Et han K yle Philpot
**** ** ** ***** * venue, Ti tusvi l l e, Fl ori da 32796 Emai l : ethan.phi l pot@gmai Cel l : 321-***-****
PUR POSE : To appl y experi ence as well as skill s i n materi al s sci ence and engi neeri ng and
technol ogy devel opment, i ncl udi ng the di sci pl i nes of cryogeni cs, corrosi on, and fail ure anal ysi s
PR IN C I PLE : I ntegri ty and Character are of the utmost i mportance. “ Whatever you do, work at i t
wi th al l your heart as i f worki ng f or the L ord, not f or man.” – Col ossi ans 3:23
Ti tusvill e, Fl ori da
T echnical L iaison, M ater ials E ngineer
Fl exur e Engi neer ing February 2013 – M ay 2013, October 2013 – March
• Built professional relationships with top-level aerospace engineers and lunar scientists while aiding in the assembly
of technical teams/special interest groups for the 4th Annual Lunar Science Applications workshop, including
preparation for a series of follow-on Lunar Science workshops
• Researched and compiled all potential sponsorship material while provi ding materi al s engi neeri ng support
Ti tusvill e, Fl ori da
L ead M ater ials E ngineer
XTher m LP, a subsi di ar y of Quantum I nnovati ve Technologi es M ay 2013 – September 2013
• Lead materi al s engi neer f or the devel opment of thermal i nsul ati on technol ogi es i n l ow temperature appl i cati ons
• Handled and developed busi ness rel ati onshi ps as technical point of contact w i th compani es such as J& J Trucki ng,
D unmore, and Y oung I ndustri es, often descri bi ng highl y technic al products to non-techni cal personnel
• Pl anned, prepared, and executed the i nsul ati on of a f aci li ty-l evel cyli ndri cal l i qui d ni trogen tank w i th a team of
N ASA engi neers at K ennedy Space Center
• Wrote and edited business plans/proposals for high-dollar investment opportunities (200,000 dollars+)
Washi ngton D.C.
M ar ine C or r osion Pr oject E ngineer
SAIC, Contr actor suppor ti ng NAVSEA (SEA21 AC) A ugust 2011 – October 2012
• Provi ded recommendati ons f or emergent corrosi on technol ogi es and mi ti gati ng strategi es as the SEA 21
techni cal l i ai son f or all surf ace shi p programs across the U.S. Navy, most notabl y L CS and L PD -17
• Calcul ated the external surf ace area and subsequent w ei ght savi ngs, ~0.3 metri c tons, of appl yi ng advanced
coati ng systems f or L CS-FREEDOM vari ant shi ps by uti l i zi ng shi p schematics
• Created numerous presentati ons f or the SEA 21 A C corrosi on control program manager and presented several
corrosi on-rel ated recommendati ons to the L CS Corrosi on Preventi on A dvi sory Team (CPAT)
Gai nesvil l e, FL
Resear cher at M icr ofabr itech F acility
Univer si ty of Flor i da January 2009 – December 2009
• I nvesti gated and produced el ectrol umi nescent devi ces as a volunteer researcher, targeting near i nf rared [ N I R]
emi ssi ons (900 to 1400 nm) for accel erated w ound heal i ng i n band ai ds
• Constructed devi ce l ayers by l earni ng, operati ng, and troubl eshooti ng speci al iz ed equi pment i ncl udi ng an
el ectron beam evaporator, oxi de sputter system, and opti cal bench; researched background theori es needed to
i mprove the output of emi ssi ons and extend devi ce l i f eti me
Cape Canaveral, FL
M ater ials F ailur e A nalysis L ab at N A SA -K SC
Kennedy Space Center, Mater i als Engi neer ing Inter nship June 2009 – A ugust 2009
• Perf ormed independent f ai l ure anal ysi s of a shattered ni ckel /stai nl ess steel burst di sk used i n a N ASA hydr ogen re-
f uel i ng tanker f or the Shuttl e, determi ni ng the cause of premature f ai l ure and the resul ti ng f ail ure mode
• Operated advanced i nstruments including an el ectron mi croscope, stereoscope, and metall ograph
• Compl eted a f inal report detai l i ng recommendati ons and presented findings before an advisory committee
Cape Canaveral, FL
A nalex C or por ation (Q inetiQ N or th A mer ica)
Kennedy Space Center, Engineer i ng Inter nship M ay – A ugust of 2006 & 2007
• D evel oped a f uncti onal program usi ng M A TL A B f or anal yzi ng characteri sti c vi brati on and f l i ght data on
Et han K yle Philpot
2725 Hi ll crest A venue, Ti tusvi l l e, Fl ori da 32796 Emai l : ethan.phi l pot@gmai Cel l : 321-***-****
unmanned rocket mi ssi ons
Personal and Professi onal Devel opment – A cqui red
Ski l l s/Trai ts
Fi rm beli ever i n sound engi neeri ng j udgment whil e remai ni ng open to creati ve or uni que sol uti ons
Famili ar wi th the demands and chall enges of a start-up technol ogy company
Prof i ci ent i n wri ti ng and edi ti ng busi ness pl ans/proposal s
Skill ed at buil di ng professi onal /busi ness rel ati onshi ps
Wel l -versed i n creati ng presentati ons as wel l as publi c speaki ng
Experi enced wi th project engi neeri ng and techni cal management
Constantl y seeki ng to coll aborate and l everage team and outsi de experti se f or better resul ts
Stephen M el som, L i nda Sti l es, Joe W el sh, E than Philpot, “ Fi ghti ng the W ar on Corrosi on f r om M ul ti pl e Fronts,”
M egarust and FM M S naval conferences, June 12-14 and September 18-19 (respecti vel y), 2012.
