Callie N. King
Columbus OH, 43205
My goal is to use my creativity and talents across the media field to improve the community
I live in and empower the people around me.
Feb, 2013 - present Campaign Manager
1. Implementing marketing strategies as directed by the Campaign Strategist including, but not
limited to:
a. Designing print and digital marketing materials
b. Produce monthly and annual marketing and communications pieces
c. General client communication
2. Social media research, strategy development & implementation
3. Representation at trade shows, chamber and other events
4. Photography and Videography as needed for clients and company
5. Blogging, copywriting and other written correspondence
6. Market research
7. Brand development and research
8. Mobile web development
9. SMS campaign execution
10. Local search site optimization.
Callie N. King
2009 - 2013 C reative Director
1. Serve as link to the community while developing and implementing management tools.
2. Serve as a key spokesperson for the Foundation
3. Spearhead fundraising and awareness events.
4. Develop creative programs and design concepts
5. Work with internal team to create proposals, marketing and branding strategies.
6. Work with mulit-media systems to create integrated digital and print campaigns.
7. Writing copy for a variety of outlets including formal reports and unique storytelling.
2011 - 2012 Photography & Marketing Assistant
Grand Lubell Photography
1. File management, Customer services.
2. Client services and appointment tracking.
3. Assisted photographers in commercial, studio and event shoots.
4. Edit and corrected images using Digital Photo Professional, Photoshop and Lightroom.
5. Utilize Indesign to create and distribute marketing materials such as coupons, pamphlets,
flyers and cards.
Bowling Green State University
May, 2011 Bachelors of Science & Technology
Visual Communication Technology, Photography & Production management
Dual major with a minor focusing on Social Humanities
M ay, 2011 Bachelors of Ar ts & Science
Telecommunications, T.V. and Video Production
Recipient of S tua rt Givens Fellowship 2008
6,000 to create a self designed learning experience with which I performed
documentary work and media t raining in northern Uganda.
Rob M a cc abee, p res i den t a t C l i i n g *
Direct Supervisor
614- 488- 8472
Do ug M ac k, C E O a t C l i i n g *
Executive Supervisor
614- 488- 8472
M i ke B u rgess- O w ne r a t G ro u t Re f resh
Direct Client
T r ist a n R a der, C E O Bo ng a Me d i a
Co- worker at Bonga Media
440- 315 - 2825
Callie N. King
J o n H og ue, So le P rop r ie to r of H og ue E xecu t i ve Co nsu l t i n g
Co- Worker on Stauff's Corporate Project
740- 474 - 9170
R e n D r i ver, I T A n a lys is a t H o n d a
Co-worker in Audio Visual Services.
(614) 209 - 5306
* It is NOT OK to immediately contact these references. They are my most recent supervisors and currently
are my employers at Cliing.
Callie N. King
Outstanding Qualities
I love to learn. I am energized by the journey of understanding and I enjoy dynamic work
environments where I am asked to take on new projects. If I don’t know it, I will learn it.
I take responsibility for every commitment I make. I have a dependable reputation. When
assigning new responsibilities, people will look to me because they know the job will get done
In one way or another we are all apart of a team. I am considerate, caring, and accepting. I work
well in a team and as a team leader. It is also Important for me to use my talents to help others
and support my community. I enjoy being a decision maker and I want to be valued as a
contributing member.
I crave achievement and am very good and creating goals that will put me on that path. This is
the jolt I count on to get started on new tasks and new challenges.