Rev. March ****
Dr. Caren Garrity
New Port Richey, FL 34652
727-***-**** cell
To aid in educational requirements in the fields of science and
November 1991 York University, North York, Ontario
Ph.D., Center for Research in Experimental
Space Science,
Thesis; Remote Sensing of Snow Covered Sea Ice
in the Arctic and Antarctic
April 1984 York University, North York, Ontario, Canada
Degree; Physics/Geophysics Combined Honors
June 1979 Seneca College, North York, Ontario, Canada
Diploma; Biological and Chemical Technology,
Laboratory techniques in the fields of biology,
microbiology and pharmaceutical analysis
Graduated with honors
2013 Life Coach Counseling, Graduate February, 2013
2011 Column writer, Astronomy, Gulf Harbors, FL (present)
2010 Citizen of Police Academy, Pasco County, FL
Graduated November 23, 2010
2010 Secretary of Gulf Harbors Civic Association,
New Port Richey, FL
2005-2006 US coast guard Auxiliary, Dunedin, Florida
2005 Volunteer Hurricane Katrina Clean-up, Florida
1997-1998 Carp River Clean-up, Ottawa, Canada
1986-1989 Canadian Ski Patrol, On-hill Assistant Instructor
1984 Teachers Assistant, Geology Lab, York University,
Toronto, Canada
Urangesellschaft Canada Ltd.
Geochemist, 1979 summer and fall.
Uranium analysis of soil and core sample stationed in Lynn Lake,
Urangesellschaft Canada Ltd.
Arctic Exploration, 1980, 1981 summers.
Geological mapping, uranium exploration using electromagnetic,
gravity, resistivity and scintillometer instruments.
Geological Survey of Canada, Ontario, Ottawa, Canada.
Geophysicist, sub-Arctic and Arctic, 1982 summer.
Hammer seismic field work, data collection and preliminary
for a variety of geological features.
Chevon Standard Ltd., Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Seismologist, 1983 summer.
Seismic modeling of the Hibernia Oil Field Area, Offshore
Geological Survey of Canada, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Geophysicists, 1984-85.
Offshore echo sounding interpretation with emphasis on past
glaciation and
sea level changes in Navack Fiord, Labrador.
Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. Johns, NFDL, Canada.
Geophysicists, 1984-85 NSERC grant.
Evaluation of geophysical instruments to determine glacier and
ice cap
thickness using radio echo sounding, very low frequency
resistivity and
hammer seismic methods, ice thickness was measured for four
in Labrador, one glacier in B.C:, and three ice caps in the
Arctic Islands.
Centre for Research in Experimental Space Science, York
University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Physicist, 1986-88,
Further the understanding of passive microwave remote sensing of
floating ice.
Norland Science and Engineering ltd., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
Physicist, 1989, 1991-3.
Ship-based remote sensing in the Greenland, Barents, and Weddell
Institute for Space and Terrestrial Science, Toronto, Ontario,
Physicist, 1988-90.
Remote Sensing of Snow during the Summer in the Weddell Sea,
SAGA Petroleum, Norway.
Physicist, 1991.
Sea-ice mapping in the Barents Sea as observed by passive
microwave and other
satellite data.
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research,
Bremerhaven, Germany.
Physicist, October 1991-September 1992 Visiting Scientist.
Participated in the development of the International Northeast
Water Polynya program with responsibility for the remote sensing
component to be carried out in 1993.
1996, 1997, 1999 installation, operation and training on the
ship-born SeaSpace TeraScan system on the RV "Polarstern".
European Space Agency, ESTEC, Noordwijk, Holland.
Remote Sensor, 1992-93, International Space Year, ESA contract.
Evaluation of various satellite ice products for navigation
through sea ice in
the Arctic and Antarctic.
Atlantis Scientific Systems Group, Inc., Ottawa, Ontario,
Remote Sensor, 1993-94.
North East water International Arctic Polynya Project, Greenland
utilization of remotely sensed data for algorithm development;
of the Canadian Atmospheric Service Regional Ice Model forecasts
for the
Beaufort/Chukchi Sea and East Coast Experiment.
Atmospheric Environment Service, Ice Services Branch, Ottawa,
Ontario Canada.
Remote Sensor, 1994.
