Esme ral da Guti erre z
A l t PH: 28 1- 57 1- 49 70
Ext:2 0 6
Emai l : e sme ral dag3 6@yahoo.c om
Obj e c ti ve :
Se e king e mployment that wi ll al l ow me an opportuni ty to use my manage ment, admi nistrative and
me dic al trai ni ng.
Educ ati on:
Sandford Brown Col le ge
Admi ni strative M e di c al A ssi stant: 20 08 -2 00 9
De ans Profe ssi onal Se rvi c es:
Katy, TX 77 08 4
Date s Empl oye d: 0 9/ 1 3-1 2 /1 3
Posi ti on: Admi nistrative Assi stant
De sc ribe Re sponsi bi li tie s:
Responsi ble for assi sti ng i n al l c l eric al dutie s
Answe ri ng Phone s
Taki ng Appoi ntments
Col le cting Payme nts from al l De partme nts
Maki ng Bank De posi ts Dai ly
Kee p Rec ords of Al l Pati ents
Sort and Di stri bute Mai l for Al l De partme nts
Take Down Mi nutes from Al l Confe rence Me eti ngs
Type up Reports from Al l Me eti ngs for Board Me mbers
Make Copie s, Fi l e, Fax, Sc an Important Doc ume nts
Kee p Payroll Rec ords
A shford Park:
Houston, TX 77 08 2
Date s Empl oye d: 1 0/ 1 0-8 / 13
Posi ti on: Assi stant Manage r
De sc ribe Re sponsi bi li tie s:
Responsi ble for Col le cting and Posting Rent, Ensure Bank De posi ts are made Dai ly
Type up L ate Notic e s, Fi l e Evi c tions, Attend Evi c tion Court He arings
Show and L e ase Apartme nts
Assi st Resi de nts wi th Complai nts
Make Sure Al l Work Orde rs are Comple te d i n A Ti me ly Manne r
Pe rformed A dmi ni strati ve Duti es:
Type and Read Contrac ts To Ne w Resi de nts, Se nd Dai ly and Monthly Reports To Corporate
Offi c e, Cl ose out Ac c ounts, Se nd De li nquent Ac c ounts To Col le ctions
Posted Conce ssi ons, Type up Rene wal s for Current Resi de nts, Answe r Phone s, Fi l e, Fax, And
Sc an Doc ume nts
A A A Staff i ng A ge ncy:
Houstonon, TX 77 0 79
Dates Empl oyed: 07 /0 9-0 8 /10
Posi ti on: Assi stant Manage r/L e asi ng Age nt
De sc ribe Re sponsi bi li tie s:
L ocate d and L e ase d Apartme nts For Cl ie nts
Answe re d Phone s, Fi l ing, Marke ti ng, and Proce ssi ng Work Orde rs
Provided Customer Se rvic es to Resi de nts as Ne e de d
GRC Roofi ng:
Houston, TX 7 7 44 9
Dates Empl oyed:03 /0 6-0 5 /09
Posi ti on: Admi nistrative Assi stant
De sc ribe Re sponsi bi li tie s:
Typi ng Correspondence
Bookkee ping
Fi l ing, Answe ri ng Phone s, Contac ti ng Cl ie nts
Maki ng and Confi rmi ng Appoi ntments
Me eti ng wi th Potenti al Cl ie nts
Organi zi ng Pape rwork, Orde ring Suppli es, and Assi sti ng wi th Ti me shee ts and Payroll
Provided Admi nistrative Dutie s for Al l Cl ie nt Quote s
Wate rford A partme nts:
We bste r TX 7 75 98
Dates Empl oyed:07 /9 9-0 2 /06
Posi ti on: L e asi ng Age nt
De sc ribe Re sponsi bi li tie s:
Showed and L e ase d Apartme nts
Type Up and Read Apartme nts Contrac ts
Put i n Work Orde rs for Resi de nts
Fi l ing, Answe r Phone s, Sc heduli ng and Confi rmi ng Appoi ntments
Col le cting Rent, Post Rent
Provide Resi de nts wi th L e dge rs
Dates Empl oyed: 07 /9 9-0 2 /09
A dditi onal Ski l l s: Bil i ngual, Spe ak, Read, Wri te Spani sh Fl uently. Profi ci ent i n Word and Exc e l.