Dennis Hendricks
Danville Illinois 61832
ph# 765-***-****
Education: Bismarck-Henning High School diploma 1989
Danville Area Community College 1992 associates in Liberal Arts
Danville Area Community College 2012 to present(I am working on
A.S degree in Electronics Engineering Technology) set to complete
May 2014
Employment: January 2012 to December 2013: Thyssen-Krupp. Operator
M y responsibilities included operating and monitoring grinding
machines. This would including fixing fault conditions and
t he size and speed of both the wheels and the camshafts we ground.
addition I was responsible for the General maintenance of the
grinder including
monitoring and adjusting fluid levels(hydraulic and hydrostatic) and
a p re-
operation inspection of entire line incuding inspection of gantry
system and
controls and any manual overides. Also, depending on the line, I
would be
responsible for the process verification of the product. This
i ncluded, not only
a v isual inspection but also actually performing 4 hour/8 hour/
e \end of shift
i nspection in the laboratory. Here we used various specific gauges,
i ncluding
m icronometer and calipers among others, to measure the camshaft
for quality.
March 2008 to November 2011: I was a self-employed satellite
technician for
D irect TV and Dish Network. This entailed performing service calls
i nstallations for new customers and providing customer education.
I nstallations
i ncluded mounting of the satellite dish. This mount could be on a
roof, brick wall
metal pole or even a T.V antenna. The dish would the then be
(bonded) to a suitable grounded. Then service would be extended to
location via RG-6 through crawspace or attics and even down walls.
would then be connected at that location, then would be activated
after several
downloads from the satellite. Customer service included a basic
overview of
how to operated the system. Service calls usually entailed finding a
connection, cable, splitter, diplexor, switch or even replacing a
receiver. Sometimes I even moved the location of the dish for
asthetic purposes
or due to tree foilage interfering with the signal.
January 2000 to March 2008: Nucor Steel . I was hired on as a
security guard
t hen promoted up to a coil/shipping coordinator, which I did for the
last 6
years I was there. My primary responsibilities were to assist the
w ith the storage and location of product throughout the warehouse. I
receive a production schedule which would let me know what product
w hat customer was being made. I could then look at the available
spaces and railroad cars on site and determine what would be the
best storage
option. This included knowing the customers demands, shipping
p roduction dates, and availble space closest to the next operation(for
i nternal
customers). I would then move, usually with a 55,000 pound
forklift, the steel
coils to the location(sometimes with an overhead crane) and
document its
location for future reference.
June 1998-January 2000: Heatcraft Inc. I was an assembler/Brazer.
responsibility was to assemble cooling units and then
braze/acetylene weld
t hem together. We would get a blueprint and a parts packet the
would contain
t he small parts to assemble various cooling units. The small parts
consisted of
any parts that needed to be brazed onto an air conditioner. This
i ncluded the u-
bends, the equalizer tubes and the distributor. We would then use
t he
blueprints for reference before brazing.
M arch 1997- June 1998: Mclane Midwest. I was an
i nspector/selector/
Loader. We selected dry and frozen groceries and loaded them based
M arch 1995-March 1997: Mitchells Asphalt Paving. I was given the
responsibility of operating a drum mix asphalt plant. This included
t he
ordering of raw materials such as Diesel and oil and the General
and operation of the plant. I would be responsible for the greasing of
t he training and repair(splicing) of conveyor belts. I also replaced
belts, airlines, gear reduction boxes, slats on the slat conveyor and
tachometers, t hat controlled the speed of the dry aggregate bins. I was also
responsible for
being in contact with both the paving foreman and the trucks we
used to hall. I
also(during slow times) operated various heavy equipment
i ncluding but not
l imited to payloader(front end loader) skidsteer, dozers, graders
and drag
l ine. The plant operated at around 150 tons per hour. However we
had an
unheated silo that held approximately 80 tons. Since I couldn't run
i t at full
speed I had to constantly monitor the ammount of asphalt on the
t rucks, on
t he paving site and those in transport. In addition I was
responsible for
handling cash paying customers and the paperwork and
p roduction log
November 1990-June 1994: United Samaritans Medical Center. I
was a
t ransport aide. I moved both patients and supplies wherever they
needed to