senior Functional Analyst Page 2

V ijayarajan Sreenivasan

Silicon Valley Bank, California



D eposi t Reclassi f i cat i on/Regu l at or y Repor t i n g

Reserv e L i n k, PSGL, RegRepor t er V 6.0


User Acceptance Testing

P roject Type

Nov2012 to A pr i l 2013

D u ration

D eposi t r eclassi f i cat i on pr ogr am of the bank w as m anaged by an ex i stin g M S

P roject

ACCESS97 appl i cat i on and bank has sel ected F I SE RV ’s Reserv e l in k pr oduct

D escription:

t o r ecalcul ate th r eshold and m ain t ai n sw eep cou n t er s. I m pl em ent at i on of

t h i s pr oject w i ll enable the bank to m ain t ai n r eser ves an d m ak e mor e fu n ds

avai l able for ban k ’s l endin g act i v i t i es.

Test Manager


• Finalizing business requirements


• Defining the test scope and deriving test requirements

• Defect management and clarification to test team

• Assists development teams with interface data mapping

Silicon Valley Bank, California



Cor por at e B anking

U B S (F l ex cube) D4 I m pl em en t at i on


Core banking Implementation

P roject Type

M a r 2012 to Sep2012

D u ration

UBS is being implemented using an external vendor application named

P roject

“ Flexcube” which is provided by Oracle Financial Services (OFS).Migrating

D escription:

f rom the current core banking application (CBS) to UBS application was a

m ultiyear and multi-deployment project. Previous deployments involved

i mplementations of CIF, foreign currency loans and CFD Deployment for D4

consists of work efforts to retire the current core banking platform(CBS),

optimize the usage of UBS functional areas/modules and decommission a few

redundant interfaces

Role Test Consultant


• Discuss & elicit requirements from business owner

• Document requirement on Deposit products & other related functionality

• Understand system functionality & provide viable solutions

• Provide Work around where system functionalities

Senior Functional Analyst Page 3

V ijayarajan Sreenivasan

Bank of East Asia, Newyork


AM L-BSA (Bank secrecy act), US patriot Act


silver Lake, Yellow hammer

A pplication

Compliance/Regulatory Implementation

P roject Type

A ug 2011 to Dec 2011

D u ration

P roject

B ank of East Asi a as a par t of i ts compl ian ce obj ect i v es w as str i v in g to

D escription: i m pl em ent a r obust A nt i money l au n der in g sy st em. I t h as selected yell ow

hamm er as i ts A M L syst em . Data i n t egr i ty, r i sk assessment models and

t r an sacti on r u l es, case m anagem ent and SAR M an agem en t, KYC

pr ocedu r es, E DD, CDD Pr ogr ams of t h e B ank w er e to be val i dat ed.

Role Test Co n su l t a n t


• Evaluate Business areas to f inalize on the t ransaction rule

• Review existing customer identification programs.

• Finalize on the Business requirements

• Review test deliverables (test plan, test strategy, test cases)

• Manage a team of testers

BNP For t i s B an k, Belgium



PC B usi n ess B an k i n g/I n t er n et ban k i n g



I nternet banking implementation

P roject Type

May 2011 to July 2011

D u ration

P roject

BNP for t i s Bank h as deci ded t o str at egi cally r eal i gn a nd deep segment i t s

D escription: exi st i n g customer segm en t, by offer in g the T r adin g and dai l y pan or ama

oper at i on s u n der a sin gle por t al . T h i s r equ i r ed cr eat i on n e w PCBB

con t r acts i n gu i de, KL and U U syst em s. T he new enr i ched serv i ce w i ll off er

SEPAD D and SEPACT i n g r adu al and ph ased m ann er. A ccess and

au t h en t i cat i on w i ll be done usin g I sabel6 Sm ar t car d.

Role Senior Test Consultant

R esponsibilities

• Finalizing business requirements with IT Acceptance test teams

• Defining the test scope and deriving test requirements

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V ijayarajan Sreenivasan

• Defect management and clarifications to test team

• Assist development team with interface data mapping

D eut sche B ank, Ger m an y



Cor por at e B anking, T r easu ry /I n v est m en t B an k i ng

TCSBANCS, D eutsche B ank I n t er f aces


B ack Of f i ce Repl acem ent w i th i n t er nat i onal syst em s

P roject Type

M a r 2010 to A pr i l 2011

Du ration

P roject

Deutsche bank one of the pioneer banks in cash management and payments

D escription: a rea was embarking on a critical legacy replacement program. I t has chosen

TCS bancs application core functioning matches deutsche bank’s existing

business process. As this was multi country project there was 10 %

customization expected on localization and regionalization.

