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Quality Assurance Engineering

Milltown, NJ
April 24, 2014

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Quinn McCarthy

Biomedical Engineering Major, Expected 2014 Graduate



I am a self-motivated biomedical engineering major at Bucknell University. My academic background is largely

composed of project and laboratory based learning experiences to supplement general science and engineering

principles. I enjoy working in a team based environment and I have previous experience working with

professional engineers, physicians, university faculty, and peers. All of my work is completed in a professional

manner, including providing both written and oral updates. Further, I am experienced in working in a GMP

regulated environment with both pharmaceuticals and medical devices. Overall, my problem solving abilities

that have been developed in academic and industrial environments qualify me to perform at a high level in any



Bioinstrumentation I Grader at Bucknell University

January 2014 - Present (4 months)

Graded homework assignments for the course Bioinstrumentation I. Submitted graded assignments on

appropriate due dates. Communicated with course professor to review completed assignments.

Gastroenterology Engineering Intern at Bucknell University and Geisinger Health System

May 2013 - August 2013 (4 months)

Worked in team composed of students, faculty advisors, and a clinical mentor. Developed a novel medical

device to organize endoscopic wires and catheters, following the engineering design process. Utilized

techniques such as ABS rapid prototyping, laser cutting, and creating CAD models of prototypes. Maintained

diligent documentation and examined several existing patents. Observed medical procedures in the clinical

environment under guidance of mentor.Attended 2013 BMES national conference in Seattle, WA.

Package / Quality Engineering Intern at Whitehouse Analytical Laboratories

May 2012 - August 2012 (4 months)

Performed package and container integrity tests for medical devices and pharmaceuticals according to

ASTM/ISO standards. Utilized Instron machines, vibration tables, compression machines, and other

equipment to perform validation testing. Composed and revised scientific laboratory reports following cGMP

procedures. Communicated with professional engineers and quality assurance unit. Completed statistical

analyses of extensive data sets.

Cashier at Target

May 2009 - January 2012 (2 years 9 months)



Bucknell University

Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Biomedical Engineering, 2010 - 2014

Grade: Engineering GPA: 3.22

Activities and Societies: Biomedical Engineering Society, Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity Community Service

and Philanthropy Chair, Fraternal Intramural Sports Coordinator


Neuromuscular Transmission Monitor (Capstone Project)

August 2013 to Present

Members:Quinn McCarthy, Josh Leighton, Dylan Matteson, Elizabeth Fischman

In partnership with Geisinger Health Systems and Bucknell University Biomedical Engineering Department,

our team is in the process of creating a novel neuromuscular transmission monitor. The Spring 2014 semester

will encompass running feasibility tests for the device, developing the prototype, and refining the device.

Professional documentation and updates are maintained throughout.

Fall 2013: Operated in a design team of four biomedical engineering students, a faculty advisor, and an

external clinical mentor. Approached with several problems and inefficiencies in the field of anesthesiology.

Performed relevant research and observed various problems in the clinical setting under mentor guidance.

Chose a problem of interest and developed a comprehensive problem statement to communicate the need for

a solution. Designated potential users of the device, functions of the device, and device specification to be

met. Developed a unique list of solutions and used decision making processes to determine a final solution.

Drafted novel protocols to test the feasibility of the device. Maintained diligent documentation throughout

and provided professional weekly memorandum updates. Composed a comprehensive project proposal for a

neuromuscular transmission monitor.

6th Sense Technologies

August 2013 to Present

Members:Quinn McCarthy, Don Lioi, Matthew Monahon, Galen Spencer-Linzie

Served as a founding member of the wearable technology company, Sixth Sense Technologies. Composed a

comprehensive business plan for the company. Delivered a successful business pitch at the 2013 Bucknell

SBDC Bizpitch Competition and received a $1000 investment. Communicated with various entrepreneurs

and successful business owners. Designed CAD models of the wearable technology using SolidWorks

software. Examined existing patents and analyzed all potential competitors.

Examining the Hazards that Contribute to the Rupture of the Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

May 2013 to Present

Members:Quinn McCarthy

Used COMSOL Multiphysics software to model an abdominal aortic aneurysm in a human subject. Created

an aneurysm with several different radii. Examined pressure and radial stress along the inner wall of the


aneurysm to determine to location that was at greatest risk of rupture. Validated the results in COMSOL by

performing theoretical calculations starting with the Navier-Stokes equation. Created a comprehensive poster

of methods, results, and analyses and presented findings at project expo.

Benchmarking of Medical Devices

May 2013 to Present

Members:Quinn McCarthy

Reversed engineered a SimplyGo EvenFlo Breast Pump and recommended improvements for the device.

Examined relative patents for the device. Composed a 510(k) for pre-market approval for the breast pump,

focusing on improving the discretion and portability of the device.

