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Project Engineering

5 lakhs per annum
July 28, 2014

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Indian, working professional in a Research institute

Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Kerala.

Graduated Bachelor’s Degree in Aeronautical Engineering

Stream fro m Hindustan College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai.

Area of interest

Aerothermod ynamics

Co mputational Fluid dynamics

No.5/3-1, 8th lane,

Singara Garden, Oldw ashermenpet,

Chennai – 600 021.

Email: ********@*****.**.**

Mobile: +91-828*******


A budding aspirant in research with 3 years of experience in Experimental and co mp utational fluid

Dynamics Do main. Currently working as Project Engineer at Indian institute o f Space Science and

technolo gy, Kerala.

Exposure to experimental set up like PLIF,PIV,MIE Scattering,Schlieren and Shawdography and sound

kno wled ge in CFD-Simulations o f internal & external flo ws, flo w over streamlined body, stead y and

unstead y flo ws and turbulent flo ws.

A team player with good communication skills and high level of motivation to war ds CFD.


(Dec 2012 – till): Working for Advanced Propulsion and Laser diagnostics Lab, Department of Aerospace

engineering, Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, Kerala.

Working in a sponsored research project funded by Indian Space Research Organizatio n (ISRO).

(Consolidated Pay – 3.6 lakhs per annum)

(M ay 2011 – Oct 2012): Worked for Co mbustion Lab, Department of Aerospace engineering, Indian

Institute of Technology Kanpur, and Uttar Pradesh.

Worked in a sponsored research project funded by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS)

Design and develop ment of new pneumatic spray nozzle for the co mbustion purpose

Testing the designed nozzle in in-line experimental set up and evaluated through CFD simulation.

(July 2010 – April 2011): Worked for Depart ment of Aerospace engineering, Hindustan University, and


Worked as a lecturer, handled an interesting co urse Fluid Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics Laboratory in

the first semester and aerodynamics in Seco nd semester.


Hindustan College of Engineering, Anna University, Chennai.

Bachelor degree in Aeronautical Engineering, March 2010.

Aggregate: 71% (First class)

P.A.K.Palanisamy Higher Secondary School, Chennai.

Secured 83.83% in XII, March 2006.

P.A.K. Palanisamy Higher Secondary School, Chennai.

Secured 86.80% in X, March 2004.

Experimental and Software skills

LASER Diagnostics PLIF

OH – PLIF in coaxial burner, Fluoroketone P LIF in mixing

Lasers used:

Lo w power He-ne laser, studies, Rhodo mine P LIF in coaxial s wirl spray studies.

Double pulsed, Nd-Yag laser

PIV in coaxial s wirl spray studies.

Dye laser.

MIE Scattering in Jet mixing and spray studies.

MALVERN Spraytec analyzer.

MALVERN Spraytec analyzer

Schlieren and Sha wdography.

ANSYS – FLUENT.MATLAB (Image processing)

CFD Simulatio n tools

CFD Pre-processing tool ANSYS-GAMBIT



Significant Projects

Project title: Design, Simula tion and Characterization of Pneumatic Spray Nozzle.

Sponsored research project funded by Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS).


This project work is concerned with developing an atomizer for a fluid bed reactor used in nuclear industries and for

combustion applications. The atomizer was designed based on the requirements and analyzed experimentally. Droplet size

measurements were carried out using MALVERN Spraytec analyzer based on Fraunhofer Diffraction theory. The spray

uniformity test and cone angle measurement was carried out using Optical paternation technique and image processing of

light scattered from laser. The atomization is numerically simulated with the aid of a co mp utational fluid dynamics solver

named ANSYS - FLUENT. A twin fluid atomizer involves two -phase flo w, with air as its continuous phase and liquid as its

discrete phase.

Delivered: 1. Complete report submitted to Board of Research in Nuclear Sciences (BRNS).The

Installation and commissioned of designed atomizer was successfully done in BRNS.

2. Published a paper on National conference on Effect of Recessio n Height on the Performance

of Swirling Air blast Ato mizer.

Project title: Design and Computational Analysis on NACA 846A110 and NACA 837A110 Airfoils


In this project the new supercritical airfoil was developed by varying the minimum pressure locations of

the airfoils. The newly designed airfoils are meshed using Ansys Gambit and analyzed computationally using compressible

solver settings and k-€ turbulence model in flow simulation software Ansys -Fluent. The 2D unsteady analysis was carried

out for various Mach numbers and angle of attacks. The force coefficients such as Cl, Cd are monitored and graphs have

been plotted between each of the above coefficients and Mach number. The results are interpreted both graphic ally and

analytically, and it is found that the critical Mach number is 0.7277 and 0.7645 for NACA 846A110 and NACA 837A110

airfoils respectively and the drag divergence Mach number is 0.785 and 0.794 for NACA 846A110 and NACA 837A110

airfoils respectively.

Delivered: Published a paper in a Peer reviewed International Conference on Design and co mputational

analysis o n NACA 846 A110 and NACA 837A110 airfoils IEEE international Aerospace conference, US.

Project title: Co mputational Studies on Perfor mance of Laser Propelled

Air- Vehicle


In this project a futuristic design concept of laser propulsion has been developed and analysed computationally.An analysis

has been carried out on performance of the parabolic reflector after the blast wave has occurred. The reflector is modelled

and computed in FLUENT platform. Various pressure waves are input at different temperature value. The properties of air

have been determined through suitable coding. It has been found that the reflector behaviour is quite erratic under such high

pressure. The computed Cl and Cd values, the contour generated and the velocity vector plotted has indicated the real state

performance of the vehicle in atmosphere.

Delivered: Published a paper in International Level Technical Symp osium Co mp utational Studies o n

Performance of Laser Propelled Air-Vehicle (Vertical Lift).

Project done in pre-final year

Aircraft design project – DESIGN OF 12 SEATER EXECUTIVE JET

Extra - curricular

Passed 45th Annual All-India UN Infor mation test, 2002.

Participated in 39th Annual Day Programmer’s Cultural Activities conducted by PAK

Palanisamy Higher Secondary school, 2003.

Participated in “SCITECH 2003”, a Science and Technology Exhibition co nducted b y PA K

Palanisamy Higher Secondary school, 2003.

Participated in “T -EXPO-2005”, a Science and Technology Exhibition co nducted b y P AK

Palanisamy Higher Secondary school, 2003.

Participated in “INCENDIO -2 009”, aAeromodelling event conducted b y SMIT.

Organized an event “AERO MODELLING” in the SAEINDIA Student Convention Tier – II

held on 3rd August, 2010, at Hindustan University Chennai.

Brown Belt in SHITO RYU Katate, The Japan style Martial arts.


D.P. Mishra, K.Kamalakannan, T.Mishra, and G.Varhney,”Effect of Recession Height on the

Performance of Swirling Airblast Atomizer”, Proceedings of TFMS 2014,National Conference

on Thermal,Fluid and Manufacturing Science,January 24 – 25,2014,Surat,Gujarat,India.

Kumar S Senthil, Ganesh M Sankar, K Ka malakannan, Bharathy K Santhana, Prasaad M S

Yogesh,”Design and co mputational analysis of NACA 846A110 and NACA 837A110 air

foils”Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE Aerospace Conference,U.S,paper #1638, 2012.

Presented a paper on “Computational Studies on Performance of Laser Propelled Air -Vehicle

(Vertical Lift),” in International Level Technical Symposium, NIT, Trichy, 2010

Participated in the International Seminar on Composites for Aerospace Applications (2008) –

Hindustan University.

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