Canada/U.S. 1994 Arctic Ocean Section, coordinator for the
Remote Sensing and
Sea Ice Team, forecasting procedures, and surface measurements
in support of remote sensing data.
Microwave Group-Ottawa River, Inc., 3954 Armitage Ave., RR#1,
Dunrobin, Ontario, K0A 1T0, Canada.
President, 1991-1998
Institute for Marine Research, Sonderforschungsbereich 313,
University of Kiel, Germany.
Visiting Scientist, 1994-1998.
Data manipulation to study the effect of sea-ice, obtained from
remote sensing data, on the vertical particle flux collected in
moored automated time series sediment traps located in the Jan
Mayen current, Greenland Sea during the period Aug 1988-July
Mar-May 1995; Determination of sea ice conditions based from
passive microwave ship-borne measurements, airborne line scan
camera data, ERS-1 SAR images, SSM/I satellite data and NOAA
AVHRR images to study its effect on the variability of sediment
trap collections in the Northeast Water Polynya, Greenland Sea.
Nov-Dec 1996; Started long term study (19985-1996) of sediment
trap collections as affected by the overlaying ice cover using
SSM/I data.
Oct-Dec 1997; continued the long term study using SSM/I data.
May-Aug 1998; Write a chapter, with others, on Ice distribution
and melt in the European North Atlantic for the book on
Geological development and bio-chemical processes in the
European North Atlantic that summarizes the work of the
Sonderforschungsbereich 313 for the last 12 years.
Pasco-Hernando Community College
Aug 2006 to APR 2008: Adjunct Professor for: Astronomy and
Geology at west campus, north campus and spring hill campus.
Rasmussen College
Oct 2008 to Mar 2009: Adjunct Professor for: Astronomy, Physical
Geography, and Human Uses of the Environment.
St. Petersburg College
August 2011-present: Adjunct Professor for Sciences
Awards and Honors
. Fellowship (1987- 1989): Atmospheric Environment Service,
Department of Environment,
. 1994:U.S. Coast Guard Arctic Service Medal for Science
Work in the Arctic as part of the historical Canadian/U.S.
Expedition to the North Pole.
. 1994 Canadian Coast Guard Pin for Service in the Arctic.
Summary of Publications
. Refereed Publications: 13
. Published Proceedings: 17
. Scientific and Technical Reports: 40
Refereed Publications
Garrity, C., Characterization of snow on floating ice and case
studies of brightness temperature changes, chapter 16 313-328,
in Microwave remote sensing of sea ice, Geophysical Monograph
68, ED. Frank D. Carsey, American Geophysical Union, Washington,
D.C., U.S.A., 1992.
Rossiter, J. et al., Remote sensing of sea ice and icebergs,
joint author for chapter 2 (22-90), Properties of snow and ice,
Wiley Series in remote sensing, Ed. Haykin, S. et al., John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., Toronto, 1994.
Dierking, W., Garrity, C., and Ramseier, R.O., Interpretation of
radar signatures observed in SAR images of ice island T-3 by
means of backscatter modelling, EARsel Advances in Remote
Sensing,3 (2), 31-43, 1994.
Garrity, C., Lubin, D., and Ramseier, R.O., Ship Technolgy: Real-
time remote sensing for ice navigation, in The 1994 Arctic Ocean
Section, The first major scientific crossing of the Arctic
Ocean, Ed. W. Tucker, and D. Cate, complied by V. Keating, Pub.
U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Lab, Hanover,
NH, Special Report 96-23, 97-99, 1996.
Ramseier, R.O., Bauerfeind, E., Garrity, C., AND Walsh, I.D.,
SEASONAL variability of sediment trap collections in the
Northeast Water Polynya. Part 1: Sea-ice parameters and particle
flux, Journal of Marine Systems, 10 (1-4), 359-370, 1997.
Bauerfeind, E., Garrity, C., Krumholz, M., Ramseier, R.O., and
Voss, M., SEASONAL variability of sediment trap collections in
the Northeast Water Polynya. Part 2: Annual sedimentation
pattern and composition of sedimenting matter, Journal of Marine
Systems 10 (1-4), 371-390, 1997.
