Rena Jean Barlow
McAlester, OK 74501 2240
Home: 918-***-****
Work: 918-***-****
Work Experience
USACE Enterprise IT Services (ACE IT) (11/19/2010 Present) Management Analyst
1645 S. 101st East Ave.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74128
Supervisor: Mr. Henry Cunningham, COMM: 256-***-****; Blackberry: 256-***-****
E mail: *****.*.**********@*****.****.***; Contact: Yes
Pay Grade: GS 0343 09/04
Salary: $52,715.00.00 per year
Hours per week: 40
Duties: Perform studies to ensure effective and efficient use of resources. Studies conducted in areas of workload and
analysis of source data to identify trends and develop data for consideration of new information management technology,
manpower utilization, quality assurance, and other areas designated by management. Recommend policy and/or procedures
to the Branch Chief to be considered by management for adoption. Perform staff review of USACE IM/IT elements and
Records Management Programs to maintain a viable records management program. Instruct/assist approximately 31
employees in setting up, maintaining and disposing of files in accordance with the current Army Records Management
system. Maintain computerized and web based historical files database. Initiate actions to acquire the appropriate data
information from various sources to assure accuracy and completeness of records data files. Conduct periodic inspections of
the Division and subordinate districts to insure compliance with the current Army Records Management system. Conducts
research, collects, analyzes and verifies data relative to organization, functions, and methods. Responsible for performing
surveys of all elements of USACE IM/IT concerning procedures, practices and operations relating to Records Management
program in its entirety. Serve as backup to Print Specialist, Mail Clerk and Visual Information Specialist as needed, including
specialized experience using a variety of methods, techniques, and materials used to design, produce, and reproduce visual
products and other media including experience producing slides for presentation meetings, information briefings, speeches,
etc. Conducted extensive research related to SAP/ERP/LMP operations. Prepare training charts and Power Point slides.
Experience creating briefings for meetings, detailed reports, and short publications which include graphics and photos.
Serves as Official Mail Manager for Tulsa District, US Army Corps of Engineers. Plans and performs management,
productivity improvement, and quality management studies and projects. Responsible for periodic records audits.
Tulsa District USACE IT Records Manager. Provide staff direction to ensure files are properly arranged and packed prior to
movement to the Records Holding Area. Advise records management coordinators on preparation of material for disposal or
transfer and the preparation of reports. Periodically requires organizational units to report files that are pending disposition.
Initiates actions to acquire the appropriate data information from various sources to assure accuracy and completeness.
Report gathered data in appropriate format to higher headquarters. Responsible for keeping current files at the District's and
Division's alternate headquarters and emergency relocation sites. Experience preparing and presenting training materials,
reports, proposals, and program analysis. Maintains close liaison with appropriate personnel and provides advice and
assistance to the Security Manager in developing and administering a program to reduce holding of classified records.
Research/analyze automated information management systems that can be applied to the IMA disciplines. Make
suggestions pertaining to these programs and oversees their implementation. Examines performance, cost, and efficiency
against established or developed goals and performance criteria. Provides statistical reports, charts, and graphs. Analyzes
data for the purpose of establishing trends and identifying potential problems. Routinely interpret regulations and
procedures and provides advice and assistance to other staff. Prepare orders through DTS for TDY travel requirements.
McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (07/05/2010 11/18/2010) Logistics Modernization Program Assistant
1 C Tree Rd
McAlester, Oklahoma 74501,
Supervisor: Ms. Jeana Kaskie, COMM 918-***-****; E Mail: *****.******@**.****.***; Contact: Yes
Pay Grade: GS 0344 05/04
Salary: $34,445.00 YR
Hours per week: 40
Duties: Assist with LMP program implementation and training. Engage in the comprehensive study of LMP within the
integration of the Enterprise Resource Planning Concept. Assist in sustaining modernization efforts associated with LMP
and productivity of future requirements. Answer calls for assistance at Help Desk answering questions on LMP functionality.
