K handaker T waseen
** ******* ****,***********,**,M1S2W6
E-mai l -********@*****.***
C ell -416-***-****
P rofessional links:
Special Ski l ls:
P rogramming Languages
● Quartus VHDL, C, C++, Visual Basic, ASP.NET, PL/SQL, HTM L, CSS
Operating Systems
● Windows, Redhat L inux, Unix, Ubuntu
● Windows/Unix, Active Directory, Wireless LAN, WAN, Cloud, IP camera, Network
P rinter Infrastructure
● MS Access, Oracle SQL
H a rdware/Microcontrollers
● Altera Cyclone I I, Arduino, Raspberry Pi
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology, North York, ON
Advanced Diploma in Computer Engineering Technology ( May 2010 - Apri l
● Courses in C/C++, Data Communications, Digital Systems, Microcontroller repair,
Online Systems, Accounting, Marketing
● Buil t an o nline garage access system using a R aspber ry Pi m icrocontroller via
a 5V relay interfaced by a webserver (Tomcat )
● Created a car rental web application using V isual Basic r unning on an
Asp.net server using O racle SQL
● Buil t a heating and cooling system using an A ltera Cyclone I I m icrocontroller
w ri t ten in C
● Created an online computer store using H T M L, PERL r unning on an A pache
Work Experience
K-12 Solutions, M a r kham, ON
Technician/Network Admin (3 month contract)
● Administered local servers, voice network, fi rewall, company website, e-mail
● Tested and audited over 500 pc and laptops and managed Microsoft licences
● Co-ordinated inbound and outbound shipments
● Supervised a subset of employees
● Planned storage procedure in the warehouse
● Performed critical thinking to solve problems
L iveperson.com
O nline Computer Expert (May 2012 – present)
● 4 star expert rating
● Provided programming support to online subscribers
Seller (May 2009 – May 2013)
● Owner of an online store providing various electronics having sold over 500 products
● Researched over 200 products to determine what suited the market at the given
t ime
● Dealt with over 15 customers per day with numerous customer service related i tems
Ext ra Cu r r icular Activities
Pr ivate Tutor (Apri l 2006 – June 2012)
● Helped struggling students with class work and homework whilst maintaining an
i nteractive and cheerful atmosphere
Volunteer Experience
● TIFF volunteer in their IT and guest services department
● Known as the ‘technical guy’ helping friends and family with any computer/network
related issues
● Participated during the yearly plantation program in 2007
References avai l able upon request