Juan Pablo Olguin
Lead Software Engineer at Intalio
Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science
20+ years experience in software development Projects
14+ years programming in Java, 19+ years general programming experience (C, C++, PLSQL, Smalltalk)
5+ years Programming in Ruby, Rails.
5+ years as Software Architect in Enterprise Software Architecture
10+ years experience with Oracle, 5+ years experience with DB2 UDB, 2+ years experience with
3+ years experience in PostgreSQL 8.0, 9.1
6+ years experience in Rest/Web Services
10+ years experience in source control management system (GIT, SCCS, CVS, SVN),
3+ years GIT/GITHUB experience.
10+ years experience in TDD, unit testing, code verification, automated build, continuous integration, metrics,
and code reviews
9+ years experience in user interface web development
5+ Cadastral Systems 3+ years experience in the regulated financial, 4+ insurance industry, 5+ Healthcare
8+ years experience in Agile methodologies. 4+ years Certified Scrum Master (Scrum Alliance).
9+ years experience as Leader and Agile Coaching.
Specialties: Software development, Technical Leader and Agile Coaching.
Agile Methodologies, Scrum, Extreme Programming (XP).
Programming Best Practices: TDD, Units tests, Continous Integration, Emergent and Adaptive Design. Pair
Programming. Cloud Computing.
Cloud Computing Software Engineer at Intalio
April 2011 - Present (3 years 5 months)
Developing a Cloud Restful platform for easing the development of Enterprise applications implemented
over Rest services leveraging other services provided by BPMS, CMS and EAI (like spring pipes)
components. A platform extensible at run time through Ruby Language's services but which core is built
entirely in Java.
Software Application Architect (Software Development) and Agile Coach at OSDE
February 2010 - April 2011 (1 year 3 months)
Software Architect, technical leader and coach for a Development team in the Cross Application Group of
the IT Department.
Software Architect (Software Developement) at OSDE
February 2007 - April 2011 (4 years 3 months)
Definition of Software Enterprise Architecture. Team Leader and programmer for the development of the
enterprise BRMS (Business Rule Management System) in Java, Spring, DB2. Technical Analyst and
programming of Core Enterprise services. Definition of Programming best practice and implementation of
tools for automatic code analysis. Agile methodologies Coach.
4 recommendations available upon request
Arquitecto de Software at Binaria Seguros de Vida S.A.
February 2007 - April 2011 (4 years 3 months)
Software Architect (Software Developement) and Scrum Coach at Interturis
January 2009 - March 2010 (1 year 3 months)
Coach of Scrum in an Software development project and guidance of system architecture for the rest of the
systems in the company, Interturis, a company of the OSDE Group.
Project Leader - Santander Seguros - OSDE at Indra
January 2005 - January 2007 (2 years 1 month)
Project Leader and Coach of several Java Projects at Santander Seguros. Java, JSP, Junit, Servlets, Struts 1.2.
Oracle. Websphere.
Software Architectural services for OSDE, Sofware Architecture. Java, Struts 1.2,JSP, JBOSS, DB2
1 recommendation available upon request
Project Leader - BSE Project - Insurance at Indra
March 2003 - January 2005 (1 year 11 months)
Leader for the implementation of the Rector Insurance Management System at BSE (Banco de Seguros del
Estado, Uruguay). Life Insurance module re-engineering. Design of the new Architecture.
Team Leader - Insurance Managamente System - Provincia Seguros at Indra
May 2001 - March 2003 (1 year 11 months)
Implementation of Rector, Insurance Managemente System at Provincia Seguros. Java, PLSQL (Oracle)
Stored Procedures development, programmers Coaching. Coordination of the whole Database information
Migration from DB2/AS400 to Oracle.
Java Team Leader - BCRA Project - Banking at Indra
December 1999 - May 2001 (1 year 6 months)
Java Team Leader in an 3 part UNOPS (United Nation Office for Project Services) project for a complete
technology reingeneering of the BCRA (Banco Central de la Republica Argentina). Java, PKI infrastructure,
X.509, Signed Applets, Kerberos. Unix and Windows NT.
