Jesselynn Tanner
Phone number: 040*******
Email: t *********@*******.***
Career Objective
M y desire is to gain further knowledge in the fashion industry which
w ill, help me to develop my skills and broaden my horizons in the
i ndustry that I aspire to work in.
E mployment H istory
July 2013- Ongoing
Briony Marsh
D uties: Steaming garment, dealing with garment orders, preparing
stock for dispatch.
J uly 2011- May 2014
Speedee Laundry services
Sewing and repairs
D uties: Minor repairs, sewing, restitching, alterations.
January 2011- January 2012
Jelly bean popup shop
Customer service
Duties: Banking, customer service, cleaning, paperwork
E ducation
-Certificate in Advanced diploma in applied fashion design and
technology – Gordon institute of TAFE
-Certificate in IV and diploma in applied fashion design and
technology – Gordon institute of TAFE
-Certificate I I I in applied fashion design and technology – Gordon
i nstitute of TAFE
-Certificate I I in retail- Westvic staffing solutions
-Year 12- Brauer collage Warrnambool
Work placement
Briony Marsh
D uties- Hand sewing, steaming garments, dealing with garment
Cotton on Kids
Duties- Organising fabrics and t rims, producing t r ims designs in
i llustrator, checking of garments, garment spec sheets.
Duties- Organising Fabrics and t rims, organising garments, style
packs, steaming garments, documentations in excel, colour palettes.
Volunteer work
2014- Ongoing
-Starlight children’s Foundation Australia
i nteracting with children at the Royal children’s Hospital
-Australian Fashion Awards
F inalist/ Modelling
-St joseph’s college fashion show
2013-Dresser/2014- Modelling
-Catwalk for cancer
2013- Modelling finalist/2014- Modelling, Finalist
R eferees
Mandy Kelly
Fashion teacher at the Gordon institute of TAFE
03 52250883 (Business hours)
Leigh Slattery
Speedee laundry manager
03 55626262 (Business hours)