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High School Data Entry

United States
July 25, 2014

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**** ******** **.

Katy, TX *7449


thadde us

OBJECTIVE: To obtain a fulfil li ng position with a company that offers growth

opportunit y and allows me to utilize m y leadership s kills a nd experience.


• Proficie nt in warehouse operations

• Self- starter with a professiona l manner

• Detailed- orie nted

• PC skills in Windows environme nt

• Data entry skills, oracle

• Problem- solvi ng skills

• Effect ive communica t io n and interpersona l skills

• Able to listen to verbal instruct io ns

• Good judgment/ Team player


11/2013 - 4/2014 Enerfl ex (Oi l and Gas), Houst on, Texas (5

mont h cont ract job)

• Put orders t oget her f rom pack ing list wit h spare part s

• Saw operat or

• Operat ed ov erhead cane

• Fork lif t spott er

• Fork lif t driv er

• Preserv at ion (preserv e t he sk ids)

• Heat shrink ing

• Prepared t he unit s (sk ids)

4/2013 – 6/2013 Premi er Propert y Const ructi on, Houst on, Texas

(Cont ract jobs) Hangi ng Sheet rock

• Dry wall installation

• Framing doors and windows

• Tape and float

12/2012 – 4/2013 Toshi ba, Houst on, Texas

Shipping department/ Forklift Driver

• Responsible for pulling the order

• Scanning and packaging the product

• Responsible for inventory lookups

1/2012-12/2012 Grocery Supply, Order Selector Houston, TX

• Obtain list of product to be picked an stacked

• Input information, start and complete time into arm scanner

• Drive a pallet jack through aisles stacking pallets with product following bill until completion

3/2008 – 12/2011 MI-SWACO (OIL FIELD), Houst on, Texas

Shop Techni ci an/ Certi fi ed Forkli ft Dri ver/ Saw Operat or

• Responsible f or Shipping and Receiv ing.

• Saw Operat or (cutt ing diff erent t ypes of pipes, wood and ment al when needed)


• Responsible f or locat ion and Inv ent ory look ups.

• Assembly/Disassembly of Well Bore Clean up Tools (drill bit s).

• Pull Orders

• Operat ed Fork lift, Ov er Head Crane.

• Lift ed mat erials and box es mov ing in and out of depart ment .

• Receiv ed and unload incoming mat erial and compare inf ormat ion on

pack ing slips wit h purchase orders or v erif y accuracy of shipment .

5/2007 – 2/2008 IFCO Pall et s Inc., Houst on, Texas

Certi fi ed Forkli ft Dri ver

• Operat e dolly, pallet j ack, and/or f ork lif t in loading and unloading mat erial

and equipment .

• Responsible f or using f ork lif t t o pull orders.

• Work ed in shipping and receiv ing depart ment .

• Responsible f or pack ing, pick ing and scanning orders using a pallet izer.

4/2007 – 5/2007 Power Pl us Personal Servi ce Inc., Houst on, Texas

Warehouse Associ at e

• Responsible f or collect ing special orders or regular lines, v endor purchase

orders or cust omer ret urns.

• Organizing and processing cust omer orders on night shif t mak ing sure t hat

t ruck depart ure t imelines are met .

• Processed out bound orders on day shif t if necessary.

3/2006 – 11/2006 Fed Ex Ground, Houst on, Texas Package

Handl er

• Load and unload pack ages quick ly and eff icient ly.

• Cleaned t he warehouse, prepare f or deliv ery, and organize pack ages by

scanning t hem in and sort ing out .

• Mov ed product s and mat erials by hand or wit h basic mat erial

handling equipment .

7/2003- 6/2005 Unit ed St at es Post al Servi ce, New Orl eans, La.

Mai l Carri er

• Bundle mail in preparat ion f or deliv ery or t ransport at ion t o relay box es.

• Deliv er mail t o residences and business est ablishment s along specif ied rout es

by walk ing and/or driv ing.

• Maint ain accurat e records of deliv eries.

• Record address changes and redirect mail f or t hose addresses.

• Ret urn incorrect ly addressed mail t o senders.


JOHN F. KENNEDY HIGH SCHOOL New Orleans, Louisiana

Graduat ion Dat e: May 1999


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