R andal M. Smith
S an Francisco, CA 94124
r *****@******************.***
h ttp://www.IntegratedHealthIT.com ● h ttp://www.linkedin.com/in/randalmsmith
A H ea lthcare Information Technology E xecutive with the knowledge and experience to successfully
p osition IT strategy and assets to assist an enterpris e in achieving its strategic objectives. More than 25
y ears of experience in IT, over 20 of those years in Healthcare IT. Committed to positioning IT as a
p artner to the organization, working with all departments to meet strategic objectives by creating
s o lutions that combine process optimization with technology innovations. Possesses strong leadership,
m anagement, technology, analysis, communication, team work, and customer service skills; with
r epeated success in delivering quality technology initiatives. B ridging technology expertise with
h ealthcare industry experience allows for an understanding of business objectives and an ability to
i nterpret them into technology solutions, ensuring that IT initiatives align with long - term business goals .
E xperience Highlights
E HR Design, Customization, Implementation H IPAA Security & Privacy
M anaged Care: Claims, Membership, H ealth Plans: Medicare (RAPS/HCC),
P roviders, Contracts, B enefits, Auths M edicaid, Commercial, A CA
M eaningful Use I CD - 10 C onversion, I mpact, a nd Planning
D ata W arehouse Architecture B usiness Intelligence / Information Analysis
B usiness Analysis / Requirements R egulatory Compliance
P roject M anagement / P rogram S ystem Implementation / Integratio n /
M anagement and Governance O ptimization
E DI: HIPAA ANSI 837, 834, etc; XML, HL7, C ode Sets: ICD9, ICD10, CPT, HCPCS,
P resident, Senior Consultant 7 /2013 - p resent
I ntegrated Health IT • S an Francisco, CA
F ounded I ntegrated Health IT i n 2013 t o provide technology consulting services to organizations in
t he health care industry .
M y experience provides in depth understanding and insights for many aspects of the industry
i ncluding health plan (Medicare, Medicaid, A CA, C om mercial), direct patient care, integrated
m odels, pharmacy, and hospital perspectives. I understand the different business models and t heir
a ssociated business c hallenges, and have extensive experience with the Medicare Advantage
R APS/HCC model. I stay current with regulatory and i ndustry trends to ensure that projects are
d esigned with future compliance and flexibility in mind.
S ample projects I have worked on for my clients include: Project management; claims system
i mplementation ( QNXT ); ACA plan implementation ( CA exchange) ; Pro vider and contract data
c onversion; EHR system upgrade readiness assessment; project planning ; p roject estimation;
v endor management; and contractor management.
D irector of IT • H IPAA Security Officer 3 /2008 - 6 /2013
O n Lok, Inc. • S an Francisco, CA
H ighest level IT executive in the organization .
P roposed, designed, and led multi - year, multi - million dollar project to replace existing, custom EHR
s ystem with commercial EHR system (NextGen) with custom enhancements. Guided project
t hrough all phases: v e ndor identification, RFP, selection, project planning and approval, d efinition,
a nalysis, b usiness process redesign/improvement, d evelopment, testing, training, implementation,
o ngoing support and development. Led organization through successful Meaningful Use Phase 1
c ertification.
R eplaced ag ing WAN with new, high capacity solution. Remodeled data center. Modernized server
a nd network architecture. I mplemented virtual server infrastructure. S tandardized desktop and
l aptop ordering procedures and system images.
D irector, Information Management Systems • E DW Architect 9 /2004 – 2 /2008
K aiser Permanente • O akland, CA
M anage d d ata modelers, data and business analysts, and program/project/product managers.
D evelop ed s trat egy for EDW business case and wo n approval fo r EDW proof of concept effort .
P artner ed w ith various business organizations to validate and prioritize EDW build, demonstrate
b usiness value, and deliver information content .
S uccessfully delivered fully integrated membership subject area, and proof of co ncept of clinical
s ubject area .
A cted in a consulting role to other business units on how EDW could meet business needs as a
s ource of integrated data.
1 /1997 – 8 /2004
T echnical Client Engagement Manager
P erot Systems • O akland, CA
( Formerly Health S ystems Design, currently a Dell company)
A s a Perot Consultant, m anaged teams of over 20 d evelopers, analysts, a nd business specialists
i ncluding clients and Perot associates, depending on project .
D esign ed c ustom application interfaces t o enable e nhance d f unctionality, i ntegrate information
c ommunication layers, a nd i mplement EDI and data warehouse interfaces f or DIAMOND claims
m anagement system.
P roject Manager for all aspects of technical implementation and r ollout of D IAMOND p roduct.
C ompleted Perot PMI - certified training for project management.
U niversity of Phoenix 2 013 - 2 014
B achelor of Science, Bu s iness
C alifornia State University, Chico 1 982 - 1 986
C hico, CA
C omputer Science / P sychology
C PHIMS 2 014 - p resent
C PEHR 2 010 - p resent