BI/BO Consultant
Sahil kabra
OBJECTIVE To secure a position with a well-established organization with a stable
environment that will lead to a lasting relationship in field of SAP reporting.
SKILLS & Over 9+ years of experience in IT Industry with 8+ years of
A BIL ITIE B usiness I n telligence experience in the Analysis, Design,
S Development and Implementation of Relational Database (OLTP)
and Data Warehousing Systems (OLAP) using Oracle, Business
Objects, Crystal Reports, Xcelsius Dashboards and Data integrator.
• Designed Universes with Hierarchies, Aggregate
Awareness, derived tables, and Index awareness and resolved join
p roblems like l oops, Chasm t rap, Fan T rap by using Aliases,
contexts, short cut joins and multiple SQL statements for each
• Extensive experience in P erformance Tuning and Query
Optimization, Optimizing universe through Linked Universes,
A liases and Contexts.
• Created Webi reports w ith breaks, sections, merged
d imensions, formulas, variables,, filters, query drill.
• Used D ashboard design, Xcelsiusand Live Office i n
C reating simple to complex Scorecards and Dashboards.
• Defined crystal reports & webi reports and published to
corporate documents and viewed by i nfo view .
• Strong in D imensional D ata Modeling, Star/Snowflakes
schema, Fact and Dimension tables, Physical & logical data
modeling using E r w in .
• Created analytics and metrics, Rules, Sets, and Goals to be
used in P erformance Management (dashboards and Scorecards)
for better decision purpose t racking Key Performance Indicators
( KPIs).
• Hands on experience in using Instance Manager, Query
B uilder, p ublishing Wizard, Report Conversion Tool .
• Used Query as a Web Service (QAAWS) to generate Web
Services (URL) and used these URLs to export the data into
Xcelsius via Excel spreadsheet for detailed analysis.
• Good knowledge in building, extraction, t ransformation and
loading (ETL) using Sql packages/I nformatica Power Center
(Source Analyzer, Repository Manager, Data Warehousing Designer,
M apping Designer, Mapplet Transformation).
• Extensively used SQL and P L/SQL to write Stored
P rocedures, Functions, Packages and Triggers by using most
current features and implemented some of SQL Server and oracle
new features.
• Strong experience in writing T est plans, Test cases, Unit
testing, System testing, Integration testing and Functional testing.
• An enthusiastic project-oriented team player with excellent
communication, Technical, Analytical and Problem Solving Skills
w ith Good time management and the ability to develop creative
solutions for challenging client needs.
SAP BOBJ Consultant
May 2012 – P resent
• Involved in gathering, analyzing, and documenting business
requirements, functional requirements and data specifications
about the system for Universes and Reports.
• Designed universes which isolates, business, end users from the
technical complexities of the databases with best practice
methodology that responds to identified reporting requirements.
• Created a single and multi-source universes using IDT (information
design tool).Implanted contexts, aliases derived tables or shortcut
joins to resolve the join issues like fan, chasm t raps and loops.
• Created Prompts, conditions and Filters to improve the report
generation. Also used Alerts to improve the readability of the
• Secured the universes data security profile, business security
p rofile and assigned them to users and groups and created row level
security based on external security tables.
• Created adhoc and canned webi reports by implementing features
l ike various charts, merging queries, query based on excel files,
hyperlink, fold/unfold, input controls etc.
• Applied filters on reports using predefined, custom, based on
p rompts, applied sections/breaks, added ranking to data, sorting,
• Have used various reporting techniques like slice and dice, drill up,
d rill down, drill through, setting alerter, setting hierarchies,
sorting, cascading prompts.
• Applied formatting features like t racking data, conditionally
formatting based on thresholds.
• Resolved loops using Contexts, and Aliases.
• Resolved Fan Trap issues in the Business Objects Universe design.
• Exported the Reports to the Repository to make resources available
to the users.
• Created the reports using Business Objects functionality’s like
Queries, Sub queries, Slice and Dice, Drill Down, Cross Tab, Master
Detail and Formulae’s etc.
• Created graphical representation of reports such as Bar chart, Pie
chart etc. as per the end user requirements.
• Created number of formulas, conditional display of fields for
complex calculations and used them in different sub reports.
• Involved in Unit Testing and System Testing for Business Objects
• Involved in writing test scripts for Business Objects Reports.
Envi ronment: SAP Business Objects Business Intelligence platform
4.0,4.1, WebI 14.0.2, Crystal reports Enterprise, Bi Launch pad, MS SQL
Server 2008, Oracle 11.2.0, SQL Developer, Windows 2008
SAP BOBJ Consultant
Nov 2010 – April 2012
• Supervised the team of Business Objects Report Developers who
developed reports for time sensitive releases.
