E uropass C urriculum Vitae
Personal information
Francesco Petrosino
First name / Surname
Addresses 5, piazza G. Matteotti, 84121, Salerno, Italy – 23,
Telephone +39 89 238690 Mobile +39-328-*******
Fax +39 89 238690
E-mail *********@*******.**; web: www.geogaia.it – Linkedin Francesco Petrosino
Nationality Italian
Date of birth 22.07.1968
Gender male
Occupational field Geologist - Gis Analyst - Hydrogeologist
Main Work experience
Dates 2013
Occupation or position held Geologist
Main activities and responsibilities Complete geological study for the rehabilitation of landslide areas in Novi Velia (Sa)- Italy
Name and address of employer Novi Velia Municipality
Dates 2012-2013
Occupation or position held Geologist – Gis Analyst
Main activities and responsibilities Seismic Microzonations, including gis analisys and mapping, for Campania municipalities areas
Name and address of employer National Dept. of Civil Protection
Dates 2011 - 2012
Geologist - Hydrogeologist
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities Field Director for the restoration of the regional piezometric monitoring network – industrial area of Tito– Pz - Italy
Name and address of employer Consorzio Asi -Tito Scalo ( Pz) Italy
Dates 2010
Geologist- GIS Analyst
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities Complete geological study, including gis analisys and mapping, for the rehabilitation of landslide areas in Fisciano
(sa) Italy
Name and address of employer Impresa Pierro -Fisciano - Italy
Dates 2009
Geologist - Hydrogeologist
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities Field Director for geological drilling, geothecnical In Situ tests and hydrogeological tests for the costruction of a
power plant ( TERNA) in Prata ( Av) Italy
Name and address of employer RCT S.R.L.- Milano - Italy
Dates 2008
Geologist - Gis Analyst - Hydrogeologist
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities Complete geological - hydrogeological - geomorphological – seismical - geotechnical study, including gis analisys
and mapping, for Cava dè Tirreni (Salerno) Municipality Urban Development
Name and address of employer Cava dé Tirreni Municipality (Sa) Italy
Dates 2007
Geologist - GIS Analyst - Hydrogeologist
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities Complete geological - hydrogeological - geomorphological – seismical – geotechnical, study including gis analisys
and mapping for Salerno Municipality for sewers plan.
Name and address of employer Hydrodata S.R.L.Torino (Italia)
Dates 2006 -2006
Geologist- GIS Analyst
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities GIS based analysis and geoenvironmental mapping for Mattinata ( Fg) Urban Development - Italy
Name and address of employer Dott. Geol. Cifelli - Salerno - Italy
Dates 1999 - 2001
Geologist - GIS Analyst
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities GIS based analysis and mapping of coastal erosion hazard for The Regional Basin Authority for Cilento Area - Italy
Name and address of employer C.U.G.RI - Salerno (Italia)
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Petrosino Francesco
Dates 2000 - 2013 onward
Geologist - Gis Analyst – Hydrogeologist -
Occupation or position held
Management of ground investigations: desk study (including walkover and survey), design and procurement, site
supervision and interpretative reporting, exploration and geological survey; GIS based analysis and mapping of
Main activities and responsibilities geoenvironmental hazard; geological geomorphological hydrogelogical mapping, geotechnical engineering,
geological logs analisys, stability assessment of soil & rock slopes including areas prone to landslides and seismic
hazard, engineering geological mapping of landslides, analysis of slope stability, assessment of suitability of soils
and rock;
Name and address of employer Studio G.A.I.A. ( www.geogaia.it) Salerno – Italy – Associated Geologists
Education and training
Dates 2007 - 2008
Title of qualification awarded Workshops
Principal subjects/occupational skills Landslides risk: theory, zoning and mitigation (2007)
covered Landslide Quantitative Risk Assessment: state of the art and perspectives (2008)
Name and type of organisation
LARAM International School – University of Salerno
providing education and training
Dates 2006-2007
Title of qualification awarded Postgraduate Fellowship
Principal subjects/occupational skills
Study of a GIS application in irrigation management / Surveys, field activity, G.I.S. analyst
Name and type of organisation
Department of Agricultural Engineering and Agronomy; University of Naples " Federico II" ITALY
providing education and training
Dates 1989-1994
Title of qualification awarded Geology degree ( Italian Laurea – Msc)
Principal subjects/occupational skills Geology, Geomorphology, Hydrogeology, Geological Survey, Cartography, Geotechincal Engeneering, Risk
covered Management.
Name and type of organisation
University of Naples "Federico II" - ITALY
providing education and training
Personal skills and competences
Mother tongue
Other languages
Understanding Speaking Writing
Spoken Spoken
Listening Reading
European level interaction production
Proficient Proficient Proficient Proficient Proficient
English C1 C1 C1 C1 C1
user user user user user
Independent Independent Independent Independent
Spanish B2 B2 B1 B1 A2 Basic user
user user user user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
team work, good communication skills, love to travel and easy adapting to multicultural environments.
Social skills and competences
On line Volunteer for URISA Gis Corps – DPRK project - Digitizer and QC
excellent knowledge of Windows and IOS Platform, Microsoft Office and Open Office, Esri Arcgis 10,gvSIG,
Computer skills and competences Autodesk Map and Raster Design, Geostru software for geology and geothecnics, GPS applications (Ozi
Explorer, Esri ArcPad), Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, etc..
Alfinito A., Adinolfi R., Negro D. Petrosino F.(2008) “Un esempio di difesa dall’erosione costiera e mitigazione del
Additional information danno indotto da interventi antropici lungo un piccolo tratto di spiaggia del Comune di Salerno” Atti Convegno
“Coste : Prevenire, Programma, Pianificare” – Maratea – 15-17/05/08 pag. 69,79 – Coastal erosion risk, hazard
mapping and engineering.
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Petrosino Francesco