1 recommendation available upon request
GIS programmer at Sistemas Catastrales
1995 - 1999 (4 years)
C/Java/ Shell scripts Programmer in Geographics Information System Projects. Arcinfo - Arcview in unix
environments (AIX; IRIX). Vector Ghaphics. Oracle DBMS.
1 recommendation available upon request
C Programmer at SISMOS SA
1994 - 1994 (less than a year)
Programmer of Labrador, a 2D seismographic signal processing system. Xview/Motif UI implementation,
image processing filters.
Skills & Expertise
Agile Methodologies
Software Development
Continuous Integration
Java Enterprise Edition
JBoss Application Server
Web Services
Design Patterns
Microsoft SQL Server
Ruby on Rails
CSM by the Scrum Alliance
CSM, Software Development, 2008 - 2010
English Language : Advanced Level
Several Schools and Institutes, Language, 1982 - 2007
Universidad de Buenos Aires
Bachelor's Degree, Computer Science, 1990 - 1999
Grade: 8.0
Jesus en el huerto de los olivos
highschool, Comercial, 1984 - 1988
Santa Rosa de Lima
primary, Primary school, 1976 - 1983
Juan Pablo Olguin
Software Engineer at Intalio
7 people have recommended Juan Pablo
"Juan Pablo es un muy buen arquitecto y un apasionado de las metodologías agiles. Juan Pablo es una persona
con quien se puede sostener conversaciones muy enriquecedoras a nivel profesional y personal."
Pedro Martin Achigar Racedo, Lider Tecnico, OSDE, worked directly with Juan Pablo at OSDE
"Juan Pablo is one of the best leader and coworkers I had as developer. He has an unusual mix of technical
and leadership skills that make a pleasure and an opportunity of learning working with him."
Matias Blanch, Java Developer Ssr., OSDE Interturis, worked indirectly for Juan Pablo at OSDE
"Juan Pablo es uno de los mejores arquitectos con quien he tenido el gusto de trabajar, reconoce claramente la
necesidad de hacer las cosas aplicando dedicacion y buenas practicas, siempre busca la forma de solucionar
problemas de forma simple y eficiente. Estudioso continuo, adicionalmente busca constemente perfeccionarse
y permanecer a la vanguardia. Es un ejemplo de lo que todo profesional debe aspirar."
Rocco Gallo Citera, Data & Integration Architect, OSDE, worked directly with Juan Pablo at OSDE
"An authentic proof that the professional work and the informal treatment can go hand in hand. Juan Pablo
has the ability to convert the hard work into an enjoyable labor thanks to his ability and his extreme
knowledge and experience. It was great working with him. Undoubtedly, I would do it again if I had another
Lucía Sarasola, Graphic designer with usability, technical and functional knowledge, OSDE, worked
directly with Juan Pablo at OSDE
"Juan Pablo es un profesional de un nivel excepcional, líder natural, imprescindible en cualquier proyecto.
Puedo decir sin temor a equivocarme que es uno de los mejores profesionales de sistemas de Argentina.
Posee profundos conocimientos técnicos y metodológicos, pionero en la utilización de Best Practices y
estudioso permanente de nuevas tecnologías y tendencias."
Martin Codini, Líder de Proyectos, Indra, worked directly with Juan Pablo at Indra Systems
"Juan is a very valuable member of a team. He is very curious and he is always learning new things. He
knows a lot about Oracle and Java technologies. He is practical, proactive, and very friendly. It was a good
experience to work with him."
Sergio Lopez, Senior Oracle Developer / Technical Consultant, Indra, reported to Juan Pablo at Indra SI
"Juan Pablo is a great Manager. He could solve hughe problems using simple ideas. I recommend Juan Pablo
in IT area."
Luis Rizzi, GIS Developer, Sistemas Catastrales, worked directly with Juan Pablo at Sistemas Catastrales
Contact Juan Pablo on LinkedIn