E than Philpot, “ U ti l i zi ng N I R emi ssi ons vi a A l ternati ng Current Thi n Fi l m El ectrol umi nescent [ A CTFEL ] devi ces
f or w ound dressi ng/accel erated w ound heali ng,” f i nal report prepared f or D r. Paul H oll ow ay of the U ni versi ty of
Fl ori da Materi al s Sci ence D epartment i n Gai nesvi l l e, FL, January 2010.
E than Philpot, “ Fai l ure A nal ysi s of a Shattered B urst D i sk f or a L i nde L i qui d H ydrogen Ref uel i ng Tanker,”
f i nal report prepared f or N ASA Materi al s Fai l ure A nal ysi s L ab at K ennedy Space Center, Fl ori da, A ugust 2009.
N A SA T eam Design Pr oject C hampion, Uni versi ty of Fl ori da M ateri al s Desi gn Team, Spri ng 2009
Researched, produced, and tested chl orhexi di ne-i mpregnated pol yester f or i mprovi ng the current cotton-based cl othi ng
f or astronauts on the I nternati onal Space Stati on. The test product w as over three ti mes more resi stant to the f ormati on
of bacteri a based on surf ace f i l m growt h.
M ater ials Design Pr oject C hampion, Uni versi ty of Fl ori da (Project Team L eader), Spri ng 2008
Responsi bl e f or the i niti al i dea (A cti ve Opti cal Camouf l age System) behi nd the proj ect, whi ch w as nomi nated by
department f acul ty. L ed the devel opment of a theoreti cal project proposal i ncl udi ng a component speci f i cati on l i st,
materi al s sel ecti on process, processi ng and f abri cati on techni ques, and cost anal ysi s. The f i nal product w as
theoreti cal but provi ded a real i sti c desi gn capabl e of camouf l agi ng i ndi vi dual s f r om approxim atel y 100 f eet or
more i n any envi ronment.
D ivision I T r ack and F ield A thlete, Uni versi ty of Fl ori da – UF Schol ar A thl ete and South Eastern Conf erence
A cademi c Honor Rol l Reci pi ent; contri buted to team success as 2010 Track and Fi el d SEC and N ati onal Champi ons.
U niversity of F lor ida – Bachel or of Sci ence i n M ateri al s Sci ence and Engi neeri ng, M i nor i n B usi ness
A dmi nistrati on, M ay 2010 Courses i ncl uded: Fail ure A nal y si s, Stabili ty of M ateri al s (Corrosi on), I nterfaci al
Engi neeri ng, Characteri zati on of M ateri al s, and M ateri al s Sel ecti on
• Compl eted a busi ness pl an w ri ti ng semi nar through the SBD C (Smal l Busi ness D ev el opment Center)
at U ni versi ty of Central Fl ori da
• Former member of N A CE (N ati onal A ssoci ati on of Corrosi on Engi neers) and A SN E (A meri can Soci ety of N aval
Engi neers)
SK I LL S: V i sual Basi c Computer Programmi ng, A dobe Photoshop, M i crosoft Off i ce, M i crosoft Pow er
Poi nt, I nspi rati on Sof tware (process mappi ng), Basecamp (cl oud computi ng), H i ghri se (business contacts)
V O L U N T EE R L E AD E R SH I P: L eader of FCA (Fell owshi p of Chri sti an A thl etes) at A stronaut H i gh School