E lliott Hed rick
Medina, OH ***56
To begin a career in the technology field. Hope to help customers to learn software or to
help keep their technology experiences positive.
Heidelberg University
M ay 2011
Bachelor of Music in Education
T iffin, Ohio
• K-12 Music (all areas)
• Cumulative GPA: 3.06/4.0
• Completed Piano Proficiency (2010)
• Completed Praxis I I: Music Content Knowledge (2009)
P rinciples of Learning and Teaching (2009)
Long-Term Substitute Band Di rector A ugust
2013-December 2013
Brunswick City Schools
B runswick, Ohio
• Classes Taught: 5th G rade Band 6th G rade Band, 7th g rade Band, and 8th G rade Band
• Planning of all lesson material
• Concert planning and performing
• Responsible for all grades using progress book
• Long-term rapport building with many students and firsthand knowledge of running
a classroom for beyond a week at a t ime
E lliott Hed rick
110 S. East St.
Medina, OH 44256
Substitute Teacher Fall
2011- present
Medina County Schools Medina
County, Ohio
• Subjects taught include: k-6 general classes, Band, General Music, and Gym;
M iddle/High school Math, English, Science, Band, Orchestra, Choir, Gym, Ar t, Social
S tudies, Theater, and Music Theory
• Fulfilled duties expected of full t ime teacher
• Learned to build rapport with students over a short time
Marching Band Staff M arching seasons
Brunswick City Schools
B runswick, Ohio
• Music and Technique cleaning.
• Worked with many instructors throughout season to help ensure students success
Related Experiences
Medina County ESC Employee
Summers 2008-2010
All Medina County Schools
Medina, Ohio
• Learned effective cleaning techniques for :computer monitors, keyboards, mice, and
CPUs; Overhead projectors; Projectors; VCR/DVD players; Bus Cameras and
• Built rapport with custodial and technology staff at several school districts
• Sat on a strategic Planning Commit tee for Cloverleaf schools on the subject of highly
qualified personnel
E lliott Hed rick
110 S. East St.
Medina, OH 44256
P rivate Bassoon Lessons
Self Employed
Valley City, Ohio
• Worked with students one on one to improve bassoon playing skills
• Taught how to properly maintain specialized reeds
• Informed students and parents what materials were needed to continue higher level
p laying and reed building
Music computer Lab Head Technician/supervisor
Heidelberg University
T iffin, Ohio
• Maintained MAC computers for music building
• Installed and fixed programs as needed
• Gained knowledge into the workings of many music based programs
• Led a crew of up to four people and was main instructor in t raining crew
• Computer
o Ms Word
o Powerpoint
o Excel
o Ms SQL (in progress)
o Basic t roubleshooting skills
• People
o Listening
E lliott Hed rick
110 S. East St.
Medina, OH 44256
o Teamwork
o Sensitivity
o Humor
o Encouragment