Raga P N
Address -
Anna Nagar West
Chennai - 600 101 (Tamil Nadu), India
Tel. +91-917******* (Tamil Nadu)
E mail- ********@*****.***
Attain a responsible position in a growth-oriented organization where I can
develop my capabilities and provide continuous improvement to the
organization I work.
May 2014 - till date
Company : S M Star Engineers India Pvt Ltd, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
Company Profile: SM Star Engineers India Private Limited provides
Engineering, Procurement, Construction related fabrication and erection
services to the power plant, sugar plants, cement plants, steel plants and
other major industrial sectors in South India.
Designation : Assistant Planning Engineer
Job Description :
. Prepare various strategies for all planning activities for projects
. To prepare dynamic chart against planned and actual
. Responsible to send work progress to office monthly
. Prepare maintain and monitor all Project Schedules, plans, assets,
materials, manpower details and ensure compliance to contract.
. Ensure accuracy for all operational requirements for the projects and
achieve all required objectives.
June 2012 - Jan 2014
Duration: 1 year 6 months
Company : McD BERL Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, Karnataka
Company Profile: McD BERL is a Built Environment Research Laboratory where
we continuously focus on creating awareness on the need to live in Natural
Environments. To save Water, Energy and Resources and make people live in
Natural Environments. McD aspire to be the best environmental company
globally and dedicated to provide leading innovative solutions to save our
future Generations.
Designation : PHE and FIRE Engineer
Job Description:
. Design of Building Services
. Estimation of Supply and Installation Costs of Plumbing and Fire
Fighting Service
. Site Visits to ensure planned designs are implemented
. MindTree Kalinga @ Bhubaneswar
. International Institute of Information Technology - Bangalore
. Azim Premji Foundation - Sirohi
. National Centre for Sustainability Coastal Management - Chennai
. KCT Commercial Complex - Hyderabad
Year(s) Qualification - Degree / Board/University College/ Institute Percentage
Diploma / Certificate
2008-2012 BE - Environmental VTU, Belgaum, Vidya Vardhaka 70
Engineering Karnataka College of
2006-2008 Class XII PUE Board Sadvidya Semi 71.5
Residential PU
2006 Class X KSEEB Carmel English 89.4
Project work during Engineering: "Bio-composting of Pressmud using Sugar
Mill Effluent" during Jan-April 2012.
. Vrishabavathy Wastewater Treatment plant, Bangalore, Karnataka
. Yalahanka Wastewater Treatment plant, Bangalore, Karnataka
. Active participation in one day national symposium on Environmental
Safety and Management held on 2009 at VVCE, Mysore
. Participated in VTU throw ball tournament in Mangalore in the year
. Secured Taluk level rank in Chinthana Science Examination in the year
. MS Office
. AutoCAD
. Basics in C programming
Date of Birth (DD-MM-YYYY) : 17-12-1990
Category : General
Gender : Female
Nationality : Indian
Home Town : Chennai
Permanent Address : 20/24 Thirumagal Colony
Anna Nagar West
Chennai - 600 101 (Tamil Nadu), India
Permanent Phone No : 917-***-****
I hereby declare that the above mentioned details are correct and true to
my knowledge.
RAGA P N[pic][pic][pic]