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Executive Management

Alexandria, VA
July 13, 2014

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From: Robert Hockin

RE: Opportunity with your organization

Dear Sir or Ms.:

You are probably going to get hundreds of applications for the position

posted -- all promising the same things. Nevertheless, I want to show you

how my skills and experience not only make me different from others, but

offer you more value.

As you will see from the attached materials, my career has spanned

corporate management, management consulting settings, and especially

significant work with strategic issues. I have extensive leadership

experience and have led people to regularly reach and exceed their goals,

in other words-to achieve results.

Of particular note for you and the members of your team as you consider my

skills are my strong accomplishments in combining business acumen with

organizational and marketing savvy to achieve improved operating efficiency

internally and improved performance for the organization as a whole.

Additionally, my accomplishments have been achieved by enhancing overall

organization and personal performance, and improving cooperation and

communication between management and staff. I am seeking an executive

leadership position in an organization where I can make a long-lasting,

positive contribution.

If you are seeking a talented individual who stays abreast of his field,

who understands organizational strategy, who earns 100% staff support, and

who is as career-committed as it takes to achieve total success, then

please consider what I have to offer.

I would be happy to have a preliminary discussion with you or members of

your team to see if we can establish a mutual interest. Thank you for your

attention to these materials. I certainly look forward to exploring this



Robert J. Hockin

Mobile: 703-***-**** Email: ********@*****.***


Phone: 703-***-**** (Mobile) E-mail: ********@*****.***


[pic] Extensive experience and proven strategic management and

operational leadership skills. Led as an executive and/or

Strategy Development & consultant in: business (Fortune 500 & small business),

Execution healthcare, financial services, consulting, education, Federal

Created and implemented and state agencies, and non-profits. Offer outstanding

enterprise strategy & leadership value across diverse stakeholder groups with

action plans to develop excellent knowledge base, expertise, staff engagement and

strategic change mgmt. professional commitment to move organization to the next level

competency in major of achievement.

fundraising organization

Passion to create and lead sustainable and high performing

Guided and consulted on organization through effective strategy development, human

strategic mgmt. & resources, performance management, decision analytics,

improvement processes strategic marketing, and change management to reach new levels

with numerous clients in of excellence.

business services,

healthcare, nonprofits,

technology, financial EMPLOYMENT HISTORY

services CAPELLA UNIVERSITY: Adjunct Faculty, School of Bus. & Tech

Guided and enhanced (9/1994-Present; PT). 866-***-****

Balanced Scorecard (BSC) Adult Learning Design & Implementation (eLearning): --Created

process & facilitated business curriculum and courses, e.g. several of first

implementation to allow Web-based courses contributing to leading growth; --Regularly

greater accountability & teach online courses --Mentor doctoral learners located

transparency globally-41+ completed doctorates with me

Organizational Performance Management/ Leadership Coaching:

Organizational Change & --Served on Policy Council, Compensation, Accreditation Team,

Performance Management personnel development, curriculum development, corporate

Served multi-years at training development and leadership teams

state and national Change Management/ Baldrige: --Led initial efforts to utilize

levels for Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for accreditation efforts--national program

Baldrige Award for initiated with regional accrediting body as a result;

Excellence Board of --Collaborated with faculty team to obtain university

Examiners. Baldrige accreditation in record time

Award (established by US

Congress in 1987) have WALDEN UNIVERSITY: Adjunct Faculty, Doctoral Business

been extensively tested Administration Program(2009-Present; PT). Walden

and adopted University-part of Laureate Education, Inc. 866-***-****

internationally as the Adult Learning Design & Implementation (eLearning): --Teach

standard for online courses in the DBA program, e.g., strategy, business

organization performance administration, organizational analysis; --Mentor DBA learners

excellence working on their business administration doctorates through the

Consulted with online program

education company using Dimensions Healthcare: Senior Director(Asst. VP) HR Development

