Summerville SC *****
Joe Stewart Thomason
Phone 843-***-****
Objective Job with your company where my skills and experience can be mutually
beneficial to the company and myself.
Summary of Work experience ranging from supervision and managing the integration
skills of large complex electronic systems, to managing Lowes lumber company
warehouse,possess a myriad of skills in, material management, Quality
assurance, OSHA safety, construction, managing and tracking material.
Work included roll up your sleeves type work, hands on building,
toting, lifting, inventorying.
Proficient with reading tech manuals, schematics, engineering diagrams
and diagnosing problems with equipment. Developed engineering change
orders, wrote test procedures, briefed customers on status of projects.
Possess strong communications and interpersonal skills coupled with
strong problem solving capabilities and can use personal computers and
a myriad of software program.
Proficient with the use of many tools, test equipment and measuring
experience 14 years BAE SYSTEMS, (FEB 2000 - March 14 2014.
Worked engineering services, managed 30 plus personnel, monitored post
ship Availability and fleet modernization work. Reviewed engineering
change request and technical data packages, Researched materials, wrote
cost estimates ensuring man power and materials were available, insured
shipment of materials to job locations insuring hazmat regulations were
adhered to tracked materials, dispatched crews and tracked progress of
Coordinated construction of test Integration facilities again ordering
materials and supervising progress. Responsible for the Quality control
of the product.
In charge of building and integrating a 325 rack DATA center
coordinating assembly of racks off site and all movement and Q/A of
materials from warehouse to worksite, wrote the safety procedures and
insured PPE was available. Held safety training. Finished 3 months
ahead of schedule and saving $400,000 dollars. Received award for
Supervisor working with production and engineering adjudicating trouble
fail reports, writing Engineering change orders to correct problems
that arose during construction and Integration of all the C5I Radio
Communication Suites. Insured accuracy of cable block diagrams, cable
run sheets, cable routing sheets, Outline and Installation drawings,
Education and work instructions.
Experienced with a myriad of tools test equipment and measuring
20 years U.S. Navy, OCT 1978 - OCT, 1998 (Chief Electronics Technician
A.S. degree / Industrial Management Technology: Florida community
college/ Graduated Dec 1997, 3.80 GPA, and presidents honors list
Electronic Mechanic Apprenticeship Program. Completed 8 thousand-hour
program received certificate from Dept of Labor.
Navy Class "A" and "C" schools. Over 72 hours of formal classroom and
hands on training in basis electricity / electronics and advanced
electronics systems with auxiliary machinery.
Lauren's District 55 High School, Lauren's, South Carolina, 1976
Multitude of Safety, information awareness and security courses
Courses in Project Management: Fundamentals, Estimating, Time
Management and Essential
OSHA Standards and Safety Training Trident Technical College (2007)
EXCEL fundamentals
Lockout Tag-out and Safety procedures
Forklift Safety
Hazard Communication and materials
LAN, WAN, Computer Fundamentals and Routers,
Leadership development program,,
Metric System correspondence course
Financial Management correspondence
Equal Opportunity correspondence course
Human Behavior
Leadership Management training,
Top Secret Clearance Renewed February 2014
Received numerous awards and citations for job performance and
community services
Presidential award from Ronald Reagan for heroism as well as letters of
recognition from 2 congressmen
References, Certificates can be produced upon request.