Cr istian M. Choe
**** ****** **** ** **. Atl anta, GA 30338
poppkkorn2483@gma il.c om
Summary of Qualifications
Fluent in Korean, Spani sh, and ba si c knowledge of Ge rman
Abili ty to pe rform in a stre ssful a n fast-pac ed environm ent
Exc ell ent skil ls in com munic ation, ne gotia tion, fa cil ita tion, doc ument ati on a nd Writ ing
Smart and fast in de cision m aking
Resource ful problem sol ver ca pable of i mple ment ing soluti ons t o compl ex problem s
Proven rec ord of reli abil ity a nd responsi bili ty
Profici ent i n Mi crosoft Office
Knowl edgea ble with Acc urint, Im aging, Daybrea k and CRM Si ebel
Knowl edgea ble with SAP, E RP
P rofessional Experience
May 2012 –Cur rent
Purc hasing/L ogi st i cs Sp eci alist
Manage invent ories of CKD (Compl ete Knock Down) parts from Korea and L ocal suppl ied pa rts, whi le
schedul ing part s on a dail y and weekl y ba si s from mult iple l ocat ions
Monitor MRP process and dail y require ment s
Util ize financ ial acc ounting and da taba se syste ms t o perform i nventory a nd financ ial m anage ment
funct ions
Manage invent ory whi le ide ntifyi ng and solving a ny possibl e discre panci es betwee n physic al i nventory
and system i nventory
Manage dail y/mont hly invent ory leve l and E O (E nginee ring cha nge order) schedul e
Parti cipa te i n the CT PAT, ISO, a nd GT Q program s
Manage and report 3rd part y logisti cs outsourcing m anpower and invoi cing
Tra ck and re port dai ly/wee kly/m onthly OS& D a nd sc rap
Maint ain da taba se trac king of all OE M E ngine re plac eme nts a nd returns
Schedul e repa ir and ma inte nance se rvice s for any L ogistic s ve hicl es and equi pment
Maint ain a ccura te and de tai led re cords of all invoic es and the monthl y/yea rly budget
November 2011 –May 2012
AJIN USA – usseta, AL
Pr oduct i on C ont rol Spe cial ist
Manage and ensure inve ntory of semi -finished and c omple ted pa rts
Revi ew and crea te da ily/ we ekly/ monthl y operat ion rate and effi cie ncy rat e st atus
Manage, distribut e and purc hase equipm ent re quired by produc tion pe rsonne l on the produc tion fl oor
such as weldi ng ele ctrode s, ai r powe red tool s, fl ap disks, etc .
Prepare and distri bute da ily produc tion pl an to supervi sors acc ording to c ust omer’dem and, and revi ew
dai ly product ion result s
Exe cute and foll ow up on corre cti ve ac tions for the Assembl y a nd Pre ss Depart ment s in re sponse to
ma nufact uring repea ted nonc onforming part s t hat c ompromi se qua lit y and norma l opera tion
Prepare and part ici pate i n educa tion/ trai ning me eti ngs for ne w product ion personnel
Analyz e and report operat ion cyc le t ime s, downti mes, producti vity a nd effic ienc y ra tes for both
Assem bly and Press Depa rtme nts
Modify and re vise product ion li ne la youts, and anal yze a nd control the a lloc ati on of producti on
personnel, to im prove producti vity
Parti cipa te i n producti vity i mprovem ent ac tivi tie s a nd exec ute im proveme nt pla ns cont inuously
August 2010 – ctober 2011
Hyundai Capital Ame ric a –Auste ll, GA
C olle ct or I
Manage a queue of a ccount s from 30 t o 59 days deli nquent
Work wit h CSP (Corporate Sponsored Program ) a ccount s from Korea that are de linque nt
Conta ct c ust omers via t ele phone and m ake arra ngeme nts t o bring the acc ount curre nt, while compl ying
with i nterna l com pany polic ies and proc edures
Update custome r’inform ati on and docume nt al l ac tions while tal king with the custome r
Perform skip tra cing i ncludi ng 411 and Accuri nt report s
Januar y 2006 – ay 2009
Choe, Nam Suk –Pr ope rty Owne r
Madibre, Inc –Sugar Hil l, GA
Choe ns45, Inc –Alpharetta, GA
C om m erc ial P rop ert y Manager
Responsible for all financ ial ope rati ons of t he propert y suc h as taxe s, insuranc e, ma inte nance bi lls,
ac count re cei vable s, et c.
Negoti ate contra cts for jani toria l, securi ty, ground kee ping, waste re moval, l andscapi ng, etc . for the best
pric e
Market avai labl e space a nd conduct a throughout price hunt in t he nei ghborhood
Conduct background scre ening on al l prospect ive t enant s a nd work wit h them unt il ne gotia ted c ontrac t is
cl ose d
Community Service
Summe r 2008
Center for P an Asian Community Servi ces, Inc –Doravil le, G A
V olunt e er
Provide support a nd assi st ance t o worke rs
Assist i n house keepi ng for seni ors a t the ir home s
Maint ain a cle an envi ronment i n and around t he buil ding
Rec ognition
August 2011
Hyundai Capital Ame ric a
Em ployee First Re cognit ion Awa rd
o Awa rded for being ra nked first i n IPI a nd SDR for se ven consec utive months in the compa ny
Ge orgia State Univer si ty –Atlanta, GA
Bachel or of Scie nc e in Biology