Phone: 787-***-****
Emai l: ******.*****@***.***
Ro nald Ro mán
OBJEC T IV E Obtain a position that allows m e to dem onstrate m y sk ills and k nowledge to contribute to the succe ss
of the com pany .
EDUCA T ION 2006-2011 Univ ersit y of Puert o R ico A guadilla, PR
B usiness A dm inistration in M ark e ting 100 cre dits approv als
2003-2006 High S ch ool Dr. C arlos G on zalez A guada, PR
High S chool Diplom a
EX PER IENC ES 2013 at M ay 29,2014 Hery Sánchez Inc. A guada, PR
C d l Deliv er y Driv er an d W areh ou se
Deliv ery of goods to custom ers and schools
L oad and unload the truck and ship the goods in stock
2013 Sp irit A irlines A guadilla, PR
C ust om er Serv ice
Check - in, cashier, baggage handli ng and passenge r rec eiv e before and afte r the flight
2011-2013 C h eo T ran sp ort A guada, PR
C DL Driv er
M anage m ent and deliv ery of m erchandise inv entory m aintenanc e
Fork lift operation
Handling Flatbed and Trail er
2007-2012 A guada A ut o Im p ort s A guada, PR
Sales and Managem ent
A uto sales, custom er serv ice and w arranties
Operating the v ehicle registration are a, trans f er and proce ssing of cre dit agre em ents.
M anage m ent of cre dit applications to different bank s and approv als m anage m ent.
A dm inistration docum entation related to the business.
2007-2010 Michael 's Bak ery A guada, PR
C ashier
R ece ipt of goods, m ak ing purchases and inv entory of m erchandise.
Organization of S tock and Groc erie s.
Sk ills Professional w ith ex perience in sales, deliv ery of goods and custom er serv ice . Possess C DL C lass A
w ith doubles and tank ers endorsm ent, T W IC C ard, Clean D riv ers rec ord, certificate of good
conduct and no penal rec ord, D O T M edical card, com puter sk ills, good v erbal and interpersonal
com m unication, f ull bilingual ( S panis h and English). A ble to follow instructions, res pons ible,
able to w ork under pressure . Ex perie nce as a fork lift operator, f as t adaptation to new ex perience s and
challenge s, good treat m ent to the public and light m otor v ehicle m echanics.
R eference s A v ailabl e if required.