• N * Dhar Richa Dhar Elkhmiss-Fès Morocco
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J uly 2014: M aster diploma of E ngineering I ndustrial A utomated Systems (FSDM-Fes)
July 2012: B achelor degree in M aterial Science Physics Option E lectronics (FSDM-Fes)
July 2011: D iploma of General University Studies in Science of Material Physics (FSDM-Fes)
J une 2008: B accalaureat e of E xperimental Sciences
F inal project study : A nalysis of ECG signals and applications on matlab
P roject R ealization : E lectronic lock (application Proteus Isis, Mplab)
T raining: M achine automation THERMO PACK and implantation of a robot manipulator
(Simatic Manager application (Step 7 Wincc) and SolidWorks)
Office: Word, Excel, Power Point, Access, SQL
P rogramming language : O racle database, A lgorithm, C l anguage, Java, Matlab,
L abview, P roteus I sis, Assembleur6809
Industrial control & supervision of automated systems
LADDER & SFC p rogramming of t he PLC I ndustrial (API), siemens
Controls electrical and electronic machinery
The i nstrumentation (sensors and conditioners)
Microprocesseur6809, P IC microcontroller
Digital and Analog E lectronics, S ignal Processing, I mage Processing
AutoCAD electrical
Management and p roject analysis, B usiness Management, H uman Resource Management
Arabic, English and French
Reading, sport, t ravel…