Lubin, D., Garrity, C., Ramseier, R.O., and Whritner, R.H.,
Total sea ice concentration retrieval from the SSM/I 85.5 GHz
channels during the Arctic summer, Remote Sens. Environ, 62,
63-76, 1997.
El Naggar, S., Garrity, C., and Ramseier, R.O., Modeling of
sea ice melt-water ponds with SSM/I for the high Arctic,
Int. J. of Remote Sensing, 1998.
Werner, I., Auel, H., and Garrity, C., Pelagic occuurence of the
sympagic amphipod Gammarus wilkitzkii in ice-free waters of the
Greenland Sea - dead end or part of life-cycle?, Polar Biol, 22,
56-60, 1999.
Rene O. Ramseier, Garrity, C., Bauerfeind, E., and Peinert, R.,
Sea-ice impact on long-term particle flux in the Greenland
Sea's Is Odden-Nordbukta region, 1985-1996, Journal of
Geophysical Research, Vol. 104, No. C3, 5329-5343, March 15,
Rene O. Ramseier, Garrity, C., and Martin, T., An overview of
sea ice conditions in the Greenland Sea with particular emphasis
on biological processes, The northern North Atlantic SFB: A
changing environment, Sch fer, P., Ritzrau, W., Schl ter, M.,
and Thiede, J. (eds.), Springer Verlag Heidelberg, ISBN 3-540-
67231-1, 2001 .
Ramseier, R.O.., Garrity, C., and Parsons, D.G., Influence of
particulate organic carbon sedimentation within the seasonal sea-
ice regime on the catch distribution of northern shrimp
(Pandalus borealis), J. Norhw. Atl. Fish. Sci., Volume 27, 2000.
Garrity, C., Lubin, D., Kern, S., and Pedersen, L. T., Linescan
camera evaluation of SSM/I 85.5 Ghz sea ice retrieval. Rem.
Sens. Environ., 83(3): 472-487, 2003.
Garrity, C., Ramseier, R.O., Peinert, R., Kern, S., and Fischer,
G., Water column particulate organic carbon modeled fluxes in
the ice-frequented Southern Ocean, Journal of Marine Systems,
Elsevier, 56: 133-149, 2005.
Published Proceedings
Garrity, C., Electrical and physical properties of snow covered
floating ice, AGU Conference, Weeks Sea Ice Symposium, December
5-9, San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., 1988.
Garrity, C., Passive microwave experiments on the St. Lawrence
River: Winters 85/86 and 87/88, Canadian Meteorological and
Oceanographic Society (CMOS), 22nd CMOS Annual Congress, June 7-
10, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 1988.
Garrity, C., Shipborne passive microwave sea ice experiment in
the East Greenland Sea: May-July 1987, IGARRS'88, Edinburgh,
U.S., Sept. 13-16, IEEE, Vol, 3, Ref. ESA SP-284, 1691-1692,
Garrity, C., Cameron, M.A., and Bjerkelund, C.A., Gulf of St.
Lawrence shipborne passive microwave experiment: Winter 1987,
11th Symposium on Remote Sensing, University of Waterloo, June
22-25, 767-774, 1987.
Garrity, C., Effect of snow on microwave ice signatures in the
Weddell Sea, Antarctic, URSI, May, Hyannis, U.S.A., 1990.
Garrity, C., Electrical, physical and microwave properties of
snow-covered floating ice, Proceedings of the W.F. Weeks Sea Ice
Symposium, Ed. S.F. Ackley and W.F. Weeks, CRREL Monograph 90-1,
Hanover, N.H., W.S.A., 57-61, 1990.
Garrity, C., Ramseier, R.O., and Rubinstein, I.G., Snow wetness
and SSM/I brightness temperature for the Weddell Sea, IGARSS'90,
May, Washington D.C., U.S.A., Ch2825-8/90/0000-01521/$01.00,
1521-1523, 1990.
Neralla, V.R., Garrity, C., and Ramseier, R.O., Preliminary
results of data gathered during the East Greenland Sea
Expedition, summer 1990 IGARSS'91, Helsinki, Finland, 1991.
