Fazia Ali-McDaniels
Phone No. 510-***-**** E mail: ***.*****@*****.***
I have acquired years of health care, leadership, management, project coordination and
administrative experience and knowledge Possess record of dependability, perseverance
and professionalism I welcome challenges and new ideas I am ambitious and motivated
to surpass challenging goals Performance driven Form bonding & t rusting relationships
Resourceful and possess an excellent ability to motivate others I have knowledge and
experience with STARS Measures, ICD-9, ICD-10, CPT Codes, JCAHO, H IPAA and OSHA
C al State University of East Bay
Health Care Administration, M.S. M arch 2014
C al State University of East Bay
Health Science Administrative & Management, B.S. December 2011
M er r itt Community College
Health Science, A.S. December 2009
Liberal Arts, A.A. December 2009
B ryman College
Medical Assistant Diploma M arch 2005
Certificate of Achievement & Academic Excellence (MHA program) A APC ICD-10 Code
Set Trained: completed t raining for conversion to ICD-10 I nstitute for Healthcare
I mprovement (IH I) Certificate: Quality Improvement A merican Heart Association (AMA):
Basic Life Support Certificate (BLS) California Medical Association Foundation:
Participation in Diabetes Care Coordination Team Care Model Pilot Project A APC
Certificate of Completion ICD-9 Code Set Trained.
B rown & Toland Physicians: A lta Bates Medical Group March 2013- August
Administrative: D irectly support Senior Programs Director, Medical Director and Vice
P resident with daily clerical tasks and projects. Administrative support includes:
calendaring, coordination of meetings, seminars and conferences; meeting preparation and
assistance, support on agenda development, minutes taking, screening and returning calls;
sorting and distr ibuting incoming mail/faxes; establishing and maintaining filing systems;
p hotocopying/distribution of materials’ typing/transcription; preparation of expense
reports/check requests; preparation of mailings; data entry; maintaining updated forms and
l istings; purchasing supplies; t racking and maintaining documents; patient outreach
mailings and calls.
Project Coordinator: Coordinated, t rained and supervised all events; provided on-site
coordination and support for events. Coordination included: booking venue, catering and
audio-visual reservation; recruit and coordinate with physicians, health plan
representatives, VNA nurses, medical assistants, photographers and other professionals for
various event needs. Prepared, mailed and t racked RSVP's; material assembly; generate
PowerPoint presentations, t ransfer collected data to excel logs, venue layout and room
setup; physician stipend check preparation; guest reminder calls .
P rojects include: D iabetic Pilot Program, collaborated with the CMA Foundation to develop
and implement a Diabetic Pilot Program. I served as a clinical liaison. Program resulted in
i mproving our STARS measures and improvement in LDL and Hemoglobin A1c results.
Senior Wellness Clinic (2 per year), coordinated large mailing of invites to 4000 senior
members for free clinic services and wellness education. Collected data results; created and
t ransferred data to excel log. Physician Network Meetings (Quarterly), Greet and check-in
physicians; check out and distribute physician stipend checks at the close of the meeting.
Since taking on this responsibili ty t he physician attendance has increased from 30
physicians to 150 physicians (20% increase). New Member Lunch and Learn (2 per year),
coordinated large mailing of invites to 1500 new Care1st and Humana members. Checked
i n and directed patients. Medical Status Visit (MSV), restructured and improved MSV
forms, used to capture ICD-9 and HCC codes during member visits. Once completed, I t rack
and enter data results and submit quarterly to Care1st, HealthNet, Humana and United
Healthcare. Since taking on this project I have reduced data entry error rate from 20% to
C hild ren’s Hospital Oakland J une 2012- March
O ffice Associate: Ran daily clinics for seven Surgeons and four Nurse Practitioners;
managed clinic responsibilities, roomed patients, processed authorizations, referrals and
orders for MRI, CTS, Ult rasound, etc. Scheduled appointments through Meditech, EHR
system; ordered clinic and medical supplies. Handled administrative duties such as
scanning, faxing, calendaring, and email correspondence. Responsible for completing hand
hygiene audits; developed policies for all departmental functions to ensure compliance.
S treamlined office processes t hrough the Kaizen system and 5s method to reduce waste,
i ncrease efficiency and save money; which resulted in improved service. With that success, I
collaborated across the department to improve efficiency through using the Kaizen and 5s
Surgery Scheduler : Assess surgeon’s needs and handled requests. Consulted surgical
p rocedures with families. Requested needed authorizations and scheduled surgeries.
C linical Research Study Assistant: Assisted physicians with a H i rschsprung’s disease
research study. Responsibili ties included: coordinating appointments, collecting and data
entry; provide materials to participants; and maintained a data log.
C hild ren’s Neurosurgical Associates Nov 2012- January
O ffice Associate (Part-time): H andled clerical duties, data entry, filing, chart prep,
d istribute mail; and assisted with marketing.
I n te rnal Medicine of Berkeley A ugust 2005- July 2012
Lead Medical Assistant: P rovided front and back office patient care. Handled all
administrative and clerical duties. Managed a staff of 3-4. Trained new employees with
office functions and programs such as Relay Health, greeted and checked in patients,
collected and completed co-pay logs, answered high volume of phone calls, scheduled
appointments, handled referrals and authorizations, faxed reports and forms, composed
letters and reports, administered injections, checked vitals, performed EKGS, ear lavages,
changed wound dressings, ordered supplies, stocked and organized rooms. I used Relay
Health in processing prescriptions, referrals and correspondence.
Medical Records Clerk: F iled medical records; copied charts; purged and sent old medical
records to storage. T ransitioned office from paper-based prescription and referral
submissions to computerized processes, via Relay Health.