J.Poorna chandrika,
D/O G.Jeyasankaran,
Block no – 3, Plot no – 2,
Siva sakthi nagar, (opp. petrol bunk),
Career Objective:
To secure a challenging position where I can effectively contribute my skills as
Pharmacy Field,
possessing competent Technical Skills.
Educational Qualifications:
Examination Discipline School / Board / Year of %
College University Passing
E.G.S.Pillay Directorate of 7
College of Medical 9.4%
D.Pharm II Year 2013
Pharmacy Education
E.G.S.Pillay Directorate of
College of Medical
D.Pharm I Year 2012 78%
Pharmacy Education
Municipal Board of
Girls Higher Higher
H.S.C Biology + 2011 60%
Secondary Secondary
Maths School,Nagai Education
Municipal Board of
Girls Higher School
S.S.L.C S.S.L.C 2009 82%
Secondary Education
School,Nagai Tamilnadu
Computer Skills:
Database: PCP, DTP,
Operating Systems: Windows /XP/7.
● Participated in State Level Essay writing competition held at Thirunelveli and
received Participation certificate.
● Received First prize & Second prize in District & Block level Essay Writing
Competition about the title is library from District Collector of Nagapattinam.
● Got best student award in SSLC and D.Pharm.
Personal Profile:
N ame J.Poornachandri ka
F athe r’s Name G.Jeyasanka ran
Sex Female
M a r ital status Single
N ationality I ndian/Hindu/Bhramin
H obbies Essay w r iting, D rawing, Cooking,
R eading,Tailoring,D r iving
E xper ience 1 year experience in
D r.Senthil kuma r & Dr.Kausalya at
S ri H a r ini Hospital, Nagapattinam
permanent Address
J .Poorna chandri ka,
D /O G.Jeyasanka ran,
B lock no – 3, Plot no – 2,
S iva sakthi nagar, (oppo.petrol bunk),
P oravacher ry,
N agapattinam-611101
D .O.B 25-04-1994
P hone no 969-***-****/978-***-****
I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct up to my knowledge
and I bear the responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.
Thanking you,
J.Poorna chandrika