M H: Checked & updated, clear, no allergies
S H: non-smoker/ smoking cessation advice given, r isks & benefits, occ-
D H: L DV= L HV=
OH R: E TB x 2 daily, f loss, ID brush, MW
EO: FS – NAD, TMJ – NAD, L N’s – NAD
ST: L ips & labial mucosa – NAD
Buccal mucosa & vestibular mucosa – NAD,
H ard & soft palate – NAD
Tongue – NAD
BPE: 000
I O: Calculus, Plq, Staining, Recession, In f lammation, Erosion, Att ri r tion/Bruxism
TX: E xplained to patient & verbal consent given
F M supra/sub scale & full mouth polish using prophy jet/ prophy paste, patient happy
PO IG: M ay experience sensitivity & soreness for few days, if sensitivi ty persists use
sensitive tp
O H I: 1. Explained the importance of plaque control for prevention of gum disease & caries
2. MBT on model
3. Floss demo’d in pt mouth
4. ID brush demo’d in pt mouth