Garrity, C., Inter-compariosn os satellite derived passive
microwave ice products, Vol. III, 1387-1391, Earth Observations
Programs, SAFISY Activities, Strategies of International
Organizations, Legal Aspects, European Space Agency, Proceedings
of the Central Symposium of the "International Space Year"
Conference, Munich, Germany, 30 March-4 April, ESA SP-341, July,
Garrity, C., Ramseier, R.O., Lange, M.A., and Eicken, H., Use of
SSM/I data for deriving ice information products, Proceedings of
the Central Symposium of the "International Space Year"
Conference, Munich, Germany, 30 March-4 April, ESA SP-341, July,
Asmus, K.W., Garrity, C. Ramseier, R.O., and Str bing, K., Ice
information in support of navigation derived from microwave
sensors, International Trade Fair and Congress for Geosciences
and Technology, Cologne, Germany, May 5-8, 1993.
Garrity, C. and R.O Ramseier, A feasibility study of an ISY
real time ice monitoring demonstration: The Weddell Sea RV
"Polarstern" campaign, Proc., Int. Symp. on ISY Polar Ice
Extent, Mombetsu, Japan, 43-62, 1993.
Garrity, C., Ramseier, R.O., Zhang, L., and Qui, K., Sea ice
variations in the sea of Bohai using AVHRR and SSM/I derived
total ice concentrations for the period 1988-1991, Beijing 93's
International Symposium on Sea Ice, October 18-21, Beijing,
China, 1994.
Ramseier, R.O., Emmons, A., Armour, B., and Garrity, C., Fusion
of ERS-1 SAR and SSM/I ice data, Proc. second ERS-1 Symp., Space
at the Service of our Earth, Oct 11-14, Hamburg, European Space
Agency, ESA SP-361,1,361-367, 1994.
Ramseier, R.O., Garrity, C., and Armour, B., Has up to date
technology presented new sea ice products to an icebreaker,
Remote Sensing of Sea Ice Symposium, October 18-21, Beijing,
China, 1994.
Ramseier, R.O., Arnon, I. Ezraty, R. Garrity, C. Gohin, F., and
Str bing, K., The potential role of ERS-1 scatterometer data in
support of ice navigation, Proc. of the First ERS-1 Pilot
Project Workshop, Toledo, Spain, 22-24 June 1994, ESA SP-365,
169-174, 1994.
Bauerfeind, E., Bodungen, B.V. Garrity, C., and Ramseier, R.O.,
Vertical particle flux in the Greenland Sea at 72N 1988-1992 as
related to ice concentrations, Nordic Seas, Arctic Ocean
Sciences Board and Sonderforschungsbereich "Processes relevant
to climate", Hamburg, March 7-9, 1995, Extended Abstracts, 25-
27, 1995.
Scientific and Technical Publications
Garrity, C., Atmospheric attenuation in the microwave region:
Application to remote sensing, York University, Centre for
Research in Experimental Space Science (CRESS), North York,
Ontario, Technical Report MWG 86-1, pp 20, Dec., 1986.
Garrity, C., Qualitative and quantitative digital image
analysis: A discussion, Digital Analysis in Remote Sensing
Course, University of Waterloo, Ontario, Technical Report MWG 86-
2, pp 13, 1986.
Garrity, C., Radar returns from the Arctic ice island T-3,
University of Alberta, Calgary, Technical Report MWG 86-3, pp
79, 1986.
Garrity, C., Passive microwave remote sensing using the ground-
based radiometer: Jan-Mar, 1986, York University, CRESS, North
York, Ontario, Technical Report MWG 87-1, 1987.
Garrity, C., Passive microwave observations during the
Polarstern Cruise: Arktis I and II, York University, CRESS,
North York, Ontario, Technical Report MWG 87-2, pp 309, 1987.
Cameron, M.A. and Garrity, C., Shipborne passive microwave
experiment: Feb 1987, Volume 1: Data report, Norland Science and
Engineering Ltd., Ottawa, Technical Report MWG 87-3, pp 40,
Garrity, C. and Cameron, M.A., Shipborne passive microwave
experiment: Feb 1987, Volume 2: Data analysis report, Norland
Science and Engineering Ltd., Ottawa, Technical Report MWG 87-4,
pp 112, 1987.
Asmus, K.W., Cameron, M.A., Garrity, C., Ramseier, R.O., and
Str bing, K., The ice regime encountered during RV "Polarstern"
cruise ARK IV/1, 1987, Polar Biology, Alfred Wegener Institute
for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), Bremerhaven, Germany, Aug,
pp 27, 1987.
