. Adept at Photoshop CS* and InDesign CS*
. Proficient with Eclipse for Windows and xCode for Mac
. Comfortable with Windows and Currently acclimating to Linux
. Languages: Java, C/C++, XML
. Currently Learning: Python, JavaScript
. Current Project: Loading and extracting data from webpages. Development
of Rapid Response Text Message System for Driving
COEN 20: Intro to Embedded Systems
Santa Clara University
. Class Objectives: To learn to code ARM processors using Assembly
Language and C
Currently Enrolled
Mobile Application Development
UC Santa Cruz Extension in Santa Clara
. Created a notepad app which stored and recalled content locally stored
. With Eclipse, created layouts using XML with functionality provided by
COEN 12: Data Structures in C
Santa Clara University
. Implemented graphs, trees, stacks, and queues and studied some of their
common uses
. Used Djisktra's and Prim's algorithms to create an MST as well as
connect a graph of 800 cities which could display the shortest path
from one city to another based off a text file.
Fall QRTR 2013
Skills & Courses
(Clubs and Activities in high school)
Summer 2012
Breakthrough Silicon Valley - Notre Dame High School
After School Math Teacher
. Planned and implemented weekly lessons and math related activities to
teach algebra to a group of 8 under-privileged and motivated middle
school students
. Took part in weekly meetings to discuss our progress as teachers and
our students' progress with math
Fall 2012 - Spring 2013
Cardinal Newspaper - Bellarmine College Preparatory
Graphical Layout Editor
. Used Adobe InDesign to create interesting visuals for a polished
. Used Adobe PhotoShop in order to create dynamic graphics for headlines
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA
Pursuing BS degree in Computer Science and Engineering
First Year student with Sophomore status, anticipated date of graduation:
Spring 2017
To obtain an internship at a tech company that utilizes my programming
skills and thirst to learn in order to gain experience in the field of
computer engineering.
Fall 2013 - Present
Hack for the Homeless - Santa Clara University
Community Feed
. Used and edited Bootstrap Framework to create a dynamic, visually
pleasing web page
. Worked in a team of 4 for 24 hrs to create a system for distributors of
food as well as donors of food ro connect with the people who needed
the food
Winter 2014
Winter 2011 - Winter 2013
760 Sequoia Drive
Sunnyvale, CA
Arman Elahi