Provide on the fly training. Elevate problem tickets. Use qualitative and quantitative techniques in analyzing and measuring
the effectiveness, efficiency and the productivity of LMP affecting SAP business areas including Acquisition, Project
Systems, Finance, Quality Management, Inventory Management, Warehouse Management, Industrial Base Operations,
Sales and Distribution, Product Lifecycle Management, and Supply Chain Planning. Pull status and ad hoc reports for LMP
management. Have extensive training with the ability to extract and analyze information from Enterprise Resource
Programming (ERP) and SAP automated system. Trained in use of qualitative and quantitative techniques in analyzing and
measuring the effectiveness, efficiency and the productivity of LMP. Experience supporting Logistics Modernization
Program training requirements. Experience with LMP reports and metrics. Have performed extensive research on
LMP/ERP/SAP business areas and all parts of the modernization solution. Able to perform analytical and evaluative work
related to SAP/ERP/LMP program operations. Manage and maintain Access office suspense actions. Maintain Logistics
Issue Tracker. Alternate ATAAPS and TEDS administrator. Update CPAVRS daily.
Temporary Change of Station Army Sustainment Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, IL Duty Assignment:
Kandahar, Afghanistan, APO AE 09355
(01/12/2010 06/08/2010) S1, Admin Assist/Officer
Supervisors: Mr. John Bolton, DSN 312-***-****, Opt 1, x8010, E Mail: ****.******@**.****.***; Contact: Yes
Pay Grade: GS 0341 07 (Ld 09)
Salary: $33,979.00 YR
Hours per week:80+
Duties: Overseas Combat Deployment Assisted in all areas of Human Resource Management including Strength
Management reporting, processing Civilian and Military Awards, Emergency Leaves, and R&R Leave and Pass. Section
Personnel Security Administrator for JPAS security verifications. Deployed Theater Accountability Systems (DTAS) manager.
As the S 1 assistant to the Battalion S 1 Adjutant, applied basic HR policies, methods, and practices to conduct fact finding
and recommend solutions to routine staffing and classification actions such as: identifying appropriate coding and
processing procedures to process a variety of HR actions; answering inquiries concerning job vacancy procedures; locating
and selecting position descriptions; and identifying appropriate regulatory codes, nature of action, and appropriate pay for
routine HR action requests. Prepared evaluation reports; and discussed findings with management and employees.
Maintained personnel strength reporting. Reported statistics to higher headquarters daily. In/Out processed Military and
Civilian personnel. Established operating guidelines (or Standard Operating Procedures – SOPs) to implement procedures,
methods, and other work related changes. Tracked continuing problems in the quality and quantity of work and operating
effectiveness and recommended necessary corrective actions. Composed invitations and insured they were e mailed in a
timely manner and that RSVP lists were accurately maintained. Prepared Power Point slide show, seating plans and place
cards for Change of Command ceremony; determined flag requirements and inspected facilities to insure they were properly
prepared. Has the training necessary to provide management with recurring and non recurring reports on the budget and to
advise management on use of funds. Created and presented a variety of spreadsheets and power point slide briefings for
staff meetings. Monitored theater requirements and recommended alternatives for critical fills. Assigned and explained work
requirements to subordinate team members for new or changed programs, functions, goals and processes. Gathered,
analyzed, compiled and presented PERSTAT and manpower reports to Command Group. Routinely solved technical work
problems not covered by precedents or established policies.
Temporary Change of Station Army Sustainment Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, IL Duty Assignment: 401st
Army Field Support Brigade, Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, APO AE 09354 (08/29/2009 01/11/2010) AMC LSE AF, Admin
Supervisor: LTC Roberto Hernandez, DSN 312-***-****, Opt1, x3826; Contact: Yes
Pay Grade: GS 0341 07 (Ld 09)
Salary: $33,477.00 per year
Hours per week:80+
Duties: Overseas Combat Deployment TCS position transferred from Kuwait to Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring
Freedom. Support activities of the Division Chief and approximately 100 employees of the AMC, Logistics Support Element.