Garrity, C., Electrical and physical properties of snow and low
saline ice in the Gulf of Bothnia, York University, CRESS, North
York, Ontario, Technical Report MWG 88-2, pp 28, 1988.
Ramseier, R.O. and Garrity, C., SSM/I validation and comparison
with surface measurements during BEEPERS-88, York University,
CRESS, North York, Ontario, Technical Report MWG 88-3, 1988.
Asmus, K.W., Cameron, M.A., Garrity, C., Ramseier, R.O., and
Str bing, K., Ice regime encountered during RV "Polarstern"
cruises, Arktis IV/1&2, 1987, York University, CRESS, North
York, Ontario, Technical Report MWG 88-5, pp 74, 1988.
Garrity, C., Proposal for 1989 and 1990 passive microwave gound-
based snow and ice experiment in the St. Lawrence River, York
University, CRESS, North York, Ontario, Technical Report MWG 88-
6, pp 18, 1988.
Garrity, C., Electrical and physical properties of snow in the
Gulf of Bothnia in support of shipborne scatterometer
measurements, York University, CRESS, North York, Ontario,
Technical Report MWG 88-7, pp 33, 1988.
Ramseier, R.O., Asmus, K.W., Garrity, C., and K nig, C., passive
microwave remote sensing of ice, sea state and atmospheric,
Reports on Polar Research, Scientific Cruise Reports of Arctic
Expeditions ARK IV/1, 2 & 3, Ed. Krause, Meincke, and Thiede,
Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research,
Bremerhaven, Germany, 13-27, 1989.
Garrity, C., Electrical and physical properties of snow measured
from the Sir John Franklin during LIMEX-89: Preliminary
comparison to the new Airborne Imaging Microwave Radiometer
(AIMR), York University, CRESS, North York, Ontario, Technical
Report MWG 90-1, pp 16, 1990.
Garrity, C., Ice data acquisition program 1990 in the Barents
Sea: Data Report, York University, CRESS, North York, Ontario,
Technical Report MEG 90-2, pp 28, 1990.
Garrity, C., SIMS'90 data report: electrical and physical
properties of snow, SIMS Observation Team, ED. Flett, De Abreu,
Barber and LeDrew, Earth Observation Lab, Institute for Space
and Terrestrial Science and the Department of Geography,
University of Waterloo, Ontario, ISTS-EOL-SIMS-TR90-002, 1990.
Garrity, C., RV "Polarstern" expedition: data report for Arktis
VII/2, 1990, Technical Report, CRESS, York University, North
York, Ontario MWG 91-1, pp 132, 1991.
Garrity, C., SSM/I satellite passive microwave ice maps, Reports
on Polar Research, the expedition Antarktis VIII/1-2, 1989, with
the Winter Weddell Sea Gyre Study on the RV "Polarstern" and
Akademik Fedorov, Section 2.35.4, ED. Alfred Wegener Institute
for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany, 95-98,
Garrity, C., Passive microwave remote sensing of snow covered
floating ice during spring conditions in the Arctic and
Antarctic, A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Graduate
Studies in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
of doctor of philosophy, 348 pp., Sept., 1991.
Garrity, C., El Naggar, S., Bochert, A., Asmus, K.W., Neralla,
V.R., and Ramseier, R.O., Remote sensing of the sea in solid and
liquid form, Reports on Polar Research, Section 6.9, the
expedition Arktis VII of RV "Polarstern" in 1990: Report of leg
ARK VII/2, ED. Krause, 93/'91, Alfred Wegener Institute for
Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany, 41-49, 1991.
Lovas, S.M., Ramseier, R.O., Vefsnmo, S., and Garrity, C.,
Barents Sea ice conditions as observed by passive microwave and
other techniques, SINTEF, Norwegian Hydro-Technical Lab,
Trondheim, Norway, Project No. 605001, pp 88, 1991.
Ramseier, R.O., Asmus, K.W., Collin, M.J., and Garrity, C.,
Microwave properties of ice, snow, ocean and atmosphere, Reports
on Polar Research, Scientific Cruise Repports of Arctic
Expeditions ARK VI/1-4 of RV "Polarstern" in 1989, Section
1.3.5, Ed. Krause, Meincke and Schwarz, 87/'91, Alfred Wegener
Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven, Germany,
14-29, 1991.