Went through the benchmarking process for the Lumiscope Automatic Inflate Wrist Blood Pressure Monitor.

Identified the positive and negatives of the device. Examined the relevant intellectual property used in the

device, market for the device, and regulatory process.

OpticAssist Device

December 2012 to Present

Members:Quinn McCarthy, Mark Hedgeland, Josh Leighton

Designed an optically controlled light system using a headlamp, electrooculogram sensors, light sensor,

power amp and Vernier system. This device controlled the light output of a headlamp by relating the

measurable electrooculogram signal from eye movements to a proportional voltage through a

negative-feedback controller.

SolidWorks Design Portfolio

December 2012 to Present

Members:Quinn McCarthy

Designed several complex objects employing a multitude of techniques in the SolidWorks software. Objects

include a six-sided dice, 100 mL syringe, cell culturing scaffold, and carabiner with attached key and key

ring. Engineering drawings were also created for each model. Complete models were fabricated using ABS

rapid prototyping and techniques in the campus machine shop.

Analysis of Cytotoxicity in HeLa Cells

October 2012 to Present

Members:Quinn McCarthy, Josh Leighton

Properly cultured HeLa cervical cancer cells by performing splits of cell lines with Trypsin and Trypan Blue.

In vitro cytotoxicity assays were developed using a standard ISO protocol with different materials.

Cell-counting was performed on the assays to analyze the biocompatibility of each of the materials.

Voltage-Controlled Thermometer

April 2012 to Present

Members:Quinn McCarthy, Josh Leighton

Designed a "thermometer" using a bread board, potentiometers, thermal-diodes and resistors. This device

could output a measurable voltage drop across a thermal diode. The change in current was directly


proportional to the temperature that the diode was in contact with.

Analysis of Joint Torques in Human Leg

December 2011 to Present

Members:Quinn McCarthy

Used Vicon motion capture technology to perform analysis of leg joint torques. Measured body segments

with professional anthropometry kit and applied appropriate anthropometry table. Obtained and analyzed data

from a human subject walking up and down stairs on Vernier force plates. Imported data into Excel

spreadsheet to calculate body segment centers of mass and joint torques.

Skills & Expertise


Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Word

Microsoft Office





Statistical Data Analysis

Quality Assurance

Medical Devices


ABS Rapid Prototyping



FDA Regulations


Technical Writing

Vicon Motion Capture



Laboratory Skills



Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Biomedical Engineering

Bucknell University

Intro to Molecules and Cells BIOL 205

Human Physiology BIOL 221

Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering BMEG 210

Statistical Methods in BMEG BMEG 226

Fundamentals of Biomechanics BMEG 250


Bioinstrumentation I BMEG 205

Intro to Engineering Computing BMEG 220

Fundamentals of Signals/Systems BMEG 350

Fabrication/Experimental Design BMEG 409

Biotransport I BMEG 300

Medical Device Assess/Development BMEG 408

Biotransport II BMEG 400

Biomed Engr Capstone I BMEG 401

Human Factors BMEG 452

Biomed Engr Capstone II BMEG 402

Should We Start this Company? CHEG 475

Biomaterials: Materials in Medicine CHEG 460

Organic Chemistry I CHEM 211

Organic Chemistry II CHEM 212

Inorganic Chemistry I CHEM 221

Analytical Chemsitry CHEM 231

Physical Chemistry for Engineers CHEM 343

Roman Civilization CLAS 132

Social Foundation of Educations EDUC 101

Literature and Composition ENGL 101

Literature and Creative Writing ENGL 106

Exploring Engineering ENGR 100

Science of Materials ENGR 240

Cadillac Desert FOUN 091

Calculus II MATH 202

Calculus III MATH 211

Differential Equations MATH 212

Classical and Modern Physics I PHYS 211

Classical and Modern Physics II PHYS 212

Religions of China RELI 245

Introduction to Sociology SOCI 100

Honors and Awards

2nd Place in Bucknell University BizPitch Competition

Bucknell Small Small Business Development Center (SBDC)

November 2013

Delivered successful business pitch for 6th Sense Technologies. Team received $1000 prize.

Bucknell University Dean Scholarship

Bucknell University


August 2010

Recipient of Dean's Scholarship throughout entire university tenure.

Dean's List

Bucknell University

December 2013


Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP)

Whitehouse Analytical Laboratories May 2012 to August 2012


Biomedical Engineering Society

August 2010 to Present

Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity

August 2011 to Present


Medical, Engineering, Athletics, Music, Animals, Wildlife, Recreational Sports, Puzzles, Team oriented



Quinn McCarthy

Biomedical Engineering Major, Expected 2014 Graduate


Contact Quinn on LinkedIn


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