Baldrige Criteria for (2014)

ongoing accreditation Organizational Performance Management Organizational

review Performance Management

Developed healthcare Professional Development/ Training: Leadership Development;

National Accounts member Executive Coaching

website with consumer HR Business Processes: Talent Acquisition-Recruitment;

health information Personnel; Talent Management

Guided process to obtain

online university AARP (2011-2014)-Senior Advisor, Org. & Mgmt.

accreditation quickly Effectiveness-Office of CEO

Developed and guided Organizational Performance Mgmt./ Leadership Coaching/Change

nonprofit organizational Management: --Advise enterprise restructuring to rebalance

communications "One internal resources; --Guide change mgmt../ OD efforts to

Vision" internal effectively change organization using "best practices"

branding infrastructure & processes. Advise enterprise restructuring to

Evaluated/implemented rebalance internal resources; --Mentor in organization's Jerry

call center operational Florence Mentor Prog.

turnaround for major Strategy Development & Execution: -Sr. Strategic Advisor,

fundraiser Enterprise Strategy Grp. --Formulate strategy & organizational

Led change management/ performance goals --Collaborate with AARP leaders to analyze

communications efforts work to evaluate/monitor org. performance metrics -Identified

on project team for needs/trends in external environment, & propose new ways to

department transitions enhance org. performance management

in biotech company

acquired by major ALSAC/ ST. JUDE CHILDREN'S RESEARCH HOSPITAL(fundraising arm of

pharmaceutical company hospital): Director, Strategic Mgmt.; Consulting Liaison-Change

Led OD/change management Mgmt./ Org. Development (1/09-2/10)

effort for CRM Business Strategy Development & Execution: --Created and implemented

Strategy project with enterprise strategy to create change management competency;

major nonprofit --Guided strategy & implementation process with Exec. Team

biomedical services to Change Management/ Baldrige: --Developed organizational

develop strategies to communications "One Vision" branding; -- Evaluated/assisted in

create a call center operational turnaround

customer-centric Benchmarking/ Balanced Scorecard: --Researched/reported BSC

"future-state" model Learning & Growth measures enterprise-wide results to evaluate

benefits of programs; Facilitated & enhanced scorecard process

Business Development/

Product Mgmt./ Account Marketing/ Business Analytics: --Led research/ analytics

Management / Fundraising efforts to define and evaluate business strategies to achieve

mission; -- Managed cross-divisional efforts with marketing &

Sold and led $3.5 support divisions maximizing financial, donor and operational

million quality measures performance

development project with

Federal healthcare NORTH HIGHLAND: Sr.Consulting Mgr. (2007-2009; Consulting) IT

agency consulting firm

Led business development Change Management: --Engaged organizational assessment for

in strategic accounts State of VA-Evaluated: Depts. of: HHS, Public Health, Social

consulting company, Services, Mental Health & Retardation Svces., leading to

responsible for $7.5 realignments; -- Led change mgmt./ communications for

million in research organization transitions in biotech company acquired by pharma

Designed and conducted company, providing guidance on assimilation; --Led change

various market & mgmt. effort for CRM Bus. Strategy project, Am. Red Cross

consumer research for biomedical services to institute customer-centric approach

major pharma/ biotech Org. Performance Mgmt./ Leadership Coaching: -- Led OD/ change

cos. effort with human capital & training team US-VISIT (Dept.

Contracted ($20m+) with Homeland Security); --Led sessions to align current efforts

funding sources: Federal with US-VISIT overall strategic plan, and prepare for growth of

CMS, MN Dept. Health, agency;--Collaborated with Acting Deputy Director on strategy

Dept. Human Svces., work, org. assessment/ design and change management efforts

Robert Woods Johnson Account Management/ Marketing/Business Development: --Developed

Fdtn., & others to key relationships in organization through work on projects &

provide quality opportunities to provide additional services

improvement research &

programs BEARINGPOINT: Sr. Manager(2005-2007; Consulting):Public Health

Collaborated with Svcs. Grp.