Serve as Training Coordinator and ARIMS Records Coordinator for the LSE office. Maintain Division Chief, training and
conference room calendars. Unit Mail Clerk. Contracting Officer Representative (COR) in charge of invoices, time keeping
and authorization of payment for five contractor personnel. In/Out process personnel. Process award recommendations for
redeploying personnel. Provide administrative support for the Division Chief. Update In/Out bound roster. Update personnel
strength report (PERSTAT) daily. Section Personnel Security Administrator for JPAS verifications.
05/10/2009 06/08/2010 Temporary Change of Station Army Sustainment Command, Rock Island Arsenal, Rock Island, IL
Duty Assignment: 401st AFSB, Camp Arifjan, Kuwait, APO AE 09366
(05/10/2009 08/28/2009) S1, Admin Assist/Officer
Supervisor: Mr. Timothy Gregory, DSN 318-***-****; Contact: Yes
Pay Grade: GS 0341 07 (Ld 09)
Salary: $33,477.00 YR
Hours per week:80+
Duties: Overseas Deployment Continuation of support in all areas of S1 functions. Transferred from TDY to TCS position
with Rock Island Arsenal, IL. Duties remain the same; please see work related experience below.
401st Army Field Support Brigade (03/28/2008 05/09/2009) S1, Management Specialist
Camp Arifjan, Kuwait
APO AE 09366
Supervisor: Mr. Timothy Gregory, DSN 318-***-****, (Current DSN 318-***-****, Bagram, Afghanistan) E Mail:
*******.*.*******@**.****.***; Contact: Yes
Pay Grade: GS 0318 05/03 (Covering a GS 0344 11 position)
Salary: $32,824.00 YR
Hours per week:80+
Duties: Overseas Deployment 407 days TDY in support of Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom as a Management
Specialist for the 401st AFSB, S1 office. Assist in all areas of Human Resource Management including Strength
Management Reporting, processing Civilian and Military Awards, Emergency Leaves, Leaves and Passes, Non
Commissioned Officer Evaluation Reports (NCOER's), Officer Evaluation Reports (OER's), IPCOTS and other Military
personnel actions. In/out process military and civilian personnel. ARIMS Records Coordinator responsible for setting up and
maintaining compliance according to army standards and regulations. Receive and input call forwards for all AMC SWA into
master Excel data base. Send out Call Forward Reports daily. Correct data files using computer; retrieve data in report
format; load changes to computer from corrected reports and maintain records for database updates to ensure integrity of
the data. Review Contingency Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) and battle roster requirements and recommend
fills based on mission priority and personnel authorization for installation key officials' approval. Initiated and tracked
requests for personnel action, and monitored performance plans and appraisals for proper and timely completion. Serve as
consultant on benefits and entitlements for deployed personnel. Compile and analyze data to identify trends, deficiencies
and accomplishments. Prepare a variety of reports using spreadsheets, charts and graphs. Always exercise confidentiality.
Monitor theater requirements, recommend alternatives for critical fills and track personnel accountability. Capable of
providing guidance, interpretations, training and/or briefings on current and proposed Human Resource and appointment
related policies for assigned personnel in theater to a wide variety of individuals, managers and key officials.
