Alex Weeks
Algonquin College Fall 2014
Introduction to Fine Art (General Arts and Science, 1 year)
Two-Night Art Exhibition Curator 2014
Beyond the Breach: A Journey Through Unexpected Art
● Produced the idea for a communal art show
● Recruited artists to participate and volunteer and wrote up contracts for participants
● Produced artwork to fit a pre-decided theme
● Worked in tangent with the hosts of the determined location to co ordinate what resources
were needed as well as duration of set-up and take-down and the show itself
● Promotions through social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr (a Facebook page for the
show was produced and received over 100 likes before the event)
● Created and designed the promotional design and material
Pride Week Volunteer 2013
Student Federation of the University of Ottawa - Pride Centre
● Ran errands and completed tasks for several events
● Provided information and answered questions for the public about the Pride Centre
Students’ Council Member 2009-2012
Trenton High School
● Organized and planned events as a member of a leadership council
● Worked as a cashier to sell tickets for events and merchandise
● Helped to advertise events throughout the school and through social media such as Facebook
Available upon request.