Fortune 100 employers in Change Management: Led OD consulting engagements covering

healthcare benefit program evaluation/ mgmt., business analytics, communications,

design & health service and healthcare quality/ policy research

delivery to achieve Account Management/ Marketing/Business Development: Led $3.5

equivalency and million program (Part D) quality measures development project

accessibility in with Federal healthcare agency (CMS)

geographic markets & Performance Mgmt./ Leadership Coaching: Worked with Federal

provide seamless care agencies such as CMS, CDC, NIH & others; --Managed team for

Managed multi-million Train-Trainer & Mystery Shopping projects

dollar consulting

engagements, e.g.,Mayo JZM RESEARCH INC.: VP, Strategic Business Development

Clinic, Allina Health, (2004-2005): Market intelligence and customer analytics

BCBSMN, Fairview Hosp., research firm.

MN HHS, U. MN Account Management/ Marketing/Business Development: Created &

Led market research managed national account sales force, customer relationships &

revenue generation: projects; -- Led business development team in strategic

personally sold and accounts, responsibility $7.5 million-research projects

managed customer Marketing/ Business Analytics: Conducted analytics research for

research projects for major pharma/biotech companies, e.g., Abbott, Sanofi-Aventis,

Fortune 500 clients of Pfizer, Amgen, etc.

$12+ million over 3

years IBM GLOBAL SERVICES: Key Account Principal-Public Sector (HC,

Managed leading group of Educ., Governnt.) (2001-2003)

senior consultants in Account Management/ Marketing/Business Development: Led

client relationships and executive level business development, customer retention, &

business development project oversight of services for effective solutions in

activities. My sales E-business, IT & business strategy; --Accounts: Mayo Clinic,

team provided 45% of Allina Health, BCBSMN, Fairview Hospitals, State of MN HHS, U.

overall company revenues of Minnesota Hospital; --Led personal account revenue

generation, approximately $4.5-5 million each year for 3 years

Leadership/ Learning & STRATIS HEALTH, VP Operations (COO), reported to CEO/President

Development (Coaching- (1997-2001) Healthcare outcomes & CMS Quality Improvement

eLearning); Human Organization.

Resources Mgmt. Applied Research/ Program Evaluation: --Led organization

Created, developed & personnel in healthcare outcomes research; -- Served as

implemented management/ OD/quality improvement supplier for Health Systems throughout

individual contributor area in healthcare organizations to design & implement outcomes

program --Fortune 500 of quality improvement strategies.

co. division Business Development/ Marketing: --Contracted with different

Initiated, created & funding sources: CMS, MN Dept. Health, MN Dept. of HS, Robert

implemented training in Woods Johnson Fdtn., and others to provide quality improvement

change management for research and program initiatives ($20m+ in contracts).

fundraising organization Benchmarking/ Balanced Scorecard: --Managed research projects

of approximately 900 such as CMS Diabetes Management Initiative and MN Dept. of H.S.

employees senior care strategies; --Led development of educational

Grew program through programs for Medicare beneficiaries.

creation of business

courses/ online teaching PREVIOUS OTHER POSITIONS:

BlueCross BlueShield MN: Director & Practice Leader National

Contributed significant Accounts Reported to Vice President of National Strategic

leadership expertise: Business Unit (SBU). BCBSMN NA-SBU was dedicated to MN-based

Served on Policy national employers/purchasers of health services.

