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Mechanical Engineer

Creston, IA, 50801
May 05, 2014

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I enjoy m aking a differenc e in c om panies through im provem ent and innovation. As a m ec hanic al

engineer, I have im proved parts, as s em blies, and proc es s es . I help c om panies break into new m arkets

with new produc ts and proc es s es . I help people learn and grow. If your c om pany is into that s ort of

thing, then perhaps we s hould c ons ider working together.

I led m y bigges t projec t when I worked for Gits Mfg. Co. There was a lot of innovation in this projec t for

Detroit Dies el Corporation. DDC was a new c us tom er for us . They wanted a hydraulic ac tuated

butterfly valve. W e did not m ake any of thos e; we m ade pneum atic ac tuated s wing valves, but they

trus ted us through a referral from a long-s tanding c us tom er, Honeywell.

It was exc iting to develop s o m any new parts and proc es s es for this as s em bly; there were about 80.

W e won that bus ines s and it nearly doubled the s ales of our c om pany. Cars overflowed the parking lot

and profits went up. Now that is what I c all a s uc c es s ful projec t.

I do not lim it m y s c ope work to produc ts and m anufac turing proc es s es . Shortly after I s tarted working

for R.E. Lewis Refrigeration, I found an abundanc e of c haos and a lac k of direc tion. There was a lot of

potential for growth, but that was not going to happen without s om e im provem ents .

W hile bidding work and running projec ts, I worked on m aking it a c om pany that c ould grow. I

im plem ented new ways of c om m unic ating inform ation that elim inated the c haos . I led a proc es s of

s trategic planning and goal s etting. It was inc redible to s ee c om pany s ales triple while profits c hanged

to 8 tim es what they were. The c hanges I c ham pioned als o im proved c om pany m orale as everyone

s tarted working together on c om m on goals .

I am a hands on guy who works hard all day and expec ts thos e around m e to do the s am e. I am

c om fortable des igning at m y des k, working on the fac tory floor, or m eeting a new c us tom er in a far away

c ountry. I like variety and new c hallenges .

Making a differenc e is why I enjoy work. Integrity is the way with whic h I get work done. Integrity is m ore

than working ins ide a s et of m oral boundaries, it is als o letting others know what we believe and

s tanding up for thos e beliefs . This is how trus t is built. Integrity leads to trus t and trus t provides the

opportunity for c hange. Cus tom ers do not buy from s om eone they do not trus t. Em ployees do not

follow s om eone they do not trus t.

If your c om pany is not open and hones t with its em ployees, c us tom ers, and s uppliers, don’t c all m e.

Change will be diffic ult and your c om pany will not reac h its potential through im provem ent and

innovation. W e will not work well together.

On the other hand, if your c om pany does work with integrity and you are interes ted in c hanging things

for the better, look over m y res um e and s ee if I have the bac kground you are looking for. Jus t keep in

m ind what m atters m os t: it is not what I c an do alone, but what we will do together.

If you think I m ight m ake a good addition to your team, c all m e at 641-***-****. W e c an dis c us s the

pos s ibility of working together and what that m ight look like.

You have to be different to make a difference.

Shawn Lange


s hawn.h.lange@gm ail.c om


● I help the c om panies I work for expand our c us tom er bas e, break into new m arkets, and reduc e

c os ts .

● I help the c om panies I work for im prove our world: both for the people within our c om pany and

the people we work with everyday.


● Exhaus t Gas Rec irc ulation (EGR) valve for Detroit Dies el Corporation (DDC)

Inc reas ed our c om pany annual s ales from $30,000,000 to $55,000,000 by m anufac turing

a produc t for DDC that c ut the NOx em is s ions of their larges t s elling engine by 90%.

Helped DDC develop the des ign of this produc t s o that it would m eet their perform anc e

and durability targets, as well as be m anufac tured reliably by us .

Built m y team and helped them learn the s kills nec es s ary to m ake this new produc t

through us ing new proc es s es while working with a new c us tom er and new s uppliers .

Negotiated s elling pric e with DDC purc has ing and engineering to m axim iz e profits .

● R.E. Lewis Refrigeration

Helped our c om pany triple in s iz e, inc reas e profits by eight tim es, and im prove c om pany

m orale in jus t four years through s trategic planning and goal s etting.

Replac ed our c us tom er’s oz one depleting freon indus trial refrigeration s ys tem s with

environm entally friendly am m onia s ys tem s .

