Weather Systems of the Tropics
The Tropics – Not Always Paradise
The tropics are defined geographically by the Tropic of Cancer to the north and the Tropic of Capricorn to the
south. Visions of this area typically contain tranquil images of giant palm trees and warm, calm, crystal-clear
However this region has a very diverse weather system caused by the ocean and warm temperatures. The rainy
season in the Tropics typically runs from October until March. Keep in mind that this area on the planet is one
that receives the most direct sunlight. The heat from the sun causes the rain to evaporate, which then rises,
condenses and then falls as rain.
As the season progresses, there is a range of weather disturbances: Tropical Depressions, Tropical Storms and
Hurricanes or Typhoons. The differences between the variable disturbances are typically categorised in this
Geo Average Temp Average Rainfall Average # of storms
Tropics 31 C 182 cm 10
Desert 43 C 15 cm 2
Savannahs 24 C 91 cm 6