J a so n R i d d i c k
**** ** * * * e n u e A p t 5 C, N e w Y o r k, N Y 10039
518-***-**** Cell 212-***-**** Home
Email **************@*****.***
Qualifications Summary: Proactive, diligent, strong organizational and detail oriented skills, excellent customer service
skills. Effectively handle multiple tasks. Ability to work under pressure. Discreet.
W o r k P r of i l e/ E x p e r i e n c e :
F e d- E x A lbany N ew Y or k 08/ 2012- 05/2013
P a c k age h a n dl e r
Caring and processing packages
Building neat and sustainable walls
Unloading trailers
Picking incompatibles off the belt
E n t e r t a i n me n t w o r ks A lbany N ew Y or k 06/ 2012-06/ 2013
O p e n i n g & c l o s i n g s u p e r v i so r
Supervising and showcasing new and upcoming movie trailers
Scheduling employees
Opening and closing multiple sites
Auditing, printing,faxing sales
Collecting information and surveys
Servicing customers
A be r c r omb i e & F i t c h N ew Y or k, N Y 01/2012 - 062012
O ve rnight sa l es f loo r a ssoc i a t e
Steaming setting up and detailing fixtures
Folding and arranging clothes shoes belts and fragrances
Maintaining store cleanliness
B a r n w e l l N u r s i ng H o m e V alatie, N Y Se p t O c t 2011
Nu rsing Assist a nt (Int e rnship)
Transfer patients between beds and wheelchairs
Maintained patient hygiene and room cleanliness
Assisted in feeding patients and cleaning food trays
S u m me r Y o u t h P r og r a m B r oo k l y n, N Y S u me r 2008, 2009
Re c r e a t ion Supe rviso r
Supervising children and ensuring their safety (ages 12 -17)
Organize field trips and other facilities
Prepare food and assist in clean up
J ob C o r ps A c a d e my G l e n mo n t, N Y 03/ 2010 11/2011
General Equivalency Diploma
Certified Administrative Medical Assistant (#1288-5546)
First Aid Certification
CPR Certification
HIPAA Certification
Nursing Assistant Certification (In Progress)
Types 50 WPM
Multi Line Telephone
Customer service
Supervisory positions
Package handling