McAlester Army Ammunition Plant (07/10/2006 07/04/2010) Environmental Management Secretary (Time includes
TDY/TCS deployment)
1 C Tree Rd
McAlester, Oklahoma 74501 9002 United States
Supervisor: Mr. Darrell Elliott, DSN 956 7630; Contact: Yes
Pay Grade: GS 0318 05/04
Salary: $34,445.00 YR
Hours per week:40
Duties: Receive calls, greets visitors, and directs to supervisor or other staff members only those contacts needing their
attention or action. Personally respond to routine questions and requests for information such as status of reports, suspense
date for matters requiring compliance, and similar information readily available from the files. Compose correspondence,
receive and review all incoming mail, assembles, prepares and submits office reports of staff time charges, maintains
personnel time sheets and inputs into Automated Time Attendance and Production System (ATAAPS). Prepared travel
orders/vouchers for supervisor. Completed DTS training. Provide advice regarding travel orders, schedules related
appointments and counsels employees on related processes. Provided guidance and assistance on applicable procedures,
instructions, and regulations to other support clerical personnel within the organization. ARIMS Records Coordinator
responsible for maintaining files for compliance with army standards and regulations. Maintained historical data on proposed
and future training schedules and initiated training requests. Prepare reports on decisions and recommendations. Prepares
guidance and procedures and coordinates implementation of such guidance. Compile statistical data for management
MCAAP (06/27/2005 07/07/2006) GPC Order Clerk
1 C Tree Road
McAlester, Oklahoma 74501 9002 United States
Supervisor: Steven Cox 918-***-****; Contact: Yes
Pay Grade: GS 0303 04/01
Salary: $25,338.00 YR
Hours per week: 40
Duties: Process customer order on micro purchases. Maintain documentation on all transactions and input into tracking
system. Order from required sources of supply and service in accordance with (IAW) Federal Acquisition Regulation. (FAR)
Part 8. Order IAW Federal and local regulations. Maintain and record all purchase transactions into tracking system and
C.A.R.E. Transaction Logs. Reconcile all transactions monthly. Process all order receipts, shipping and receiving
documentation. Send notice to requestor that order is ready for pick up. Maintain a follow up system to ensure timely
completion of customer order requests. Create/maintain filing systems and file a variety of documents IAW ARIMS. Provide
monthly reports of customer order status and completion. Prepare correspondence, micro purchase order request
procedures, and other documents as required. Maintain Regulations, Technical Bulletins, Technical Notes, and other
documentation governing the accomplishment of Government purchases.
Prepare a variety of accurate narrative and tubular material. Prepare in draft or final form, using common terminology of
procedures and policies within the unit and division personnel, accurately utilizing spelling, grammar, capitalization, and
punctuation. Consistently using sound judgment with form and arrangement of statistical or tubular data for clarity.
Knowledge of Army rules and regulations concerning preparation of correspondence and ARIMS filing. Sound judgment
when resolving problems associated with the administrative task within the office. Establish and maintain files, dispose of
files in accordance with governing regulatory procedures. Maintain ready reference files of frequently consulted regulations,
policies, rosters, directives, and other material. Establish and maintain register lists by various categories and sub category
of persons or organizations frequently contacted. Process and submit office reports and personnel time cards.
Work independently on assignments in accordance with instructions and meeting deadlines. Knowledge of planning and
coordinating schedules and workloads of an office. Contact personnel with instructions clarifying the exchange of information
and arrange meetings. Maintain electronic records IAW ARIMS such as databases, lists, spreadsheets. Receive requisitions
for purchase of a variety of items such as ammunition, office supplies, furniture, production equipment, tools, etc. Routinely
process purchase requests and maintain documentation, store data and prepare statistical data on a monthly basis.
Order supplies for entire MCAAP Installation and load stock items into ARS when received. Monitor my activity in ARS to
ensure that parts and supplies are available when required. Compile, analyze, and summarize information relating to supply
request and contact customers, if needed, concerning conflicts in description of required items and recommend suitable
substitute and alternate sources of supply when items are not available, procurement lead time will not meet the required
delivery date, require special handling, large quantities are requested and standard source cannot meet demand, change in
pricing, or other facts relating to the supply requirement.
Experience using the Government Purchase Card and complying with program regulations to order micro purchases.
Maintain supply levels for a large production facility. Familiar with the Automated Requisitioning System (ARS) to manage
customer requisitions. Initiate requisition procurement actions, including local purchase requirements, to obtain materiel and
replenish stock. Monitored procurement of supplies, materials, equipment and services.
Plan, execute, and complete deviations from established procedures, and resolve problems that arise in accordance with
agency or local standards, previous training and experience, established practices, or other controls appropriate for each
assignment. Determine items which are excess to requirements and initiate action to screen materiel through appropriate
channels and/or report materiel to the source of supply NICP. Serve as point of contact and liaison for MCAAP, tenant
customers, NICPs, commercial vendors, local procurement officials and other government agencies. Search for and analyze
information, trace sequences of transactions to resolve questions, and provide various supply status information as needed.