Role Payments & T reasury Silo Test Manager

P rojects

• Model bank Implementation

h andled

• Saudi Implementation

• Abu Dhabi Implementation

Ma sr af A l Rayan, D oh a, Qat ar

C lient


Internet banking

M isys Cash portal (MCP)

A pplication

I nternet Banking Implementation

P roject Type

A ug 2009-Mar-2010

D u ration

P roject

Masraf Al Rayan is one of the leading banks in Qatar, wanted to implement

D escription: i nternet banking to expand its customer base. Misys cash portal solution was

selected by the bank for its implementation. Bank had limited customer base

wanted operate in manual mode for the phase 1, this will have functionalities

l ike bank admin, customer admin, bank customer modules. The

i mplementation covered both corporate and retail customers.

Role Test Consultant for Payments

R esponsibilities

• Perform requirement analysis and functional solution mapping

• Understand requirements and highlight requirement gaps where


• Manage Quality & success of the Implementation

Senior Functional Analyst Page 5

V ijayarajan Sreenivasan

D nB n or d, D en m ar k



Cor por at e B ank i ng, i nvest ment B ank i ng, T r easu r y

F lexcube(UBS), Finarch, data matrix


Core Banking and Data ware housing

P roject Type

April 2008 to Mar 2009

D u ration

P roject

Dnb nord was bank formed by the partnership and Nord and LB bank. Nord

D escription: is voted as one of the safest banks in the world. Dnb nord is new bank in the

Baltic region with 6 branches, and was a part of the IT Team handling

m ultiple projects to make the bank operational and also to support existing


R ole Test M anager

P rojects

• PBS Paym en t s

h andled

• Customer Account statements

• Trade Finance Reporting

• Data Quality Correction

• Treasury Denmark UAT

• DnB Nord ETL selection

• Trade Finance UAT

• Domestic Payments STP

• Cross Border Payments

• DnB Group consolidation

• FSA Reporting

GeM on ey, U nited Kingdom



Sub Prime lending



Back Office Replacement / Revamp of existing data collection and management

P roject Type

Apr-2007 to Mar 2008

D u ration

P roject

GE Money has decided to move from its legacy system (OMNIS) to new E-

D escription: Originations system from BanTec. GE Money Subprime lending operates in

b roker/sub broker sourcing model this involved integration of Data sourcing

Senior Functional Analyst Page 6

V ijayarajan Sreenivasan

(external) system to internal sourcing and interfacing to the existing loan

decision (IDOL) and strategy management (NBSM) systems.

Business Analyst


R esponsibilities

• M i ner va-Risk I n t er f aces

• Mi ner v a-N on Risk I n t er f aces

• Mi ner v a-Process M appi n g Dat a E n t r y

• Mi ner v a-Dat a E n t r y Sour ci n g

• K F I /M OL B rok erage & Comm issi on s

RAK B an k ( N at i onal B an k of Ras-A l -K h ai m ah), D u bai


Retail Banking

D omain

Om n i F l ow, F i nn on e

A pplication

Gap A n al ysi s, SIT, U AT

P roject Type

Oct2006 to M a r 2007

Du ration

RAK BANK was switching over from its existing loans systems to Finnone

P roject

consisting of Loan Sourcing (LOS), Loan Management system (LMS) and

D escription:

collections Services (COL). Loan servicing request system omni f low was also

i mplemented as a part of this initiative.

Business Analyst

R ole

P rojects

• Finnone implementation

h andled

• Omniflow Implementation

Ci t i ban k, Ger m an y

C lient

Core Banking


E nhanced banking solutions

A pplication

Back office Replacement

P roject Type

J ul 2004- Mar 2006

D u ration

CITI Bank was replacing its existing legacy system with enhanced business

P roject

solution with design and solution part to be done by its Asia technology office. I t

D escription:

has out sourced it business validation of requirements to Thinksoft. I t also had

requested for a generic manual and automated test pack creation as this is a

m ulti-country roll out.

Business Analyst

R ole

P rojects

• CITI Bank Gap Analysis

h andled

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V ijayarajan Sreenivasan

• Automation Regression pack Creation (ARTP)



Core Banking Replacement & Treasury project


Bancs 24 (Now known as TCS Bancs)


User Acceptance Testing

P roject Type

Sep 2003- Apr 2004

D u ration

State bank one of the largest banks in India was replacing its core banking system

P roject

(Bank master) with TCS bancs 24. I t involved migration of existing accounts to the

D escription:

new application and customization for supporting SBI operational Needs.

Test Analyst


P rojects

• Core Banking

h andled

• Treasury implementation

T echnical Skills

B ank in g Ap pl i cat i ons : F l excu be, B an cs, E x i m B i lls, F inan ceOn e, F i n n on e

Oper at in g Sy stem : U N I X, D OS, WI ND OWS2000, windows 7, windows xp

Lan gu ages : C, C++

Web B ased : H TM L

D ata B ase : M SSQL Serv er 7.0

T estin g Tools : Wi n r u nn er, T estD i r ector 8.0, Spi r aT est


o Bachelor of Science (Physics)

o Master of Business administration (MBA)

Contact Details

o Contact Phone Number : 408-***-****

Senior Functional Analyst Page 8

V ijayarajan Sreenivasan

o E- Mail ID :

v **********.***********@*****.***

Senior Functional Analyst Page 9

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