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Project Power

Bangalore, KA, India
July 27, 2014

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Ashutosh Kumar Verma

Email: *****.************@*****.***, Phone: 91-963*******

I am an Intern with Enarka Instruments with total 6 months of experience. I

am working primarily in embedded domain of solar end products. My main area

of expertise is in Application coding, Maintenance of application code. I

worked for Development, maintenance of Projects.

Career Profile

Dates Organization Role

1 Nov 2013 to till date Enarka Instruments Intern Embedded



Technical Skills

Below is a list of important hardware, software products, tools and methods

that I have worked with

Operating System Windows 7

Languages C, Embedded C, DS, Embedded Linux(Basic)

Microcontrollers MSP430, C2000, AVR

Tools Excel, CSS, Kiel, Teratum, Control Suite,

Academic Profile (Professional/Educational)

Exam/ School/ Board/ Year of % of Class/

Passed Colleges University Marks Division


B.Tech(EC) Saroj Institute Uttar 2011 62 First class

Of Technology Pradesh

And Management Technical

Lucknow University


XII SJS Public C.B.S.E 2006 71 First class


X SJS Public C.B.S.E 2004 70 First class


Project Profile

The details of the various assignments that I have handled are listed here,

in chronological order


Customer IISc Bangalore and Department Of Science Of

Technology Indian government

Period 1 march to present

Description Development of high power LED lamp and

independent of power regulation with the help of

DC-DC converter and buck converter and instead

using the battery we are using the hybrid ultra

capacitors so the efficiency output can be

attained, as this lamp may be connected to SPV

so that solar energy convert into electric

energy through solar inverter and charges the

battery with in no time.

Role Application Consultant -

Understanding business requirements from IISc.

Understanding the Requirements and


Involvement in the block level design of the

required circuit and development of circuit for

the current limitation in various cycle

Responsible for development of modules

Development of code testing of code with the

development Board of MSP430 up to register


Fault testing in electrical circuit and Software

testing putting inside the hardware i.e.

Firmware testing

Tools Tool : CCS,

ADC(BOT), lamp(LED), battery

Reporting Tool : Excel

Microcontroller: MSP430G2553

Language: Embedded C

Highlights Development Implementation.

Project 2. Automatic Power Sequencer

Customer IISc Bangalore

Period November-2013 to Feb-2014

Description The project is all about converting a normal

power supply into automatic power sequencer with

different charging criteria and including the

Discharging Phenomenon through lamp (1 Watt) LED

with various 5 cycles including 15 min, 30 min

charging, 12 hr charging, with various current


Role Application Consultant -

Understanding business requirements from IISc.

Understanding the Requirements and


Understanding the block level requirement of

Modules and understanding the each and every

module of existing modules and calibration data.

Responsible for adding the module of automatic

charging and discharging regular interval of


Responsible to code the automatic charging and

discharging module with maintain of credibility

of existing code.

Responsible for unit testing, integration

testing and functional testing of the module.

Tools Tool: Code Composer Studio, Proteus for module

circuit designing

Reporting Tool: Excel

Language: Embedded C

Microcontroller: MSP430G2231

Highlights Providing Development, Implementation and


Project 3.Vehcile Tracking and monitoring system

Customer IN CDAC(academics)

Period June 2012 - July 2012

Description In my projects i.e. VEHICLE TRACKING AND

MONITERING SYSTEM our scope was that a device

such that which is capable of monitoring the

vehicle position through GPS data, as the

maximum allowable speed crosses message is

generated from GSM device which is attached in

car to the concerned authority e.g. Traffic

controller office (whose phone number is

embedded in the code) and the speed testing has

been done through timer .This GPS and GSM module

were connected to UART 0 and 1 simultaneously

Role Application Consultant:

Understanding business requirements of


Involved in Block level design of the modules

required along with ARM7TDMI development Board.

Responsible Detailed analysis of modules like

GSM module (SIM 300) and GPS module (GPS-634R).

Analysis of data comes from satellite in second

it changes the position and latitude and

longitude and which data has to be taken in,

actually we wanted to all the GPS parameter but

we unable to built in controller able range so

we decided to show only GPVTG and GPGGA packet

from all.

I took part in writing a function of extracting

a particular field from GPS data like time

longitude, latitude, number of satellite coming

into that area also wrote a function for

checking the GPVTG and GPGGA packet and storing

the packet receive from GPS. .

Solution Environment Tool Kiel software

and GPS and GSM module and Hyper terminal

for seeing the GPS data

Reporting Tool Excel

Language Embedded C

Highlights Development (Lab)

Completed 6 month Diploma from CDAC ACTS Pune in Embedded system

design. In the year 2012

Training and workshop

I have done 45 days training after 4th semester in INDIAN TELEPHONE

INDUSTRY RAEBARELI (U.P). There I learnt mainly about S.M.T.Technology

and its implementation on card manufacturing and its production and

it's testing along with installation on rack of BTS terminals.

Also learned about the various types of soldering ie.reflow and wave

soldering and S.M.T machine like screen printer and pick and place

machine (europlacer) and reflow oven of Fuji Corporation pvt ltd where

final after the PCB plates are undergone for heating effect.

Different type of communication medium including telephony,wire and

wireless network and how the BTS role come into play in managing such

a complex network with the help of MSC and other circuit .

Gain some knowledge about the SMPS manufacturing and its installation

in the BTS Terminal as the power supply unit.



MSP430G2553, C2000 Learning level, power supplies manufacturing


administration (BASIC)

. TOOLS: - Code Composer Studio, IAR Embedded bench, Teratum.

. LANGUAGES:-C, DS (link list) and basic MATLAB programming

(graduation level).

Key Competencies & Skills

My Competency Profile includes the following

Skill Proficiency (E0 to E4)


C, Embedded C,DS E3

LINUX Administration(Basic) E2

Personal Profile

Name : Ashutosh Kumar Verma

Date of Birth : 17 May 1989

Sex : Male

Marital status : Single

Nationality : Indian

Passport : Under process


I hereby declare that all the information provided in my resume is

true to my knowledge.

PLACE Bangalore

Ashutosh kr.Verma

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