Council, Comp. Comm., QI INTERNATIONAL: Director, Strategic Accounts. Led a

faculty development, 60-person customer loyalty/ research company providing

Accreditation Team, consultation focused on customer loyalty issues

curriculum development LONGMAN FINANCIAL SERVICES: Manager, Research & Development-

Mentor/coach doctoral Fin. Services (developed licensing & sales training materials

learners located for financial services-securities, banking, insurance, real

globally estate)

Coached executives in HONEYWELL SSED (Solid State Electronics): Human Resources/ OD

several organizations on Senior Specialist-OD interventions; HRIS management;

performance management, Responsible for leading OD interventions with various division

organizational design leadership; Led Quality Improvement teams with positive

and strategy bottom-line impacts for division; Created & led Management

Led sessions to align Development & Individual contributor development Programs

efforts within US-VISIT EDUCATION

(Homeland Sec.) overall --University of PA-Wharton School of Business; Executive

strategic plan, & Certificate- Bus. Admin.

prepare growth of agency --University of Minnesota Sociology/ Social Psychology,

M.A. & Ph.D.

Coached US-VISIT Acting --Moravian College Psychology-History, B.A.

Deputy Dir.-strategy


assessment & change Certified Change Management/OD Professional, Prosci Change

mgmt. Management

Led consulting Certified Marketing Executive (CME); Sales & Marketing

engagements with Executives International

agencies such as CMS, Certified Seniors Advisor (CSA); Society of Certified Senior

CDC, NIH and other Advisors

agencies Certified Healthcare Professional; Academy of Managed

Led team that presented Healthcare

BCBSMN National Accounts Certified Management Consultant (CMC); Institute of Management

SBU for NCQA Consultants. Prestigious designation accepted by professional

accreditation associations worldwide

Strategic Perspectives in Nonprofit Management, Selected for

Analytics/ Program Harvard University School of Business Executive program

Evaluation/Applied Passed License exams Life/Health, Property/Casualty & Series

Research 7/63 securities

Led primary & secondary Corporate Executive Coaching Program. Corporate Coach

data research, including University

quantitative & Corporate Coaching Program Advisory Board

qualitative data

analysis Community/ Professional Leadership

Managed consulting teams Elected Board Directors, Assoc. Strategy Professional (ASP)

on engagements in 2012-2014 term

program evaluation/ 2010 & '12 Marquis Who's Who IN America & Who's Who In Business

mgmt., business 37th ed.

analytics, 2009 Milestone 110th Anniversary Edition Marquis "WHO'S WHO IN

communications, & AMERICA"

healthcare American Society for Quality (ASQ); Quality Press Editorial

quality/policy research Review Boards

Managed team research American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE)

projects e.g. CMS American Society for Training & Development (ASTD)

Diabetes Mgmt. American Marketing Association (AMA) VP Programming

Initiative & MN Dept. Institute of Management Consultants (IMC), VP, Public Relations

HHS senior care

strategies ($18m+) Sales & Marketing Executives International (SMEI)

Conducted organizational Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, Editorial Review Board

analytics MN Amateur Sports Commission, "Breaking Gender Barriers" Task

accreditation-online Force

education co. Junior Olympic Volleyball Coach, MN Juniors (6 years coaching)

Engaged on

organizational American Arbitration Association National Panel of Arbitrators

assessment for state of & Mediators

VA Dept. of HHS. Board of Directors MN Literacy Council, VP Organizational

Evaluated Departments Development

of: Public Health, Director MN Foodshare (Honeywell) Division led company in

Social Services, Mental donations (2 years)

Health Services MN Quality Award Examiner (Sr. Examiner; Judge): '93, '94, '97,

Created/led Strategic '98, '99

Perf. Grp. (16 sr. Malcolm Baldrige National Award for Excellence Board of

consultants) in research Examiners (Examiner, Sr. Examiner): '95, '96, '06, '08, '11,'13

& business Seven criteria for Baldrige Award (established by US Congress

activities-identifying in 1987) have been extensively tested & adopted internationally

root causes & as the standard for organization performance excellence

implementing strategies

for improvement

Led 60-person customer Key Link

loyalty/ mrkt. research LinkedIn Profile:

firm ($15+ mm.)



Created unique OD process assessment using Malcolm Baldrige

Performance Management Criteria. Led healthcare organization

National Accounts SBU win first level State quality award


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