*** *.*. ‘' St. Stigler, OK 74462
Lwalke r. ops@ gmail. com
A highly mot ivated Cre dit, A/R, A/P, and Collections profes sional with a verifiable re cord of accomplishment over
the pas t year. Highly creative, recognized as a res ults -oriented and s olution-focus ed individual. Are as of strength
Accounts Paya ble Accounts Receivable
Problem Collect ions Legal As pects of Collect ions
Orga nizational Skills Communication Skills
Comput er Lit eracy T ime Manage ment Skills
Work a s Team Pla yer Re sea rch Abilities
Pre - Me d / K i n e s i ol ogy Ma j or 2010
Univers ity of Cent ral O klahoma, Edmond, OK
Attende d UCO for one yea r before making the decis ion that my major wa s not wha t I wanted to continue doing.
Mac Literate
WordPe rfect, Micros oft Word, Micros oft Exce l, & mos t Micros oft Programs
Peacht ree A ccounting, Q uickBooks
TrakLand - Enterprise Edit ion
Ac cou nt s Re c e iv a b le / P a y a bl e Cl e rk Decembe r 2012 - Ja nuary 2014
Oilma n's Pump & Supply, INC., Qui nton, OK
Oilfield supply company with 700+ custome rs and vendors
Full charge process ing of a ll accounts rece ivable and payable
Manage all petty cas h and office supply expens e accounts
Re concile bank bala nces; record genera l ledger entrie s
Esta blis h cus tomer credit line s and s et up credit accounts with vendors
Le g a l /P a y rol l A s s i s t a nt March - June 2012
Travis Southerland, CPA., Sallisa w, OK
Cert ified Public Account ant whom prepa red taxe s and payroll se rvices
Prepare Tax re turns for individuals as well a s varies compa nie s
Perf orm varies s ecreta ry dutie s
Proces s payroll for local bus ine sse s
Oilma n's Pump & Supply, INC., Qui nton, OK
Re duce d A/R aging from an a vera ge of 90 - 120 days to 30 - 60 days in le ss t han 5 months
Esta blis he d new cre dit crit eria for new accounts, reducing bad de bt
All expe rience ha s been acqui red from jus t that; expe rience . Although not backed by a degree, I am backe d by
hands-on t raining and t he willingnes s to learn.