• Install, Maintain and Trouble shoot the Business Objects Enterprise
• Responsible for 24/7 call support line for Management reporting and
P roduction Management tickets.
• Designed 12 complex Universes for 5 different programs such as
A uditing, Marketing, Finance, Investments and Insurance.
Regularly synchronized the Dev, QA environments with Production reports
and developed, customized and implemented reports using Crystal 2008.
• Trained and created Super User documentations and best practices for
administrators and developers to use for various departments.
• Defined hierarchies in BOBJ to provide the users with drill down
option and predefined conditions within reports.
• Designed and recommended changes to the datawarehouse schemas as
needed along with implementing security features to secure data.
• Develop the Stored procedures and Views to be able to customize the
report according to specifications.
• Responsible for synchronizing Reports, Folders, User Security on Dev,
UAT and Pre Prod environments with Production Environment
• Responsible to work with Business Program Managers and Power
Users to finalize any reports requirements.
• Designed, Developed and Implemented 75 plus reports for 3
departments on Production
• Interacted with the Multiple Program Managers to analyze the
changes for improvement they need in existing reports and developed the
reports to satisfy their needs and requirements.
• Worked with Performance Manager to go beyond basic Dash boarding
to provide advanced goal management and score carding capabilities, as well
as guided analysis of metrics.
• Implemented 20 plus new internal security groups and folder
structure to handle security for 5 different programs
• Converted 200 plus Deski reports to Webi using Report Conversion
Tool and fixed all the migrations issues.
• Extensively worked on Classes, Objects Loops, Fan Traps, Chasm
T raps, Cardinalities, Contexts, Aliases, Derived Tables, Hierarchy, Conditions,
D rilling functionalities, Sectioning, Ranking, Filtering, Queries, Slice and
D ice, Drill down, Prompts, Functions, Formulae, Complex fil ters, Alerter,
Merge Dimensions, User Defined Objects (UDO), multiple Data Providers,
Ranking, Local Variables, LOV’s, @Functions.
Envi ronment: SAP Business Objects Business Intelligence platform 3.1,
Web I 14.0.2, Crystal reports Enterprise, Bi Launch pad, MS SQL Server
2008, Oracle 11.2.0, SQL Developer, Windows 2008
E MC Corporation. Southborough, MA
SAP BOBJ Consultant
July 2008 – Sep 2010
• Attend requirement gathering meeting w ith business users and
technical staff refine requirements for Universe, canned reports, dashboards,
and ad-hoc query.
• Designed U niverses f rom Data warehouse, Datamart by defining joins,
cardinality between tables, linked the existing Universes
Added/created complex objects.
• Created Cascading List of Values w ith custom hierarchy to improve the
performance of the universe and used shortcut joins, aggregate table and
created necessary I ndexes for fast retrieval of data from the universe and
used u niverse defined prompts for interactive reports and used
other F unctions l ike @select and @where.
• Involved in WEBI and C rystal reports development.
• Created and maintained reports using u niverse, stored procedure,
f reehand SQL as the Data providers and wrote complex queries including Sub
Queries, Unions and Aliases using Web Intelligence, Full Client and Crystal
• Created custom queries for complex reports as per business needs.
• Exported the reports to I nfoview to publish i t to the end user
and schedule report according to the end user requirements.
• Organized data in the Report
by I nserting F ilters, Sorting, Ranking, B reak, Section and h ighlighting data.
• Created various reports like M aster/Detail reports, C ross Tab reports,
slice and dice reports, and drill down reports, Charts using Freehand SQL and
Stored Procedure as data providers.
• Worked on Crystal reports XI for advanced functionalities (Stored
P rocedure, Alerts w ithin a graph and superimposing one graph over the other,
m ultiple y-Axis) for custom reports.
• Created Sub Reports, p rompt, groups i n a report and created
parameters, custom functions and expressions i n Crystal Reports.
• Created hyperlinks to connect multiple reports. And exported reports
to info view.
• Used L IVE OFFICE to interact with reports for Presentation and
• Created B usiness objects Reports using stored procedures
• Expertise in t ransforming Microsoft Excel files to i nteractive
dashboard f iles using Xcelsius. Used QAAWS to interact with Xcelsius.
• Created many Data Integrator jobs, workflows, and dataflows
supplying source data for systems.
• Involved in I nstallation and configuration of BOE 4.0.
• Involved in m igrating and testing documents f rom BO XI R2 to BO
3.1 and moved objects between different domains using I mport Wizard.
• Converted existing reports in Desktop Intelligence to Web Intelligence
reports using Report conversion tool.
• Wrote the necessary SQL DDL/ PLSQL p rocedures to build the
physical data bases table spaces tables views and i ndexes for the project
• Worked with C MC i n C reating Groups, users, folders and
categories and customized access levels to apply security accordingly for proper
usage of the reporting system.