Ramseier, R.O., Garrity, C. Lapp, D.J. and Grady, W., Microwave
properties of ice, snow, ocean and atmosphere, Scientific Cruise
Reports of Arctic Expeditions ARK VI/1-4 of RV "Polarstern" in
1989, Ed.: G. Krause, L. Meincke and H.J. Schwarz, Alfred
Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, 47-49, 87,
Ramseier, R.O., Asmus, K.W., and Garrity, C., Microwave
properties of ice, snow, ocean and atmosphere, Scientific Cruise
Reports of Arctic Expeditions ARK VI/1-4 of RV "Polarstern" in
1989, Ed.: G. Krause, L. Meincke and H.J. Schwarz, Alfred
Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, 66-68, 87,
Garrity, C., International Arctic Ocean Expedition: Passive
microwave remote sensing of sea ice during the sumemr based from
WAGB "Polar Star", Ed. Cameron, Norland Science and Engineering
Ltd., Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, pp 107, 1992.
Garrity, C., Asmus, K.W., and Ramseier, R.O., International
ocean experiment 1991: Summer passive microwave ice conditions,
Ice R&D Div., Atmospheric Environment Service, Tech. Rep.,
pp.170, 1992.
Garrity, C. and Ramseier, R.O., Ice manual for the Greenland Sea
Project: Manual of standard procedures for observing and
reporting ice conditions, (adapted from Environment Canada, Ice
Centre acoording to the WMO standards), Microwave Group-Ottawa
River, Ontario, Canada, pp 42, 1992.
Asmus, K.W., Garrity, C., Ramseier, R.O., and Str bing, K., ISY
real time ice monitoring demonstration: Weddell sea operations
manual, European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC Contract No.
9679/91/NL/FG, pp.49, 1992.
Ramseier, R.O., Garrity, C., Str bing, K., and Asmus, K.W., ISY
real time ice monitoring demonstration: IAOE'91 final report,
European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC Contract No. 9679/91/NL/FG,
pp.30, 1992.
Asmus, K. Collins, M. Garrity, C., Lapp, D.J., Ramseier, R.O.,
Rubinstein, I., and Str bing, K., The ice regime encountered
during FS "Polarstern" Cruise's ARK VI/1,2,3, 1989. Ice R&D
Div., Atmospheric Environment Service, Technical Report, pp.263,
Garrity, C., Electrical and physical properties of snow during
the 1992 winter Weddell Sea experiment, Norland Science and
Engineering Ltd., Contract 159H, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, April
Garrity, C., Preliminary analysis of remote sensing data during
the 1992 winter Weddell Sea experiment RV "Polarstern", Norland
Science and Engineering Ltd., Contract 159H, Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada, April 1993.
Garrity, C., ISY real time ice monitoring demonstration: Weddell
Sea campaign activities on RV "Polarstern" - Technical report,
ESA/ESTEC P.O. 125514, March 1993.
Asmus, K.W., Garrity, C., Ramseier, R.O., and Str bing, K., ISY
real time ice monitoring demonstration: Weddell sea campaign,
final report, European Space Agency, ESA/ESTEC Purchase Order
92/125514, pp.50, 1994.
Garrity, C., An overview of the sea ice condtions, melt-puddle
regime, electrical and physical properties of snow, and
radiometric brightness temperature at 37 GHz during the 1993
North East Water Polynya Experiemnt, Data Report, Atlantis
Scientific Systems Group Inc., Contract Garrity-02 #732, April
Garrity, C., Journey to the North Pole - Navigation with SSM/I,
SAR & AVHRR, Newsletter of the Atlantic Centre for Remote
Sensing of the Oceans, "Backscatter" Vol 5, No. 3, 3 & 10, Ed.
Whitehouse, October 1994.
Garrity, C. and Ramseier, R.O., Remote sensing of ice-NEW
polynya, in Ed.: L. Fortier, The magnitude and fate of biogenic
carbon production in and outside the Northeast Water polynya:
recycling versus export to fish and deep waters, Report to NSERC
based on the NEW Workshop 10-12 March, Quebec City, Laval
University, 13-19, 1994.
