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Manager Medical

United States
July 23, 2014

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Josh L. Coats

**** ******* **

Sparks, NV, *****

Cell: 918-***-****

Email: ************@*****.***


zulily, 05/2014-Present

Operations Manager Reno, Nevada

Optimized processes by employing Lean, Six Sigma and Kiazen principles.

Led a cross-functional team of 70-190 to execute at planned efficiency levels.

Increased predictable productivity of my team by 17% over an 8 week period.

Reduced expenses by decreasing the number of managers required by 66%.

Implemented a flat ring structure of leaders to cross -functionally manage production,

leading to a more integrated team and lowered attrition rates by 31%.

US Army, 05/2008-02/2014

Brigade Medical Operations Officer

Managed the medical preparation and deployment of 1500 Soldiers for combat.

Increased the medical readiness of a 2600 person team from 68% to 94% in 8

weeks by adopting creative communication methods and incentives.

Implemented process optimizations and re-engineered workflow procedures to

provide better service to the patients with the most immediate needs.

Responsible for the maintenance, logistics, and accountability of $19 million worth of

supplies and equipment.

Executive Officer

Directly responsible for the health, welfare, and training of 160 Soldiers. Ensured

quality administrative, logistical, training, and maintenance support .

Assumed the commander’s tasks, responsibilities, and duties during his absence.

Successfully leading the medical, food, staff, and maintenance sections for a

battalion of 700 Soldiers.

Rewrote the aviation safety, standard operation procedures for a unit responsible for

keeping half of the 101st Airborne Division’s aircraft maintained. This resulted in the

unit no longer being grounded.

Platoon Leader

Developed leaders using daily individual interactions and by demonstration of

personal candor and integrity. This resulted in 100% of my Soldiers being promoted

or transferred to a position of greater responsibility.

Strategically planned and managed the annual budget and equipment supply chain

to achieve objectives while minimizing expenditures. Saved $92,000 in one quarter,

by salvaging supplies marked for discard.

Accomplished more medical support tasks than any other medical platoon in the

division, with the smallest medical team and budget in the division.

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Josh L. Coats

1527 Poptart Ct

Sparks, NV, 89436

Cell: 918-***-****

Email: ************@*****.***

Brigade Medical Operations Officer (Afghanistan)

Managed a 67 member healthcare team in four provinces. Responsible for the

emergency care for more than 10,000 Soldiers and civilians distributed over 3600

square miles.

Analyzed, planed, rehearsed, supplied, and executed responses that wer e credited

with saving seven lives.

Mine, analyze, track, and communicate intelligence to guide decisions. I was the

only medical intelligence analyst guiding all Army aviation decisions for Southern

Afghanistan in 2011.

Established partnerships with outside agencies to improve the educational

experiences of the healthcare team. This resulted in the first successful Afghan

MEDEVAC training program and special operations tactical trauma surgery

experiences for myself and my team.

W e constructed a 1700 square foot field hospital from salvaged construction

supplies, during our sleeping time. This allowed for the immediate treatment of over

1400 wounded and sick Soldiers and a 24 hour a day mass causality response team

that could deploy by air within 15 minutes.

Manager of Financial Institutions, 06/1995 – 04/2004

W orld Savings Bank, Orange County's Credit Union, Others Orange County, CA

Hired, developed, and evaluated a team of 6-30 employees to enjoy positive sales


Managed a team of 65 at a national combined mortgage document operations

center. Responsible for the logistics of auditing and delivering hand carried

packages by a credentialed representative anywhere in the US within a twelve hour


Ran desks for Bank of America, Greenlight, Countrywide, Washington Mutual, and

smaller lenders.

Maintained an on-time and accuracy rate of 99.9%, while maintaining an average

operational profit margin of 55%.

Performed financial audits and ensured operational standards were exceeded.

Established and developed business relationships, resulting in greater revenue.

Compiled and reported successes to the executive team.

Began as a teller and worked as a loan officer, branch supervisor, mortgage

originator, nationwide mortgage document auditor, manager trainee, branch

manager, manager of multiple branches, and as a self -employed family trust


During the employment gap in 2004, I found the right college and moved cross country.

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Josh L. Coats

1527 Poptart Ct

Sparks, NV, 89436

Cell: 918-***-****

Email: ************@*****.***


Bachelor of Science- Biology, Chemistry minor. Northeastern State University

Dec 2004 - May 2008, 3.9 GPA

Summa Cum Laude and first in class of 355 Biology students

Tahlequah, Oklahoma


Genetic Analyst 2006-2008

J. Craig Venter Institute

Analyzed sequenced nucleotides that had been scrubbed by an algorithm to find start

and stop codes. Estimated and categorized the function of the potential peptide chain

by comparing to known chains, or exported the chain to a folding program to attempt to

predict the function of the resulting enzyme. Contributed results to The Institute of

Genomic Research (TIGR-JCVI) data warehouse.

Physics and Chemistry Tutor 2005-2008

Northeastern State University

Successfully migrated students from equation memorization to a problem solving

approach that allowed them to formulate their own equations. Liaised with professors to

prove my approach, resulting in them allowing novel equations to be used on exams.

More than half of the students I worked with now hold doctorate degrees.


Tulsa Public Schools 2009-2010

Mentorship activities for under-served children at a Tulsa elementary school.

Firefighter/EMT 2004-2007

W elling Fire Department

Responded to motor vehicle, structure, and wildland fires to minimize injuries and

damage to property. Graduated first in class from Oklahoma State University’s

Firefighter I academy.

City Council Candidate 2000

San Clemente, CA

Argued for the preservation of San Clemente as a small town. Highlighted the impact

on city culture caused by population and traffic increases corresponding to the over -

building of housing.

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