• Used Data Integrator in setting up Extraction, Transformation and
Load process.
• Experience in testing applications developed using Waterfall
model,andAgile methodologies.
• Involved in QA phase to test the Classes, Objects, Connections and
reports in Business Objects. Conducted the I ntegration, performance and
regression and UAT, prepared the test cases and documents.
Envi ronment: B usiness Objects XI R2, BO 3.1, Crystal Report 10,
O racle 9i, Teradata, Windows 2000, MS SQL Server 2008, Oracle 11.2.0,
SQL Developer, Windows 2008
Oct 2007- June 2008
• Lead BO Developers in business Object projects i ncluding project
design, development, implementation and documentation using Agile Process.
A nd interacted with users and business analyst to find the requirements.
• Created and maintained U niverse and developed complex universes by
using features like aggregate aware, Index aware, Conditions and
h ierarchies to Perform linking of universes by to optimize the universe
development and performance improvement.
• Used f ilters at universe level to enhance the report creation. And
used F unctions l ike @select and @where to reuse code.
• Extensively worked in optimizing universe performance by creating
necessary I ndexes and shortcut joins. Added row level and object level
security to make sensitive data secure.
• Create custom p rompts a t the universe level to create i nteractive
reports. And extensively used Aggregate tables for fast retrieval of data from
u niverse.
• Created custom h ierarchy and added cascading List of Values.
• Created and maintained reports using u niverse, stored procedure,
f reehand SQL as the Data providers and wrote complex queries including Sub
Queries, Unions and Aliases using Web Intelligence, Full Client and Crystal
• Created Reports using g rouping, sorting, Running totals, charts etc.,
and exported reports into Excel, pdf, csv etc. O rganized data in the report by
using Slice and dice and used d rilling options.
• Created reports in crystal reports using sub reports, custom functions,
expressions, prompt and hyperlinks.
• Created K PI visualization for the client dashboard using live data
techniques (Query as a Web Service, Crystal Xcelsius, and Live Office).
• Worked with C MC i n C reating and maintaining
G roups, users, folders and customized access levels to
apply security accordingly for proper usage of the reporting system.
• Migration of universes, Web In telligence documents between
repositories and across multiple servers i n test and production environments.
• Created stored procedures, and freehand sql as Data providers and
w riting the complex queries including Sub Queries, Unions, and Intersect for
B usiness Objects Reporting Purpose
• Involved in re-designing or customizing the existing V iews and Stored
P rocedures to suit the Business Objects Reporting Needs.
• Used SQL and Toad for query optimization and validation.
A ndinvolved in t rouble shooting.
• Involved in QA phase to test the Classes, Objects andConnections in
B usiness Objects. Involved in U nit testing, integration testing, Performance
testing and UAT of Universes.
Envi ronment : Business Objects XI R2, Crystal Report 10, Oracle 9i,
Teradata, Windows 2000.
SAP BOBJ Consultant
June 2005 – Sep 2007
• Creating, developing, maintaining and testing the Universe for
r unning the queries against the Database using Designer.
• Involved in Installation and Configuration of all products of Business
Objects 6.5.
• Analyzed the existing database and designed Universes using
Designer module for generating reports.
• Used various data providers like Freehand SQL and Stored
P rocedures to extract data from different sources and tuned for better
• Resolved loops by creating Aliases & Contexts and checked integrity of
u niverses.
• Exported universes to the repository to making resources available to
t he users.
• Created reports using the Universes and Free-hand SQL as data
p roviders.
• Involved in development and deployment of Complex Reports.
• Exported the Reports to the Broadcast Agent and used the Broadcast
Agent server to Schedule and Monitor the Reports which offered robust
performance and ability to balance Loads.
• Generated analytical reports using Slice and Dice, Drill Down, Cross
Tab, Master Detail and Formulae features.
• Automated document Scheduling, Publishing and Distribution for
Webi and Info View clients using Broadcast Agent server.
• Used Supervisor to Grant User r ights and roles etc.
• Involved in optimizing the universe developing time and SQL Tuning
to increase the query performance.
• Used Designer as a part of Universe Development for Defining the
Parameters of Universe, Inserting the table, making Joins, Resolving Loop's,
C reating Classes, and Objects.
• Involved in creation of Filters, prompts and setup Hierarchies for
M ultidimensional Analysis.
• Created the Reports using the Universes as the main Data providers
and wrote complex queries including Sub Queries, Case and
Decodefunctions,using Crystal reports XI.
Envi ronment: Web Intelligence, Informatica Power Center, Crystal
Reports, Oracle, PL/SQL, SQL*Plus, Windows.