O bjective:-
I i ntend to work in such an organization through which I
can get the best atmosphere of exposing my potential of work in the
f ield of social-work under any climate of the Agency/ organization
p laced any-where and to serve the humanity to the best of my
k nowledge. I believe in dedication and hard work so as to go forward
i n my future and leave a good strata/ rapport behind me.
Name: Mohammad Haq-um- Mubeen Shah.
S/o: Peerzada Mohd Qasim Shah.
Permanent Address: Bubernagh Nagri Kupwara Kashmir (J & K)
P IN: 193222
P resent Address: Malviya Nagar Delhi India
Contact: 0-979******* /086********
Nationality: - Indian
Gender: Male.
M arital status: -- Single.
B.O.B: 11th of July 1988
e-mail: *********@*****.***
B.A f rom University of Kashmir (j & k) India with
specialization in sociology and economics. 2006-2009.
M aste r’s in Sociology f rom the university of Kashmir (j&k)
I ndia 2009-2011.
M asters in Social Work ( M.S.W) through IGNOU, New Delhi,
I ndia
M.phil social work with specialization in community
development social work through DAVV Indore (Result
a waited ).
One year diploma in compute r’s.
Experience Details:
Worked in E L I T E H igher Secondary I nstitute as a Social
w ork teacher for a period of one year in Kupwara Kashmir
Worked in APEX Model H igh School Lolab Kupwara as a
Social work teacher for a period of two years.
Worked w ith Borderless foundation I ndia: worked as
research associate with the Borderless World Foundation
I ndia, in Kupwara on the project of Availability of E mergency
M edical Services (ems) in the District Kupwara, and
availability for Vocational T raining Courses t here for about
a period of Two (2) months and Eighteen Days (18) days (03-04-
2010 t0 24-06-2010).
Worked w ith Ever ron : Worked with Averon an Indian
organization for doing the assessment of skill development
p rogrammes i n district Kupwara.
Worked w ith Me rcy Corps: Worked with Mercy Corps an
I n ternational Organization on S KYE (Start Up Kashmir
Youth Ent repreneurs) project i n District Kupwara as
research associates.
Worked w ith Action-Aid (JKYT) : Worked with Action-Aid
on the project providing of I n tegrated Psycho-Social
R esilience & livelihood support to affected people of
J &K, f rom 20th J uly 2011 to 30th October 2011 for a tenure of
t hree months in block Sogam of District Kupwara.
Worked With GAASH : Worked with G AASH (Geared for
Advocacy and Social Help) …on Human Rights for about a
period of 2 years.
Worked w ith NCAER ( National Council for Applied Economic
Research) on a project Human Development Survey for a period
of three (3) months 20th of May to 31th A ugust 2012.
Worked w ith State Resource Cent re (SRC) u niversity of
K ashmir on the project of monitoring Sarva Sikhsha Abhiyan
I n District Kupwara.
Love to spend my time with the distressed people of the
society from different back grounds in order to make them
feel good.
Love poetry, t ravelling, and natural beauties.
Friendly with every one without any discrimination
Love to make and meet new friend’s
Love to talk to women folk almost from, different
background in order to t ry to study the behavior of them
i n different situation.
Writing a Book
Languages Known:
K ashmi ri: Can read, write, and Understand well;
U rdu: Can read,write, and understand well;
E nglish: Can read, w rite and understand well.
H indi: Can Understand, speak.
P aha r i: Can understand.
Mohammad Haq-um-
Mubeen Shah.
Date: 29-072014