Elim inated c haos in s c heduling m anpower of various field c rews working for s everal

projec t m anagers in different offic es .

Reduc ed was te and frus tration in es tim ating, purc has ing, ac c ounts payable, and payroll

proc es s es .


● Inc reas ed c om pany annual s ales by about $30 m illion through developing relations hips and

produc ts with new c us tom ers : Detroit Dies el, Sc hwitz er (now Borg W arner), Mits ubis hi Heavy

Indus tries, John Deere, Cam pbell Soup, Mic hael Foods, and others .

● Inc reas ed c om pany annual s ales by about $10 m illion through developing produc ts with exis ting

c us tom ers : Garrett (Now Honeywell), Hols et, Tys on, and others .

● Developed produc t to help c ut partic ulate m atter em is s ions of dies el engines . (Elim inate the

blac k s m oke that us ed to pour out of the exhaus t pipes .)

● W orked with c us tom ers in USA, England, Germ any, Franc e, Japan, and China.

● Built trus ting relations hips with c us tom ers through working with integrity.

● Quic kly learned what I needed to know to be m eet the c us tom er’s needs and helped m y team do

the s am e.

● Kept pos itive m om entum going through hard work and diligenc e.

● Des igned and produc ed m arketing m aterials to help reinforc e our brand.

You have to be different to make a difference.


● Des igned and quoted a number of as s emblies . Thes e as s emblies had various parts inc luding s tampings,

s prings, s c rew mac hine parts, inves tment c as tings, s and c as tings, die c as tings, forgings, injec tion molded

parts, c ompres s ion molded parts, tig welded as s emblies, riveted as s emblies, c rimped as s emblies, threaded

as s emblies, braz ed as s emblies, pres s fit as s emblies, elec tro-plated parts, blac k ox idiz ed parts, s pray

c oated parts, and others .

● Built various parts, as s emblies, tes t fix tures, dies, and as s embly fix tures us ing mac hine s hop and

produc tion equipment.

● Des igned parts us ing various CAD s y s tems inc luding SolidW ork s, Pro/E, and Inventor.

● Detailed prints with toleranc es, notes, and GD&T.

● W rote s pec ific ations, tes t c riteria, and engineering reports .

● Evaluated produc t tes ting robus tnes s us ing DFMEA.

● Tes ted produc t for performanc e and enduranc e.

● Us ed fault tree analy s is to improve produc ts .

● W ork ed under QS-9000 and was involved in s everal audits .

● Co-inventor on US Patent 6,189,435


● Developed manufac turing plans by c ons idering c os ts, c apabilities, and time c ons traints .

● Us ed Lean tools to improve proc es s des ign, both on the floor and in the offic e.

● Developed, monitored, and updated timelines us ing Gantt c harts .

● Analy z ed proc es s robus tnes s by us ing PFMEA.

● Des igned produc tion line lay out and evaluated produc t flow.

● Es tablis hed bes t prac tic es and developed work ins truc tions .

● Ins pec ted parts and as s emblies us ing equipment in mac hine s hop and quality as s uranc e.

● Des igned and/or built as s embly fix tures, tooling, and equipment.

● Programmed PLCs .

● Rec ommended c hanges to as s embly lines and proc es s es to reduc e as s embly c os t and improve c apability .

● Evaluated potential s uppliers in USA and other c ountries .


● RE Lewis Refrigeration 2006-2014 Projec t Engineer

● Gits Mfg Co 1988-2006 Projec t Engineer / Manager

● Various jobs 1978-1988


● Bac helor of Sc ienc e, Mec hanic al Engineering, May 1987, Iowa State Univers ity

● Other Cours es : Lean Manufac turing - 3 week s ; Pro/ENGINEER - 1 week ; Capability Analy s is and

Statis tic al Proc es s Control - 1 week ; Geometric Dimens ioning and Toleranc ing - 1 week ; Ammonia

Refrigeration Sy s tems - 3 week s ; Ex pres s Piping - 1 week


● My family and I would lik e to reloc ate to the mountain s tates to be able to enjoy outdoor ac tivities .

● I have been s uc c es s ful in produc t des ign and development, applic ation engineering, and management.

W hat I do is not as important to me as the c ulture of the people I do it with.

A c ompany that work s with integrity to ac hieve res ults and growth.

A c ompany that has a vis ion of where it is going and c ommunic ates that to its employ ees through

goal s etting.

A team that is c onc erned that every one on the team is s uc c es s ful.

You have to be different to make a difference.

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