Persona Profile
Specialization: M.Tech {Electronics}
DOB: 27-NOV-1991
S/o Mr. Mallikarjuna
# ***, ***** *****, **** ‘A’ main road, Sector A,
Yelahanka Newtown, Bangalore: 560064.
Mobile: +919*********.
E-mail: *************@*****.***.
Carrier Objective
“To work in a firm with a professional work driven environment where I
can utilize and apply my knowledge, skills which would enable me as a fresh
graduate to grow while fulfilling organizational goals”.
Academic Qualification
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E) in Electronics & Communications at REVA ITM
Master of Engineering (M.Tech) in Electronics at Sir MVIT, Bangalore.
Prashanth B.M. 1
Academic Background
Course Institute Percentage
Seshadripuram High School
SSLC 85.12%
Seshadripuram Pre-University
PUC 69.67%
College, Bangalore.
B.E (Electronics and Reva Institute of Technology and
Communication) Management, Bangalore.
M.TECH Sir M Visveswariaha Institute of Currently
(Electronics) Technology, Bangalore. pursing
Professional Skills
Programming Language : C, C++, HDL (VHDL, VERILOG),
Embedded Skills : Microprocessor, Microcontroller.
Personal Details
Gender : Male
Nationality : Indian
Hobbies : Chess, Painting
Date of Birth : 27th November 1991
Languages Known : English, Hindi, and Kannada
Prashanth B.M. 2
Academic Projects
College Project 1:
Project was based on “Water Level Indicator”.
Background: This project indicates different levels of water inside the reservoir
which helps in determining the amount of water.
My Role: I was a TEAM LEADER in a group size of 2 members. I worked
mainly on designing of circuit and presentation section.
Project duration: 1 month.
College Project 2:
Project based on “Cell-Phone Operated Land Rover”.
Background: In this project, the robot is controlled by a mobile phone that
makes a call to the attached mobile phone on the robot. In the course of a call, if
any button is pressed, a tone corresponding to the button pressed is heard at the
other end of the call. This tone is called ‘dual-tone multiple-frequency’ (DTMF)
tone. The robot receives the commands through DTMF tone with the help of the
phone stacked with the robot and performs the operation accordingly.
My role: I was a TEAM LEADER in a group size of 4 members. I worked
mainly on designing of circuit, programming and presentation section.
Project duration: 3-4 months.
Prashanth B.M. 3
College Project 3:
Project based on “Robo-car With Wireless Steering”.
Background: The project is based on wireless steering of the Robo-car. Here
we describe a robot that can be steered in any direction just like driving a car.
Wireless steering sense the motion and transmit the corresponding instruction to
the control the robot through RF communication. The robot also has the
obstacle detection and obstacle avoidance system implementation. The
movement of the steering is sensed by the accelerometer. The data from the
accelerometer is processed by Arduino Uno board and corresponding
instructions transmitted to the robot and further drives the motors. Obstacle
detector sense any object in the way and intimate microcontroller to stop
forward motion.
My role: I was a TEAM LEADER in a group size of 4 members. I worked
mainly on designing of circuit, programming and presentation section.
Project duration: 4 months.
College Project 4:
Project based on “PC Maneuvered Robot”.
Background: The project is to show how we can control a land rover through
personal computer (PC’s) serial port using a pair of ASK transmitter and
receiver modules. The received signal is decoded by a P89V51RD2
microcontroller and fed to the motor driver circuitry to move the toy car in
forward, backward, right or left direction. All the signals are in RF domain.
My role: I was an only member for this project. I worked mainly on designing
of circuit, programming and presentation section.
Project duration: 4 months.
Prashanth B.M. 4
1. “LI2-ROBO III workshop” (Building Programmable Robots Using
Microcontrollers) by Li2-Innovations Pvt. Ltd.
2. “Zonal Center Robotics workshop” by Robosapiens, India.
3. “HTML5 workshop” by Google Developers Group, Bangalore.
Semester Wise Details Semester Total Obtained Rank
1. First 775 599 FCD
2. Second 775 562 FCD
3. Third 900 549 FC
4. Fourth 900 610 FC
5. Fifth 900 577 FC
6. Sixth 900 612 FC
7. Seventh 900 579 FC
8. Eighth 750 504 FC
Prashanth B.M. 5