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Data Engineer

United States
July 22, 2014

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Vaibhav Hinge

Email : hi nge vai bhav@gmail .com

**** ******* **** **,

Tele phone: 607- 761- 6721

Dublin, OH 43016


To conti nue my caree r wi th an organi zati on that wil l util ize my te chni cal, management, administrati ve and supe rvision

skill s to be ne f it mutual growth and succe ss


Masters in Computer Science f rom State Uni ve rsi ty of Ne w York, Bi nghamton

Bachelor of Engineering, Compute r Engi neeri ng, Pune Uni ve rsity


Strong te chni cal background with +8 years of ri gorous trai ning i n Information Technology and Computer Science

5+ years of e x pe ri ence as comple te Software de velopme nt l i fe cycl e ( SDLC) wi th a strong background i n Data

Warehouses usi ng Business Obje cts, SISS and SSRS

Capture, interpret and document functional requirements and technical requirements

Functional expertise to map critical business processes for complex analytics

Excellent Business writing skills in preparing all the Process Artifacts documents.

Compre he nsi ve knowledge of database design, database mai ntenance, SQL que ri es, stored proce dure s, f uncti ons.

Invol ve d i n Perf ormance SQL Tuni ng, ETL tuning and Error handli ng

Busi ne ss Obj ects Universe deve lopme nt, Dashboards de ve lopment

Ex pe rti se i n Data Migration

Busi ness Obj ects 4.0 Administration

ERP Administration f or SAP 8.82

Dee p unde rstandi ng e x pertise i n managing complete projects f rom i nce pti on through design and de vel opme nt to

f i nal i mplementati on and te sti ng.

Skill ed Crystal Reports Writer and Busi ne ss Obj ects 3.1 and 4.0 re ports

Skilled Webi reports development using web intelligence thin client and rich client including reports for IPads

2+ years of e x pe ri ence i n web based E-commerce we b de velopme nt and te sti ng

Worked on multiple projects si mul taneously and prove n ability to work wi th pe opl e wi th di f fe rent backgrounds and

versatile environment


Programmi ng Language s C/C++, ASP.NET, JAV A ( Basi c), V isual Basi c

Database s MS SQL Se rve r, MySQL, Oracl e

Data Anal ysi s Re qui re ment Analysi s, Busi ness Analysis, de tail de sign, data f l ow di agrams, data de f inition

table, Busi ness Rul es, Data model li ng, Business Data Ware housing, Syste m i nte grati on

SQL Tool s MS Manageme nt Studi o, SSIS, SSRS, Hei di SQL, Toad, MySQL WorkBe nch

De vel opment Tool s V i sual Studi o.NET

ETL and Re porti ng Tool s Data Transf ormati on Studi o, BODS, Busi ne ss Obj e cts, Crystal Re port De si gn, MS Ex cel, MS

SQL Se rve r Re ports, MS Visio

We b De vel opment ASP.NET, PHP, HTML, DHTML, JavaScri pt, CSS

Ope rati ng Syste ms Wi ndows Se rve r, UNIX, LINUX, Androi d, i OS, zV M


Appli cati on Se rvers MS IIS, Apache


MV A - Que ryi ng Mi crosof t SQL Se rve r 2012

MV A - Admi ni ste ring Mi crosof t SQL Se rve r 2012

MV A - Imple me nting a Data Ware house wi th SQL Se rve r 2012


Busi ne ss Obj e ct Ce rti fi ed Prof essional ( BOCP)


Med ia Sou rce In c ., Bu sin ess Syst ems An alyst Aug’11 – Till Dat e

Communicate with Clients, Business Analyst, Senior Management to understand and transform business requirements

into technical and functional requirements

Identified key KPIs, scope d and assi ste d i n designing key metrics scorecard for seni or manage me nt

Cre ati ng Mapping Documents f oll owed by de veloping Mappi ngs i n Business Objects Universe

Interaction with end users, re gul arl y i n orde r to ge ne rate the reports re qui red, the se re ports were ge nerated usi ng

Busi ne ss Obj ects f unctionali ties such as Sli ce and Di ce, Maste r/detail, Use r Re sponses and Formul as.

