W. Graham Mueller
Address: Email: *********@*****.*** Citizenship: United States
** *. ****** *** *** 20 Phone: 773-***-**** Clearance: Top Secret
Alexandria, VA 22301
Career Objective
My background is in applied math and statistics, specifically, econometrics, machine learning, and
graph theory. I am interested in a role which would allow me to leverage these skills in a team-oriented
big data environment. In addition, I would appreciate the opportunity to publish original research in
peer-reviewed journals.
Professional Experience
2013-present Social Scientist, Giant Oak, Arlington, VA.
XDATA team lead (2013-present).
Applied feature-based time series clustering for bulk financial data.
R-implementation of a Markov Modulated Poisson Process for unsupervised event detection.
Co-authored four research papers on threat finance to be distributed within DoD, Intelligence,
and Law Enforcement communities.
2012-2013 Consultant, Sotera Defense Solutions, Chantilly, VA.
Consultant working on DARPA’s XDATA program.
Developed distributed time series analytics for large panel datasets.
Implemented statistical tests for outlier characterization in time series data.
2005-2007 Research Analyst, IPOX-Schuster LLC, Chicago,IL.
2012 Ph.D. Economics, Texas A&M University.
Ph.D. Dissertation: “Essays on Network Formation"
2005 M.S. Applied Mathematics, University of Illinois-Chicago.
2003 B.S. Mathematics, B.S. Economics, Oklahoma State University.
Honors : Departmental Honors, Mathematics
Relevant Skills
Classification and regression: linear/ logistic regression, kernel regression, Loess,
linear classifiers, trees, random forests, support vector machines, naive bayes classifier.
Time series: ARIMA, VAR, diffusion processes, GARCH, regime-switching models,
bayesian modeling, Markov Chain Monte Carlo estimation.
Unsupervised learning: k-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, principal com-
ponent analysis, time series clustering.
Graph Theory: centrality measures, random graph and stochastic block models,
graph partitioning and community detection.
Python, R, Octave, Matlab, Hadoop, Hive, Rhipe, SQL, unix, experience with Amazon
Web Services
Fellowships, Honors & Awards
2011 S. Charles Maurice Graduate Fellowship in Economics, Texas A&M University.
Awarded to outstanding 4th year economics Ph.D. student
2009, 2010 Private Enterprise Research Center Summer Fellowship, Texas A&M University.
Designed to support outstanding 2nd or 3rd year Ph.D. students doing research in the
2007-2012 Graduate Assistantship, Texas A&M University.
2003 University Fellowship, University of Illinois-Chicago.
University-wide award meant to support outstanding students newly admitted to graduate
2000 – 2002 Professor Emeritus Award in Mathematics, Oklahoma State University.
Presented to outstanding undergraduates who have declared a major in mathematics.
2001 NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates, Northern Arizona University.
Worked closely with faculty conducting research in Operations Researchs / Algorithms
2001 Wentz Foundation Research Project Award, Oklahoma State University.
$4500 Award designed to support undergraduate research.
2000 First Place Freshman Mathematics Contest, Oklahoma State University.
1999 Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education Scholar, Oklahoma State
5-year full scholarship for achieving an ACT score in the top 99.5 percentile
References available on request