Greg Sundell
C larkston, MI 48348
g sundell @
( 248) 625 - 1815
W ayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
M .Ed Special Education
W ayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
B .A. Special Education
W ayne Stat e University, Detroit, Michigan
P ost Graduate W ork; ABD
P ostgraduate F ellowship, H ealth and Human Services, Washington D.C – Provided assistance with Tri Party
A greement between Vocational R ehabilitation, Special E ducation and Comm unity Health regarding staffing /vocational
o pportunities for persons with special needs in USA. $ 7,500
R esearch Grant, D evelopmental Disabilities Council, L ansing, Michigan – Provided papers on P arents w ith
D isabilities; Transition from Special Educat ion to Adult Life; Supported /staffing E mployment f or persons with special
n eeds ; Integration in Special Education $ 42,000.00
G rant f rom Oakland County Felony Probation, O akland County Jail, P ontiac, Michigan Complete d directed s tudy o n
M entally Retarded F elony P robationers $ 5000. 0 0
C ore Services Clarkston, Michigan 2 010 Present
P resident /CEO
D eveloped and implemented new staffing/recruiting a gency . P roviding direct hires and c ontract to permanent
s killed trades to manufacturing industry, I T, h eath care industry, e ducation, a erospace, automotive, tool and die
a nd engineering . Developed and networked pool of over 300 clients.
C onsulting in Human Resou rces, personnel policies and procedures; hiring and firing; OSHA; Health Care;
U nemployment Management; Workers Compensation Management; Payroll structures…
E ducating employers on ADA and persons with different abilities within for profit structure of
s ta ffing business.
S undell Professional Vita: 2010
A rkay I nc ., S outhgate, Michigan
E xecutive Director /CEO: 1 987 - 2010
C EO of large vocational /educational/training p lacement c orporation .
E xtensive interaction between private and publ ic sector to develop vocational/educational o p portunities
a nd placements.
B uild agency from one small location to six locations…small personnel agencies placing persons at
p rivate sector jobs.
P rogram was a model program and consulted with new agencies to develop similar designs.
C reated new funding s ources to develop new locations: Created 3 million new dollars per year!
D ev eloped six locations in Michigan Wayne and Oakland counties.
D eveloped staffing/personnel business with over 110 emp loyees, and over 500 placements for person with
a nd without d is abilities.
D eveloped assistive technology program for persons with multiple handicaps.
M anaged budget, internal contro ls, three year strategic budget/plans
W orked with active parent group and developed advisory groups.
W orked with Rights and Advocacy to pr event rights issues with proactive staff training
D eveloped after school special educational programs.
D eveloped CHORE services program within agency structure.
D eveloped Michigan Rehabilitation Services contract in all locations.
D eveloped TB I e mployment s ervices for local programs.
R eported to Board of Directors, five funding agencies; ( with over 150 million budgets each);
M aintain ed p ositive fund balance and managed budget;
M aintain ed C ARF a ccreditation a nd s tandards and full audits from five entitie s;
D eveloped all contracts and funding relationships and increased revenue 600%.
D eveloped contracts w ith l ocal s chool districts in Oakland, Wayne and Macomb counties in developing
t ransition from education to adult life programs; s pearheaded innovative p r ojects through o ut M ichigan ;
P resented data from program s tatewide and internationally.
P rovided fund raising activities in O ak land, Wayne and Macomb counties including partnerships with Taco
B ell; Comerica Park; Ford Field; Burger King; Downriver Confer ence Center; Auto Manufacturing
s uppliers; Knights of Columbus…totaling over 5 to 7% of overall budget and over $250,000.00 income to
a dults with disabilities (paychecks each year).
P resident of S outheast Michigan vocational providers. Leader in d evelopin g supported /staffing
e mployment o pportunities i n Michigan for adults in Special Education.
D eveloped academic curriculum for students with learning disabilit ies; trained paraprofessionals,
m anaged professional staff.
D eveloped for profit Professional Empl oyer Agency within agency structure: P rofessional Business
P artners ( 1999 - 2008 )
P rovided human resources, p ersonnel policies and procedures; w orkers compensation, health care
b enefits, a nd unemp loyment c laims management. Provided staffing services to over 20 client companies,
m aintaining quality control and client satisfaction. O verall budget was over 10 million dollars of processed
p ayroll each year. Profit margin was 2.2% of gross.