Re sponsi bl e f or stati sticall y vali dating, auditing data and mai ntai ning data qual ity

Extensively used various techniques like sectioning,ranking,filtering,slice and dice to develop the report

De si gn Crystal Reports, Web Inte lligence, Desktop Intelligence and Excel re port te mplates f or the End use r

Accounting, Auditing, Sales, Marketing and Inventory re ports

E xtensively worked on D imensional modeling (Star/Snow flake), Data migration, Slowly Changing

D imensions, Data cleansing and Data Stagin g of operational sources using E TL processes .

E xtensively used S SIS and Business Objects f or thi s ope ration

Sche duli ng SQL Se rve r Workf lows usi ng T- SQL and SSIS package s f or ETL

Worked on an XML Parser for ETL process

Migration of Busi ne ss Obj ects Envi ronment ( Currentl y BO 3.1 to BO 4.0)

Busi ne ss Obj ects Universe Development, Dashboards

Design data migration plans i ncl udi ng mi grati on ri sk, mi le stones, qual ity and busi ness si gn -off de tail s.

Design and follow be st practi ce, proce sses, and standards f or e ff ectivel y carryi ng out data mi grati on acti vi ti es.

Pe rf orm source system data analysis i n orde r to manage source to targe t data mapping.

Pe rf orm migration and testing of stati c data and transaction data f rom one core system to anothe r.

Pe rf orm data migration audit, re concili ation and exception reporting.

Design, develop and maintain E- Commerce Website f or Me di asource Inc. using Visual Basic, .Net and SQL Se rve r

De vel op ne w f e atures and wri te API to interface w ith different platforms . Bug fixing, Testing and Monitoring

De si gn Inventory management software for SAP Business One usi ng MS Acce ss

KPIT Cu mmin s Ltd, Software Engin eer – Arch itect [BOBJ] Ju ly ‘07- Ju ly ‘09

Le ad UNIX/Linux Engineer of Off ici al Archi tect te am f or Busi nessObjects ( Europe Re gion)

Interacted with the Business Analysts to analyze to transform the business requirements into the technical


Create overall architecture for the implementation.

Create technical design for the ETL implementation.

Create complex workflows with more than 50 sessions including decision and event tasks.

Cre ate Mapping Documents foll owed by de veloping Mappi ngs i n Business Objects Universe

End- to- end implementation of SAP BI whi ch i nvolved ETL, unive rse design and re porting

Tune ETL procedures and schemas to opti mi ze l oad and que ry Pe rformance

De si gn and modi f y Crystal Reports, Web Intelligence, Desktop Intelligence and Excel re port templates f or the End

us e r

Lead a team of 4 engineer

Handle Severity 1 client issues

Contri buti on of 144 Knowledge Base arti cle s f or SAP SCN Community

Te chnol ogy : BO XI R2, BO XI 3.0 on Sol ari s 10, HPUX RS 6000, AIX, Li nux and Wi ndows 2003, Oracle, MS SQLSe rve r,


TATA Techno logies Limit ed (IN CAT), Soft ware Develo per Train ee Aug’06 – Feb ’07

Communicate with BA to gather requirements and create functional documentation

Creation of site layout/user interface from provided design concepts by using standard HTML/CSS practices

Placement and layout of web site pages given client provided content

Development of robust and user-friendly .NET-based web applications using agile methods

Design and creation of relational database schemas

SQL Server T-SQL backend development

Develop efficient way for communication of issues


Data Communi cati on & Compute r Programmi ng Language s zV M Mai nf rame s

Ne tw orks

Introducti on to Se curi ty Ope rati ng Syste ms Compute r Organi zati on &

Archi te cture

V i sual Inf ormati on Proce ssing De si gn & Anal ysi s Computer Inde pe ndent Study ( Androi d OS)

Al gori thms

Arti f i ci al Inte lli gence Mobil e Computi ng Database Manageme nt Syste m

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