Ramseier, R.O., Bochert, A., El Naggar, S.,Garrity, C., Geiger,
S., K nig, T., and Lahman, U., Remote sensing, The 1993
Northeast Water Expedition Scientific cruise report of RV
"Polarstern" Arctic cruises ARK IX/2 and 3, USCG "Polar Sea"
cruise NEWWP and the NEWLand Expedition, Alfred Wegener
Institute for Polar and Marine Research, 142, 28-55, 1994.
Garrity, C. and Ramseier, R.O., Airborne photography report in
support of the carp river clean-up project, tolboton township,
ottawa, canada, Township report, pp 71, 1998.
Field Experience
1979 Jun-Oct, Geochemistry, Uranium Analysis, Urangesellschaft
Canada Ltd., Lynn Lake, Manitoba.
1980-1 Jul-Aug, Uranium Exploration, Urangesellschaft Canada
Ltd., N.W.T..
1982 Jun-Aug, Hammer Seismic, Geological Survey of Canada,
Ontario, Manitoba, and N.W.T..
1983 Aug, Field training, Virboseis and Dynamite Seismic,
Chevron Standard Ltd., Alberta.
1984 Jul-Aug, Glacier Geophysics, Nackvak Fjord, Labrador
1985 Apr-May, Glacier Geophysics, Arctic Islands, N.W.T.
1986-9 Winters, Remote Sensing of Snow and Ice, St.
Lawrence River, U.S.A.
1987 Feb, Remote Sensing of sea ice, CCG Louis S. St-Laurent,
Gulf of St. Lawrence.
1987 Mar, Atmospheric Environment Service, Ice Centre, Ice
Reconnaissance Flights (Arctic Round Robin).
1987 May-Jun, Remote sensing of snow and sea-ice, German RV
"Polarstern", Greenland Sea.
1988 Mar, Dielectric properties of snow, Baltic experiment in
preparation for ERS-1, Swedish Icebreaker TOR, Gulf of Bothnia.
1989 Mar, Dielectric Properties of snow, CCG Sir John Franklin,
Labrador Sea.
1989 Apr-Jun, Remote sensing of snow and sea-ice, German RV
"Polarstern", Greenland and Barents Seas.
1989 Sep-Oct, Remote sensing of snow and sea-ice, German RV
"Polarstern", Weddell Sea, Antarctic.
1990 May, Dielectric properties of snow, SIMS, Resolute Bay,
1990 Jul-Aug, Remote sensing of snow and ice, German RV
"Polarstern", Greenland Sea.
1991 Aug-Sep, Remotes sensing of snow and ice, support of
navigation through sea-ice, International Arctic Ocean
Expedition, USCGC "Polar Star", Barents Sea.
1991 Oct-Nov, Line scan camera and passive microwave
measurements, German "Nordsee" platform, North Sea.
1992 May-Aug, Assessment of satellite ice products for ship
navigation in ice covered waters (as part of International
Space Year), Ship-based passive microwave transect across the
Weddell Sea supported by snow measurements, Winter Weddell
Sea Experiment, Antarctic.
1993 May-Aug, Helicopter remotes sensing isn support of
evaluation of ERS-1 SAR and scatterometer data, German RV
"Polarstern", Greenland Sea.
1994 Jul-Sep, Canadian/U.S. 1994 Arctic Ocean Section on the
Coast Guard ships, "Louis S. St-Laurent" and "Polar Sea",
North Pole.
1996-7 Nov-Jan, Operation and Training on the SeaSpace
TeraScan system for receiving SSM/I data in real-time, RV
"Polarstern", Antarctic Peninsula.
1997 may-jun, Line scan camera helicopter flights, snow
measurements and operation of the TeraScan system in
support of evaluation and improvement for the SSM/I 85 GHz
polaraization-based algorithm, RV "Polarstern", Greenland
1998. Apr-May, Ice Station SHEBA, operation of the TeraScan
system for receiving AVHRR images for scientific purposes,
Arctic Ocean.
1999. Mar-May, Installation and operation of the SeaSpace
TeraScan system for receiving and processing SeaWiFS data
in real-time, R.V. "Polarstern", Weddell Sea, Antarctic.