K E V I N H . J A W O RS K I
El Paso TX 79936
(Cell) 915-***-****
O b j ect i v e
To find a position working in the telecommunication industry running lines, mounting
LTE antennas, in a safe environment with a growing company
P r of i l e
Deployed over seas, both deployment were one year long
Worked on electrical, mechanical theory, electrical meters, schematics, crane rigging, and
basic hydraulics
Worked side by side with air force and civilian contractors on site
Delegated tasking, over seen everyday production, managed multiple coworkers
Comfortable working in extreme outdoor conditions
E d u c a t ion
Airstreams Renewables, Inc. June 2014
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota Winona, MN May 2007
Major: Marketing
C e r t i f i c a t ion
ENSA Safe Access & Rescue Wind Signal person Certificate
Certificate Fasteners, Torque, and Tension
American Red Cross First
Aid/CPR/AED Card Accumulator Charging Certificate
ENSA Authorized Climber OSHA 10-Hour Construction Safety
Telecom NATE Certificate Card
Level 1 Crane Rigging Certificate CAD WELD Certificate
Electrical & Electrical Metering
Safety Certificate
Airstreams Renewable Energy & Communication Tower Technician Program Certificate
R el a ted W o r k E x pe r ien ce
P a t r iot M iss i l e O p e r a to r / M a i n t a i n e r : U .S. A r m y 2008 to 2014
Served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, and Operation Enduring Freedom
Performed maintenance on the Patriot air defense missile system
Took charged to get the job done
Experienced challenging situations that helped me prepare to overcome any obstacle
A c co u n t M a n a ge r : O x f o r d I n t e r n a t i on a l S u m m e r 2007
Provided senior level IT Consultants to major businesses that used SAP, Oracle, People
Soft, and HR
Talked to CEO to learn more about their businesses and to build a relationship
S t o r e M a n a ge r : H i gh l a n d P a r k Pools & Su p p l i es 2000 to 2005
Managed the store and four employees for five years
Sold high quality basketball systems, pool chemicals and pool equipment
Prepared statements and payroll