Akshatha Karikal
**** ******** ****** *** * Los Angeles CA- 90007
Phone: 213-***-**** Email: *******@***.***
LinkedIn Profile: www.linkedin.com/in/akshathakarikal/
Looking for a full-time position in VLSI Design, Computer Architecture, Digital Verification and Testing.
Master of Science in Electrical Engineering May 2014
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA
Courses: MOS VLSI Circuit Design-I & II, Mathematical Foundations for Computer Aided Design, Computer
Systems Architecture, Computer Systems Organization, Digital System Design, Diagnosis and Design of
Reliable Digital Systems, Digital Image Processing
Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics & Communication June 2012
R.V College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
Languages: Verilog, VHDL, MATLAB, Assembly, C, C++, Perl.
Hardware: Xilinx Spartan-6, Pico-Blaze Soft Processor, Intel-8085, 8051, Panda-Board.
Tools: Synopsis Design Compiler and Prime Time, Xilinx - ISE, Chipscope Pro, PlanAhead, ModelSim.
Cadence Virtuoso – Layout GXL, Chip Assembly Router, Schematic L, ADE Spectre Simulator,
SimpleScalar, MATLAB, Eclipse IDE, OpenCV
Tomasulo Out-of-Order Processor - Implemented a 32-bit Tomasulo Processor with speculative
execution consisting of Copy Free Check Pointing, Issue unit, Load-Store Queue, Rotating Buffer,
Re-Order Buffer, Branch-Prediction-Buffer, Store Buffer, Store Address Buffer and Free Register List
modules. Aug 2013
5-stage in-order linear instruction pipeline - Implemented a 5 stage in-order linear pipeline with early
Dec 2012
branch design, Hazard Detection Unit, and Forwarding Unit in MIPS ISA using Verilog.
Chip Multi-Threading (CMT) - Implemented a single core multi-threaded in-order processor with an
Aug 2013
emulated non-blocking cache .
Aug 2013
Cache Coherency - Emulated MOESI Cache Coherency protocol for a 4-core processor.
Aug 2013
FIFOs - Implemented single clock FIFO and two clock FIFO using Block RAMs.
Special Calculator - Implemented a calculator with 4-way interleaving 256-bit SRAM, 6-bit multiplier,
24-bit dynamic adder and subtractor and a special MUX circuitry. Dec 2013
Digital Neuron and Neural Network - Designed a full custom standard-cell micro-library and optimized it
by transistor sizing and efficient layout design to minimize area-delay product of the neural network using
Dec 2012
TSMC 180nm library.
ATPG and Fault Simulation Algorithms - Implemented a Preprocessor, Automatic Test Pattern
Generator using D-algorithm and PODEM algorithm, and Fault Simulator using Parallel Fault Simulation
Dec 2013
and Deductive Fault Simulation.
Processor Design - Explored design space of a typical micro architecture enhancement to an existing
May 2013
processor design to increase the MIPS rating.
Image Processing - Performed Image manipulation, enhancement & noise removal, Morphological
Processing, Digital Half-toning, Spatial Warping, Texture Analysis & Segmentation, Optical Character
Dec 2013
Recognition, Face Morphing on several test images.
Remote Surveillance AutoBot - Implemented a robotic control system for video surveillance by creating
an ad-hoc network confined to the PandaBoard and the remote laptop using the Robotic Operating System
(ROS) with face detection and feature extraction. May 2012
Medical Database Management System - Designed a Database with GUI developed in C programming
language which holds the record of patients and the medicine that was prescribed to them. May 2011