N icole L. Iglicki
*** ******* **** **** ********** 3O Tel 917-***-****
New York, NY 10025 Email: ***************@*****.***
Looking for a position as a Medical Assistant within the health field utilizing expertise
i n; medical assistance, laboratory technology and administrative tasks, to attain the
u ppermost level of patient care while maximizing the efficiency of facility.
H ealth -R elated Experience
D r. Marc Singer MD June 2013- Present
Medical Assistant
Prepared patients for full body exam, took their history, conducted EKG’s,
Performed blood draws and pregnancy tests .
A nswered the phone lines, updated medical records, scheduled appointments for
patients and billed insurance companies
ST. V I NCEN T’S H OSP ITAL New York, NY February 2009 – April
F asttrack Assistant to Physician’s Assistant
U nder the supervision and guidance of a Physician’s Assistant, performed diagnostic
and therapeutic procedures; prescribed t reatment; recorded data for physician review;
recorded patient histories; conducted physical examination; wrote observations,
comments, workups, summaries; and; explained diagnostic and therapeutic
p rocedures to patients.
C ORNELL M ED ICAL CENTER New York, NY J anuary 2003 - September
E mbryological Lab Technician
Worked in laboratory on IVF cases including ICSI, harvests, and inseminations and
m icroscopic evaluations. Organized patient information.
T eaching Experience
YESH IVA UN I VERSI TY H IG H SCHOOL New York, N Y September 2001- January
I nstructor/Advisor
Taught Regents and Advance Placement Chemistry, certification in lab
i nstruction, supervised all lab activities, provided college guidance,
p repared students for In tel/Westinghouse National Science Competition.
W indsor P reparatory School New York, NY September 1999 - June 2001
I nstructor/Advisor
Lectured in ternational students on Regents based Chemistry and microbiological
pathogens, worked in-depth with students on Gram positive/negative staining and the
acid- fast staining method, and mentored science based students.
Q ueens College F lushing, N Y September 1999- August 2001
Teacher’s Assistant
Lecturer in organic/inorganic chemistry: Supervised undergraduate work
performance. Performed in-depth research on the Tobacco Tomato Vi rus; Applied
f indings to prevent future virus mutations. Attended conference in Germany relating
to future laboratory viruses.
Cornell Medical Center New York, NY September 1995 - June 1997
L aboratory Technician
Worked in hematology laboratory: Analyzed slide work of H IV patients in comparison
to non-infected patients. Worked closely with chief physicians in deducing rates of
deterioration and applied results to aid in reducing severity of the disease.
H AL L MARK New York, NY September 2004 –
P resent
V P of Retail Operations
Responsible for providing leadership and direction for Retail Operations to ensure
efficient operation, improvement of sales and profit targets; and Plan developments
A uthority included expense management, staffing, strategic growth, leadership
development, and succession planning. Provided direction on retail policies aided in
p rocedures with regard to Marketing, Product, and Planning and Product allocation.
Over 3 years’ experience working as a Medical Service Assistant
Medical Assistant certification in progress via the AAMA
A dvanced computer skills; MS Office/Outlook/Word/Excel
I n-depth knowledge of medical terminology
Certified Laboratory Instructor via New York State educational requirements
Queens College
BS Biology/ Chemistry June 1997
M inor: Secondary Education
GPA 3.75
Queens College, Member of Golden Key Society;
Sackler Medical Research Grant.
Certified Laboratory Instructor via New York State, MS Word, Excel. Power Point
F luency in Hebrew and Spanish