Colleen Castro
Oak Lawn, Illinois
Oak Lawn –Hometown School District 123 (8/2005-Present)
For the past 10 years I have been an Instructional Teachers Assistant responsible for but not limited to:
• Provides for safety and security of individuals
• Following procedures when dealing with an emergency situation including calling 911, insuring the
safety of the individuals, notifying supervisor
• Ensuring safety including conducting emergency drills and other documentation
• Maintains assigned space in a clean and orderly manner
• Understands and implement laws, professional standards, Social Security and Public Aid regulations
regarding persons with disabilities
• Participate as a member of the individuals’ interdisciplinary/educational team and attends all team
meetings/staffings as required.
• Completes paperwork and documentation as assigned.
Classroom Responsibilities
• Work with the children in the classroom both 1:1 or in groups as assigned by the teacher.
• Implement teaching strategies as outlined in the student’s IEP and objectives book as assigned by the
• Assist the student in daily living and educational tasks, including structured teaching strategies,
assistance with toileting and feeding if needed, promote communication skills and social skills as
indicated by the student’s IEP and objectives and as assigned by the teacher.
• Assist the teacher in preparing the classroom for the next days’ activities by preparing materials,
cleaning materials, organizing the room, completing data, writing objectives or other tasks as assigned by
the teacher.
• Actively participate in team meetings, sharing ideas and discussing strategies for providing the services
needed by the individual student.
• Interact with all of the students in a therapeutic and positive manner.
• Assist Teachers in all of the classrooms in preparing training materials and student activities.
• Assists with the supervision of students during free-time, including lunch, playground activities, bus
duty, etc.
• Assists students individually or in groups, with lesson assignments to present or enforce learning
• Presents subject matter to students, utilizing variety of methods and techniques, such as, lecture,
discussion, role playing, etc.
• Assist in mentoring new Teacher Aides in the classrooms.
• Other duties as assigned by supervisor.
Clerical Responsibilities
• Assist the teacher in monitoring and assuring that the student files are kept current and complete.
• Maintains accurate records and logs.
• Complete data collection as instructed by the teacher.
• Write objectives as requested by the teacher.
Communication Responsibilities
• Notifies the teacher of any concerns regarding the student, or information reported to the Aide by others
(bus driver, parent, etc.).
• Assists in maintaining open communication with family members.
• Maintains the confidentiality of the records and information regarding the students
• Serves as the chief source of information and help to any substitute teacher assigned in the absence of
the regular teacher.