F r a n kie R u iz
* ** * *** * h S t. Apt *F
N ew York, NY 10029
C ell (347) 493 - 1482
F **********@*******.***
O bje ctive
T o gain a p os ition as a m aintenanc e w orker w ith years of experienc e a nd utilizing tec hnic al
s kills t hat c an offer c hange for the b etterment o f any progres s ive c ompany .
P rofe s sional Expe rie nce
1 0/12 - 04/14 T he Children’s Aid Soc iety N ew York, NY
C us todian
R es pons ible for c leaning all bathroom areas
R es pons ible for daily ga rbage dis pos al
E xec uted daily routine duties of s hampooing rugs, s triping & w axing floors
R es pons ible for repairing elec tric al light fixtures and als o plumbing, s heet rock,
p las tering/painting, s tripping, w axing, and s hampooing rugs
S upervis ed porters and h andypersons
0 6/11 - 09/11 F irs t Quality Maintenanc e N ew York, NY
Utility Work er
R es pons ible for c leaning all b athroom areas
R es pons ible for d aily g arbage dis pos al
E xec uted daily rou tine duties of s hampooing rugs, s triping & w axing floors
0 6/ 09 - 11/10 C ollins Building Servic es N ew York, NY
P orte r/Ha ndyman
M aintained and operated all c leani ng equipment
O rganized c onference meeting rooms
P res erved fac ility’s s anitary environment by floor c leaning &w axing
0 1/07 - 08/08 S an J uan As s ociates N ew York, NY
S upe rintendant
R es pons ible for repairing apartments
Applied know ledge of c hemicals in c leaning and s anitizing proc edures
S upervis ed porters and s ubcontracting c ompanies
0 8/05 -11/ 0 6 Amalgamated Hous ing Park Res . N ew York, NY
C hanged light fixtures, s oap dis pensers, and w ater fixtures.
P las tered, painted and c onducted t ile w ork, etc .
G athered and dis c arded debris from hous ing facility
0 2/ 04 - 1 2/05 Memorial Sloan Kettering Center N ew York, NY
C hanged light f ixtures, s oap dis pensers, and w ater fixtures.
R es pons ible for plas tering, tiles w ork and painting as s igned areas
O perated all pow er tools and mac hinery
1 2/97 - 0 7/ 0 3 92 n d S t. YMYW Hebrew As s oc iates N ew York, NY
Night Supe rvisor
R es pons ible for is s uing s upplies a nd k eys to the night s ub ordinance
M aintained and c oordinated c leanlines s of building c omplex
O rga nized and ordered c leaning s upplies
B e njamin Franklin High School Ne w York, NY
R e fe rences
A vailable upon re quest