*. why do you selected sap abap as your career as there are many technical
modules are there?
2. explain the role of CTUPARAMS structure in call transaction
3. Why is smart form more preferred printing utility than sap script ?
4. difference between step loop and table control?
5. How to put page-breaks in smartforms?
6. Difference between SY-CPROG and SY-REPID?
7. How to add background picture/graphics in alv report?
8. How to test a script?how to find versions in scripts?
9. How to find user exit
11. how we can modify a internal table without using modify statement
12. By using which single table i can get all the detail from sale order to
billing not used vbak, vbap, vbrk & vbrp.
13. Can any tell me some std BAPI's which r used regularly and they use
and means of it?
14. In alv Reports,how the Output is displayed ad editable and how i can
edit the same and how it will reflect the DB?
15. What is Project management?I was asked weather u worked on This?
16. We have 100 records in table how to fetch 10 th record?
17. How to create hashed tables?and its purpose
18. What is cardinality?
19. What in script controlling? what are the events in maintenance view:
20. What is the difference between open sql & native sql ?
21. How BAPI is Different from call Transaction/Session
22. I want to display the different data on the multiple main windows of
the form in Sapscript. Is it possible ?
23. How we can assign the value of field in select-options to the text-
field in dialog module?
1. Steps for module pool prg?
2. What are all database objects?
3. What are lock objects ? how do you lock a field in database table?
4. What are search helps?
5. What are types of BDC? Session ctm direct i/p
6. Syntax for call transaction?
7. How do handle messages in call transactions?
8. What are different methods in LSMW? Bdc bapi idoc recording
9. What are IDOCS?
10. What are Function Modules ? How do you handle errors ?
11. What are events in Module Pool?
12. Components of Layout Set?
13. Sap scripts for MM ? what is driver prg for medruck?
14. What is a structure ? why do you use them?
15. Types of tables ? what is transperant tables /
16. Diiference between session & call transaction ?