I. Personal Data
Name Carlos de Luna S enz +52-155-******** Scholarshi Computer
Telephone +52-55-582*-**** p: Science
email cdelunasaenz@yahoo.c
II. Experience
Company Area Title Activities Years Achievements
Suprema Thesis Director Project Leader for several 2007-2014 Introduction of
Corte de Systematiza eBooks programs and new
Justicia de tion and jurisdictional related technologies
la Naci n compilation programs such as IUS, the such as Java
(Mexico's Coordinatio original version was on and .Net 3.5 as
National n. Visual Basic and the part of the
Supreme original plan was to migrate development of
Court) it to Java in 2 versions; eBooks. The
Swing & JSF, but government sales of the
standards made us to do the major eBook
final version on .NET, WPF & product raised
WCF. IUS public version sold fom 2,500
for more than 20,000 copies copies to
and the internal version is 25,000
used for some thousands
users around Mexico.
Sodexho Casa de Software In-house development 2006-2007 Stablish the
Software Developm responsible. In charge of use of RUP
ent internal software methodology,
Manager development quality and and ITIL/CMMI
performance and external practices to
consulting resources improve the
administration as well as IT quality of
providers relationship. inhouse
Softtek GDC-IMSS Consulta SPES - Sistema de Pensiones 2004-2006 Lead projects
nt del IMSS. (Social Security and being the
Institute Pension System) SCM for the
Compile requirements and largest project
improvements for the on Latin
discount, payment and loans America for the
module and leader of the Social Security
affiliates updating module. Mexican
Analyze and design the use Institute.
case, class and sequential
Make a migration road to use
the Rational tools in a
urgent IMSS requirement.
Configuration Manager for
the NSPES and NSST projects,
2 of the largest Latin
American projects on that
Azertia IT Project Manage DuPont's Employees 2003-2004 Set the basis
Consultant Manager Buying Order for Non DuPont to install CMM
Employees project for DuPont proceses
de M xico.
Manage ASPS project
(Advanced Software
Production System)
Ddemesis IT Project Project Manager for: 2000-2001 Lead projects
Consultant Manager Automobile annual tax for Mexico
internet payment system for State
Mexico State Government government and
M xico Express (Technical a custom CRM
leader and Configuration for a Parcel
Manager) services
Freelance IT IT Programmer and analyst: 1998-2000 Lead projects
Consultant Speciali migrate and program the for 3rd party
st Human Resources application 2002-2003 vendors and
for Electoral Federal achieve the
Institute. client's goals
Project Manager: on every
ING Human Resources project.
Grupo Modelo: Invoice and
exporting order system
Tricon: UNIX to Web screen
Apasco: Network and Lotus
Notes servers consulting
Compa a de Luz y Fuerza:
Y2K Financial system manager
for the "Economic Operations
BANAMEX Analist and
programmer for SPEI
(Sistema de pagos
Electr nicos interbancarios)
Grupo Peredo.- ETESA & Grupo
Peredo specific ERP system
using Java Technologies.
IBM de IT Project Short Projects Management 1995-1998 Be a Java
M xico Specialist Manager for: evangelist,
Vitro lead projects
BANAMEX for IBM clients
Bur de Cr dito given pre-sales
Internal IBM projects (Web and post-sales
Server to Lotus Notes support.
migration, p.e.)
Grupo Modelo
III. Knowledge
Operating Systems: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT 4, Windows 98/95, UNIX,
Programming: J2EE, Java, Natural, REXX, C++, ASP, JavaScript, VBScript,
HTML, SQL, Visual Basic.
Databases: MS SQL Server, Access, Oracle, DB2, ADABAS, DB2
Methodologies: RUP (Rational Unified Process), UML (Unified Model Language),
Modeling Tools: Rational Rose, Erwin, Visio, Enterprise Arquitect, UML Argos
Given Courses: Basic, Intermediate and advanced Java, Intech de M xico
RUP, IDS Comercial (2002),
Java (IBM & Instituto Tecnol gico y de Estudios Superiores de
Monterrey, 1997),
Network security, Instituto tecnol gico y de Estudio
Superiores de Monterrey (1998).
Basic & advanced, Ddemesis (2001).
Published books: Building the Infrastructure For the Internet (IBM Red Book
Certifications: Net.Commerce v3, IBM
Conferences ITESM (Campus Queretaro, Estado de M xico y Ciudad de M xico),
UAM (Unidad Iztapalapa),
Universidad de la Sierra, Sof Tech en Miami Florida.
Office tools: MS Office, MS Project,, Rational Requisite Pro, Rational
ClearQuest, Rational ClearCase, Visual Age, Eclipse, JBuilder,
IV. Languages
Spanish: Mother tongue English: 90%
V. Courses
Institute Course Place Date
Kryteria Ecouncil Ethical Hacking Mexico DF 2013
Kryteria Ecouncil Secure programming Mexico DF 2013
KED .NET Diplomat M xico DF 2009
Qualytrain Java Server Faces, AJAX M xico DF 2008
Milestone PM Certification course, A SW M xico DF 2007
Focused course
ITAM Balanced Score Card M xico DF 2007
ITERA ITIL Fundamentals M xico DF 2006
Ddemesis CMM Fundamentals, CMM Levels I, II & M xico D.F. 2001
Software AG Natural, Adabas & Predict M xico D.F. 1998
Intersys Lotus Notes Application Developer & M xico D.F. 1997
IBM de M xico AIX user and Administration M xico D.F. 1996
IBM de M xico Migrate to OS/2 Warp Server for M xico D.F. 1998
IBM de M xico OOP Introduction M xico D.F. 1996
IBM de M xico Visual Age for SmallTak M xico D.F. 1996
IBM de M xico IBM Firewall Charlotte, NC 1998
IBM de M xico Visual Age for SmallTalk Web Parts M xico DF 1996
IV. Education
Grade Institution Place Years
Computer Science
Engineer Instituto Tecnol gico y de Estudios M xico State 1991-1996
Superiores de Monterrey Campus