Resolve gaps in guidelines consistent with stated supply program objectives.
The Bank, N. A. (04/12/2003 06/26/2005) Bank Teller Group Leader
201 E. Carl Albert Pkwy.
McAlester, Oklahoma 74501 United States
Supervisor: Carolyn Hollaway 918-***-****; Contact: Yes
Salary: $7.75 per HR
Hours per week: 10 during the school year; 40 during the summer months
Duties: Group leader bank teller. Supervisory duties included conducting transactions with Jack Henry Banking Systems
online, taking deposits, processing loan payments, making withdrawals for customers, transferring funds between accounts,
conducting customer service, auditing teller cash bins, auditing cash vault, setting timer on vault, setting alarms, requesting
inquiry on ATM, replacing cash availability as needed, and directing other tellers in their duties. Made sound judgment
decisions on approving or denying questionable practices and transactions, and used an override code for approvals when
Savanna Schools (08/01/1992 06/26/2005) Teacher Assistant/High School Secretary
P. O. Box 266, Hwy. 69 S. and Brewer Rd.
Savanna, Oklahoma 74565 United States
Supervisor: Gary Reeder 918-***-****; Contact: Yes
Salary: $1,500.00 per MO
Hours per week: 35
Duties: Maintained student absences on ledgers and on automated system. Established and maintained permanent,
confidential student files using the online Municipal Accounting Systems (MAS) program. Established, filed, and maintained
confidential, permanent student information in hard copy filing system in accordance with state education regulations.
Prepared and filed various online reports with the state education office and mailed a variety of reports. Compiled and
maintained reports for state education auditors. Received calls on multi line phones, redirected calls as needed to supervisor
or other staff members only on the basis of contacts needing their attention or action. Personally responded to routine
requests for information; made deposits, managed/directed student aides in various duties, supervised their performance;
developed, typed and mailed a variety of correspondence for the administration using known policies, procedures, proper
format, spelling, and punctuation with proper enclosures. Responsible for recording leave usage and balances for school
personnel and student aides. Completed training and worked daily with several computer operating systems, data bases,
and software including MAS, Wengage, Microsoft Office Professional 2000, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft
Windows XP, Microsoft Word, and Corel Word Perfect. Familiar with Microsoft Power Point.
Self Employed (01/1988 07/1992)
Stay at home wife/mother. Babysat neighbor and church family children on occasion at my home. Took care of my two
children until the youngest started to public school.
Synergy Gas Corp. (07/1987 01/1988) Office Secretary
(Business closed)
Supervisor: Contact: N/A
Audited, balanced, and verified all separate driver accounts daily. Consolidated all account reports into main report for home
office in N.Y. Called in report daily. Balanced customer accounts and worked up daily office deposit for branch manager.
Waited on customers who came into the main office for propane and parts.
First National Bank and The Bank, N.A. (06/1981 08/1982; 09/1983 06/1987) Bank Teller
FNB: 235 Choctaw Ave.
The BANK, N.A.: 201 E. Carl Albert Pkwy.
McAlester, Oklahoma 74501 United States
Supervisor: The Bank, N.A.: Carolyn Hollaway 918-***-****; Contact: Yes
FNB: Marilyn Shipley (Retired) 918-***-****; Contact: Yes
Salary: $6.25 per HR
Hours per week: 40
Duties: Drive In bank teller. Conducted transactions manually and also with Jack Henry Banking Systems online, processed
deposits, processing loan payments, cashed checks and made savings withdrawals for customers, transferred funds
between accounts, and conducted customer service.
