Howard Y.M. Wong
**** ************ ***. **********, ** 60564
. Mobile: 312-***-**** . Email: ******.**.****@*****.***
Senior engineer with strong embedded system, machine learning algorithm,
FPGA and signal processing skills.
Experience engineer passionate about tackling difficult and interesting
problems and have a burning desire to work at a fast-paced and high-growth
Strong knowledge in real-time embedded software system development.
Knowledge of embedded processor architecture, and device level programming.
Strong knowledge in embedded Linux development on various platforms.
Solid understanding of Ethernet, TCP/IP, UDP and SNMP protocols.
Knowledge of Speech coding, VoIP, xDSL.
Extensive experience in developing communication and DSP applications using
Strong knowledge in FPGA and DSP development including FFT, FIR and IIR
Knowledge of state of the art communication technologies, baseband signal
processing techniques.
Extensive experience with Altera, Xilinx FPGA design flow.
Extensive experience in Matlab, Simulink and System Level Design.
ISCO International, IL. (2006 - 2014) Senior Embedded Engineer
Architect, design and developed the next generation software-defined-radio
based adaptive interference mitigation platforms for LTE, UMTS, CDMA
wireless system. Lead engineer of the research and architecture team to
define the hardware/software architecture. Rapid prototyping adaptive
interference cancellation algorithm in Xilinx and Altera FPGAs platform.
Design and development interference identification software for multiple
underling wireless standards. Developed and maintain SNMP code. Support
sales team and customers during system integration and deployment. Perform
on site interference analysis and RF optimization in customer trail.
Knight Global Partners, LLC. Chicago, IL. (2005 - 2006) Trader
Prop trader of future and option. Utilized high probability option trading
strategies to captitalize on market oppoertunies and minimize risk.
Maximizing return on capital by cost basis reduction strategies. Achieved
more than 85% successful rate on trades. Actively manage winning trades.
Motorola, Arlington Height, IL. (2005) Senior Software Engineer
GSD - High Speed Access Point Platform Development. Responsible for various
aspects of design and develop for real time wireless radio access data
communications products. Analyze system requirements, develop design
documentation, write code, test and software integrations.
Lucent Technologies, Naperville, IL. (1996 - 2005) Member of Technical
Broadband Access - ADSL Firmware and Interoperability Testing Group
Established and executed test procedures, log defects, analyzed test
results and defect data, reported on the status of projects, maintained
development and test records, developed documentation, reviewed
documentation, specifications, and test procedures. Documented defects and
worked with developers and ADSL chipset vendors to have the issues
UMTS DSP framework for Wireless Access Gateway development
Developed DSP algorithm and software on the BUF2 circuit pack to provide
UMTS AMR speech coding, Flexible Tone generation, G711 codec and CTM/TTY-
TDD inter-working functions to the UMTS Wireless Access Gateway. Performed
software verification and testing. Documented software defects and worked
closely with other software developers to have the issues resolved.
5ESS Digital Services Functions Development
Designed developed and tested embedded software and DSP algorithm for
digital services circuit packs of 5ESS switch module.
Speech coder development - Implemented an ACELP Speech coder in DSP16K
Executed system integration tests. Performed software verification and
testing for the VOCODER package.
Xilinx Virtex FPGAs, Xilinx ISE, Chipscope, Xilinx System Generator,
Altrea Arria II FPGAs, Quartus, DSP Builder, SignalTap.
Modelsim, SynplifyPRO, SynplifyDSP,
Matlab, Simulink, Labview, ADSP BF5xx, TI-OMAP DSPs.
Assembly. C/C++, Python, Haskell, PostgreSQL, TCL/TK, Perl, Bash, VHDL,
xDSL, VoIP, UMTS, SPEECH Coder, Echo Cancellation.
Linux, pSOS, VxWork, ENEA/OSE, TI DSP/BIOS, Micrium MicroC/OS-II RTOS.
SVN, CVS, Clearcase.
Visual Studio, VisualDSP++, TI Code Composer, Cuda, OpenCV, Threadscope.
Spectrum analyzers, Signal Generator, Basestation simulator.
Master Science, Electrical Engineering; 1999
University of Illinois, Chicago, Illinois
Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois
Bachelor Science, Electrical Engineering, 1995