S undell Professional Vita: 2010
W ayne State University, Department of Special Education, Detroit, Michigan
C ollege I nstructor – 2000 - 2010
T aught undergraduate and graduate courses i n :
T ransition from Special Educa tion to Adult Life;
C urriculum Development ; P ositive Behavioral Man agement; Diversity in Education, Vocational Placement.
T aught curriculum courses on development of systematic curriculum
W orked closely with educational professionals in southeast Michiga n .
T aught courses on l earning disabilities; m ental retardation, autism, emotional i mpairments, and p ositive
b ehavioral management. W orked closely w ith teachers in crafting curriculum adaptations and approaches in
m ath, reading, and science.
N orth land Pioneer College, Show Low, Arizona
C ommunity College I nstructor 1982 - 1983
D eveloped syllabus and overall course s tructure for learning disabled s tudents at Community C ollege.
S tudents received community college credits and grades for specific cour ses. F irst project of its kind in Southwest
U nited States . Students with l earning disabilities, autism, moderate and mild mental r etardation a nd physical
d isabilities were the target population. L ocated in White Mountains in AZ.
A ssisted in development of s tate funding and budget .
W ayne State University, Department of Special Education
T eaching Assistant /PROJECT SHARE 1 983 - 1986
C ollaborated on curriculum and s tatewide training grant f or direct care s taff i n Michigan.
D eveloped statewide con ferences and training f or direct care for vocational programs for developmental ly
d isabled students and adults throughout Michigan.
R elated Jobs ( 1975 - 1 980 )
A dministrator f or Group Homes i n Oakland County;
G roup Home Manager i n Oakland County;
L ive In M anager ; O akland County
S pecial Education t eacher’s aid ; O regon
S pecial Education B us Driver ; O regon
S undell Professional Vita: 2010
P rovide as n eeded editorial s upport, i ncluding developmental and copy editing of their inter nal
N ewsletter and statewide conferences d evelopment. P rovided information o n staffing for special needs
a dults throughout Michigan. D eveloped training for teachers, parents and administrators on special
e ducation issues and curriculum.
R esearcher Supported Employment I mplementation Issues: M ichigan D evelopmental Disabilities -
C ouncil, Lansing Michigan
C ompile reports, including statistical and market trends, to track the growth of
s upported /staffing e mployment development and implementation i n Mich igan . Provided policy
a nd advocacy papers on staffing for persons with special needs in Michigan.
P resident Local ARC, Show Low, A rizona
D eveloped local advocacy movement in Northern Arizona for persons with developmental disabilities.
I nstr uctor Adult Foster Classes in Michigan
P rovided content design for adult foster classes and worked with providers to complete
t raining .
“ Circuit Court Felony Mentally Retarded Population P robationer : E ducational Journal. O akland
C ounty Jail, P ontiac M ichigan 1 984 M arshall Zumberg and Greg Sundell
“ P ersons with Severe and Profound Mental Retardation within an Overall Supported
E mployment Program ” P aper presented at the I nternational Conference on Mental Retardation, Hon g
K ong, 1990 M arshall Zumberg and Greg Sundell
“ Placing persons with severe and moderate mental retardation and challenging behaviors at
s upported employment worksites, ” Paper p resented a t the International Conference on Mental
R etardation, Gold Coast, A ustralia. 1992 G reg Sundell
T eaching Affective and Assertiveness Skills to Students with D isabilities, P aper presented at
M ichigan Special Education Conference, Lansing, Michigan 1989 G reg Sundell
S upported Employment for Persons with Severe Disabilitie s, Paper presented at Michigan
R ehabilitation Conference 1 999 G reg Sundell
4 0 to 50 training workshops to various programs, schools and w orkshop s i n - services t hrough Michigan
a nd Ohio. 1989 - 2010
S undell Professional Vita: 2010
“ Developing a Functional Curriculum for Persons with Severe H andicaps,” G reg Sundell and
M ark Maxwell, 1 988 Book published by Buckingham Community Services. Copyright.
C URRENTLY COMPLETING NEW B OOK : S omething is Missing: A c loser look at Adult Service
D elivery Systems, Due out by March 2014
A merican Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
T he Association of Persons with Severe Handicaps
N ational Association of Professional Employment Organization
N ational Association of Personnel Services
M ichigan Chamber of Commer ce, Lansing, Michigan
M ichigan Assistive Living Association
S hanty Creek Golf and Ski Association
A merican Airplane Owners Association
S undell Professional Vita: 2010