Mid America Christian University (08/2011 – 08/2013)
3500 S. W. 119th St.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
United States
Degree: Master – Leadership (Public Administration emphasis)
GPA: 4.0 Semester Hours Complete: 38
Description: Completed course work in Program Orientation, Critical Thinking and Ethical Leadership, Leadership Theory
and Practice, Organizational Culture and Behavior, Program Evaluation and Research Methodology, Managing Public
Programs, Public Policy Implementation, Legislative Process and Behavior, Public Budgeting and Finance, Intro to
Quantitative Methods of Administrative Data, Leading Change and Project Management, and MLP Research Presentation.
Mid America Christian University (09/16/2008 05/14/2011)
3500 S. W. 119th St.
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73170
United States
Degree: Bachelor Management & Ethics; Honors Cum Laude
GPA: 3.69 Semester Hours Complete: 126
Description: Completed course work in Accounting for Managers, Organizational Communication, Computer Based
Information Systems, Goals, Priorities and Attitudes, Management Principles, Management Ethics, Foundations of Ethics,
Marketing Concepts and Applications, Financial Analysis, Managing People: Groups and Leadership, and Research and
Ethical Decision Making.
Eastern Oklahoma State College, McAlester Campus (08/16/2004 05/11/2007)
1802 E. College Ave.
McAlester, Oklahoma 74501
United States
Degree: Associate Business Administration
GPA: 3.63 Semester Hours Complete: 71
Description: Completed course work in Business Communications, Intro to Business, Computer Applications, Intro to Word
Processing, Crisis Intervention, Bookkeeping, Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Micro Economics, Macro
Economics, American Sign Language I and II, as well as general course work needed for Associate's Degree in Business
High School
Savanna High School (08/11/1977 05/20/1981)
P. O. Box 266, Hwy. 69 S. & Brewer Rd.
Savanna, Oklahoma 74565
United States
Degree: High School Diploma
GPA: 3.98
Description: Salutatorian of graduating class.
Additional Information
Received Certificates of Completion in Domestic Disturbances and Physically & Mentally Impaired Units of the Law
Enforcement Training System Eastern Oklahoma State College
Certificate of Completion and training in proper use of the GPC program at MCAAP June 2005
Government Purchase Card (GPC) training (CLG001) Section 891 June 2005
Completed training in the use of C.A.R.E. through C.A.R.E. Web based Training June 2005
Web based training course for Micro purchases of Section 508 (disability accessible) Electronic & Information Technology
Products June 2005
Lean Six Sigma Project Team Member May 2006
DTS Training June 2007
Level I and Level II OPSEC Officer Certification training November 2007
Performance Appraisal May 2009/1 Excellent; June 2010/1 Excellent; September 2011/1 Excellent
JPAS training October 2009
ATAAPS refresher course training October 2009
Wide Area Work Flow training October 2009
Contracting Officer Representative with a Mission Focus (CLC106) Section 888 October 2009
Ethics Training for Acquisition Technology and Logistics (CLM003) Section 892 October 2009
Fundamentals of Systems Acquisition Management training (ACQ101) Section 302 October 2009
Acquisition Logistics Fundamentals training (LOG101) Section 303 November 2009
Fundamentals of System Sustainment Management training (LOG102) Section 306 November 2009
Designing for Supportability in DoD Systems training (CLL008) Section 888 November 2009
Performance Based Logistics (PBL) training (CLL011) Section 888 November 2009
On the Spot Cash Award ($500.00) for excellent performance of duty November 2009
Government Purchase Card refresher training (CLG004) Section 890 May 2010
Purchase Card Online System (PCOLS) training (CLG005) Section 888 May 2010
Performance Bonus ($2000.00) June 2010
Commander's Award June 2010
Certificate of Achievement June 2010
NATO Award June 2010
GWOT Award June 2010
EU Importance of Data Quality June 2010
EU LMP Fundamentals June 2010
EU Introduction to Business Process Models June 2010
EU ERP and SAP Fundamentals June 2010
Management Internal Control Program (MICO) training February 2011; November 2013
Army Basic Leadership Course training April 2011
Simplified Purchase Agreement (SPA) training November 2011
Performance Bonus ($581.00) January 2012; January 2013; January 2014
Cover Letter Information